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A plea for the release of Viscount Dundee from his Edinburgh Jail. The last verse says; "You've no seen the last o' my bonnets and me!" A victorious Viscount Dundee was mortally wounded at Killiekrankie, whether it was the same one, perhaps someone else can tell me?

Bonnie Dundee

To the Lords of convention 'twas Claverhouse spoke
'Ere the kings crown shall fall there are crowns to be broke
Then each cavalier who loves honour and me
Let him follow the bonnet of bonnie Dundee

Come fill up my cup come fill up my can
Come saddle your horses and call out your men
Unhook the west port and let us gang free
And it's room for the bonnets of bonnie Dundee

Dundee he is mounted, he rides up the street
The bells are rung backwards, the drums they are beat
But the provost, douce man, said"Just e'en let him be
For the town is well rid o' that devil Dundee"


There are hills beyond Pentland, and lands beyond Forth
Be there lords in the lowlands, they've chiefs in the north
There are wild du-ni-was-sals, three thousand times three
Who'll cry "Hoi" for the bonnets of bonny Dundee

(Instrumental break)

Then away to the hills, to the caves, to the rocks
Ere I own a usurper, I'll crouch wi' the fox
And tremble false whigs, in the midst o' your glee
For you've no' seen the last o' my bonnets and me


Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.