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I'll confess to knowing nothing about this song at all, except that since the ship sails from Halifax (Nova Scotia), I can assume that it is perhaps more Canadian/American in origin than British.


On St. Patrick's Day, the seventeenth, 
From New York we set sail. 
Kind fortune did favour us 
With a sweet and pleasant gale, 
We bore away from Americay 
The wind being off the land. 
With courage brave we ploughed the wave 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

Our captain's name was Nelson 
Just twenty years of age. 
As true, as brave a sailor lad 
As ever ploughed a wave, 
The Eveline our brig was called 
Belonging to McLean; 
With courage brave we ploughed the wave 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

When three days out, to our surprise, 
Our captain he fell sick. 
And shorthly was not able 
To show himself on deck. 
The fever raged, which made us fear 
That death was near at hand 
We bore away from Halifax 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

We made the land, but knew it not 
For strangers we were all; 
Our captain was not able 
To come on deck at all. 
Then we were obliged to haul 
Our brig from off the land 
With laden hearts we put to sea 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

All that long night we ran our brig 
Till none o'clock next day. 
Our captain, on the point of death, 
To our record did say, 
"We'll bear away for Cape Canso 
Now, boys, come lend a hand 
And trim your topsail to the wind 
Bound down for Newfoundland." 

At three o'clock we sighted a light 
Which we were glad to see. 
The smallpox it being raging 
(That's what it proved to be) 
And at four o'clock in the afternoon 
As judge as God's command 
We anchored her safe in Arichat 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

And for help and medicine 
Ashore then we did go. 
Our captain on the point of death 
Our sympathy to show, 
At five o'clock in the afternoon 
As judge as God's command 
In Arichat he breathed his last 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

All that ling night we did lament 
For our departed friend 
And we were praying unto God 
For what had been his end. 
We'll pray the God will guide us 
And keep us by his hand 
And give us fair wind while at sea 
Bound down for Newfoundland. 

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.