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Good rowdy tune, and fits well with bodhran. Boy has fun with girl, can't face the consequences of his actions, and pisses off smartish back to sea. Nothing more to say; another Corries favorite.

Blow Ye Winds

Blow ye winds in the morning, 
Blow ye winds aye oh.
Clear away the running gear 
and blow, boys, blow.

As I gan oot one morning fair, 
to view the meadows round.
Ah there I saw a pretty maid, 
come tripping o'er the ground.


My father has a milk white steed, 
he keeps it in the store.
It winna eat it's hay or feed 
and it winna go at all.


I told my tale unto the maid, 
she laughed right in my face,
So I took her off to the horse's stall, 
and put her in the horse's place.


She said "This is an awful way, 
to treat a maiden so!"
But e'er next week we'll marry 
and to sea with you I'll go.


She dressed up in her sunday best
to meet me in the church.
But my lugger sailed the night before, 
and I left her in the


To my father's farm I can't go back, 
for fear she will be there.
For the marriage game is not for me, 
to that I roundly swear.


Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.