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Robert Tannahill

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Although not as prolific as Burns, Tannahill still wrote some of Scotlands best prose/lyrics. In his lifetime, he was consumed by deep depressions, contributing to his untimeley death. This song is a lusty lovers meeting; unknown to her father, Maggie quietly lets her storm-chased lover into her bedroom. I have heard many versions of this popular song, the best being by Dougie MacLean. (see links page).

Are You Sleepin’ Maggie?
Robert Tannahill 

Mirk and rainy is the nicht,
There's no' a staum in a' the carry
Lichtnin's gleam athwart the lift,
And cauld winds drive wi' winters fury.

Chorus: Oh, are ye sleeping Maggie
Oh, are ye sleeping Maggie 
Let me in, for loud the linn
Is howling ower the warlock Craigie. 

Fearfu' soughs the boortree bank,
The rifted wood roars wild and dreary
Loud the iron yett does clank,
The cry of hoolits mak's me eerie.

Abune ma breath, I daurnae speak,
For fear I rouse your waukrife Daddy
Cauld's the blast upon my cheek,
O rise, O rise my bonnie lady.

She's ope'd the door, she's let him in,
She's cuist aside his dreepin plaidie
Blaw yer warst ye rain and wind,
For Maggie noo I'm an aside ye.

Noo since your waukin' Maggie,
Noo since your waukin' Maggie,
What care I for hoolits cry,
For boortree bank or warlock Craigie

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.