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Robert Burns

Ay Waukin, O
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A love-struck Burns cannot get to sleep for thinking of his true love (but which of many?). (Waukin means being awake) In true Burns fashion, he turns the song with the last line, and cries himself to sleep. Good song, good tune.

Ay Waukin, O
By Robert Burns

Ay waukin, O,
Waukin an weary:
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie.
Ay waukin, O.

Simmer's a pleasant time:
Flowers of every colour,
The water rins owre the heugh,
And I long for my true lover.

When I sleep I dream,
When I wauk I'm eerie,
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie.

Lanely night comes on,
A' the lave are sleepin',
I think on my bonie lass,
And I bleer my een wi' greetin

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.