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I enclude the lyrics here for anyone who knows the tune. I don't, but the lyrics are very good.

The Bonnets of Blue I'll sing ye a song in praise o' that land Whaur the snaw never melts on her mountains sae grand Whaur the sweet purple heather it covers the bens And the thistle grows green in her valleys and glens I'll sing o' that hardy intelligent race Wha's valorous deeds time can never efface And wha's sires the Romans could never subdue I'll sing o' the lads wi' the bonnets o' blue Chorus Then hurrah for the tartan, the kilt and the plaid Then hurrah for the claymore they wear by their side And hurrah for the hearts aye sae trusty and true Success tae the lads wi' the bonnets o' blue Wha' hasna' heard o' the year forty-five When Charlie for Scotland sae nobly did strive And wha' hasna' sighed for the heroes sae brave Wha' fought at Culloden, a glorious grave Their thousands they offered for Charlies fair heid But they werna' men for the dastardly deed They might torture them, hang them, starve them tis true But nae traitors were there 'mang the bonnets of blue Ye'll hae heard how in Egypt, Napoleon the great Turned oor brave army on as he thought to their fate And how fairly bewildered he gazed when he saw The gallant advance o' the brave forty-twa And o' how that he boasted invincible corps Turned tail at the glint o' each gleamin' claymore And o' how his auld guardsmen at famed Waterloo They ran frae the charge o' the bonnets o' blue Swift was the terrible march o' the gael The men wha were never known how to fail Hard was the stroke o' each trusty claymore When relieving Lucknow or avenging Cawnpore King Edward kens aye, kens braw and weel That his ain kilty lads are as true as their steel And whenever there's dangerous work for to do He sends for the lads wi' the bonnets o' blue

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.