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This song hails from Buchan; the Fraserburgh/Aberdeen corner of Scotland. It is a story of failed love/unwanted pregnancy/disgraced daughter. The usual stuff really.

Bogie's Bonnie Belle

As I cam in by Huntly toon, 
one morning tae fee
I fell in wi' Bogie Carnie, 
and wi' him did agree

Tae put his twa best horses, 
or mend his cairt and plough
Or any other farmwork 
that I should chance to know

Bogie had a daughter, 
her name was Isobel
The lily o' the valley, 
and the primrose o' the dell

When she went out walking, 
she took me for her guide
Doon by the burn o' Cairney, 
to see the fishes glide

When three months were past and gone, 
my lassie lost her bloom
The red fell frae her rosy cheeks, 
her eyes began to swoon

When nine months were past and over, 
and she'd gotten me a son
I was courtly sent for, 
to see what could be done

When I said that I would marry her, 
Bogie said that would'na do
You're no match for my wee belle, 
and she's no match for you

For she's going tae marry a tinkler lad, 
he comes from Huntly toon
He mends pots and pans and jerry cans 
and scours the country roon

Maybe she got a better lad, 
old Bogie canna tell
So farewell ye lads o' Huntly side, 
and Bogie's bonnie belle.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.