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The Enniskillin Dragoons were an Irish cavalry unit drafted into the British army, and distinguished themselves at many a battle, including campaigns in Spain (mentioned in the song) with Wellington and at Waterloo in 1815. However, the song itself is light and airy and the lyrics not in the least deep and meaningful.

The Enniskillin Dragoons Chorus Fare thee well Eniskillin, fare thee well for a while, And around the borders of Erin’s green Isle, And when the war is over we’ll return in full bloom, And we’ll all welcome home our Enniskillin Dragoons. Our troops were made ready at the dawning of the day From lovely Enniskillin, they were marching away. They put us on board a ship to cross the raging main, And to fight a cruel battle in the sunny lands of Spain. Oh Spain is a gallant land where ale and wine flow free There’s lots of lovely women there to dangle on your knee. And often in a tavern there, we’d make the rafters ring When every soldier in the house would raise his glass and sing; Well we fought for Ireland’s glory there and many a man did fall From musket and from bayonet and from thundering cannonball. And many a foeman we laid low amid the battle throng, And when we prepared for action, you would often hear this song

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.