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A good song which tries to do justice to the horror of the Glencoe Massacre. In 1692, the English King; William of Orange, pressed claim to the Scottish throne, and decided that all clan leaders should sign an oath of loyalty. MacIan of Glencoe was 6 days late (supposedly sent to the wrong place) and a detachment of Cambells, and some other soldiers (under orders of the King) were sent into Glencoe. They stayed, feasted and were entertained for 2 weeks, then at 5 am, on the morning of 13th feb, 1692, they fell apon their hosts, killing men, women and children in the King's name. Around forty of the clan were slain, and probably the same perished in the blizzard conditions. I need say no more.

The Battle of Glencoe

Cruel is the snow, that sweeps Glencoe,
And covers the grave o' Donald.
Cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe,
And murdered the house o' MacDonald.

They came in a blizzard, we offered them heat,
A roof o'er their heads, dry shoes for their feet.
We wined them and dined them; they ate of our meat,
Then they slept in the house of MacDonald.

They came in the night when our men were asleep,
This band o' Argyles, through snow, soft and deep.
Like murdering foxes, amoungst helpless sheep,
They slaughtered the house of MacDonald.

They came from Fort William, with murder in mind,
The Campbell's had orders, King William had signed;
"Put a' ta the sword." these words underlined,
"And leave none alive called MacDonald."

Some died in their beds at the hands of the foe,
Some fled in the night and were lost in the snow.
Some left tae accuse o' whae struck the first blow,
But gone was the house of MacDonald.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.