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P Livingston/A Hume

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Never a New Years party passes without this old cherry. It's usually sung slurred (for obvious reasons), and although not absolutely "traditional", it is included here because it is now endemic to our culture.

A Guid New Year to Ane an' A'
P Livingston/A Hume.

A guid new year to ane an'a', an' mony may ye see.
An' during a' the years to come, oh happy may ye be.
An may ye ne'er hae time to mourn, to sigh, or shed a tear.
To ane an' a', baith great an' sma', a hearty guid new year.

Chorus   A guid new year to ane an'a', an' mony may ye see.
An' during a' the years to come, oh happy may ye be.

Oh time flies fast, he winna wait, my friend, for you or me.
He works his wonders day by day, and onward stilldoth flee.
Oh wha can tell when ilka ane, I see sae happy here,
Will meet again an' merry be, anither guid new year.

We twa hae baith been happy lang, we ran aboot the braes.
In yon wee cot beneath the tree, we spent our early days.
We ran aboot the burnie's side, the spot will aye be dear,
An' those that used to meet us there, we'll think on mony a year.

Now let us hope our years may be, as guid as they hae been
And trust we ne'er again may see, the sorrows we hae seen.
And let us wish that ane an' a', our friends baith far an' near,
May aye enjoy in times to come, a hearty guid new year.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.