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The story of Hector MacDonald is too great to place here, but suffice that he joined the army as a private soldier, and through one courageous act after another, was first given a commission, then steadily promoted to Major General and knighted by Queen Victoria. The "Fighting Mac" served in the Boer war and in the Sudan, but his life ended in tragedy. He was accused of homosexuality (possibly by jealous peers) and rather than return to face charges in Ceylon, he shot himself in a Paris hotel. The lyrics below, I found in some dark recessed place, and I added my own chorus. Go here Hector MacDonald. for much more detailed information.

Hector MacDonald

Away far in the heart of the highlands
Where eagles arise on the wings of the morn
There stands the wee cot of a poor humble crofter
Where Scotland's great hero, young Hector, was born
And there in the bright days of boyhood he wandered
Up on the mountains and down through the glen
While deeply and fondly the young hero pondered
On Scotland's great soldiers and brave Highlandmen

Oh Hector, just how could we know?
How quickly your legend would grow.
The nation is now in your debt,
But how quickly the people forget.

The morning of youth with its bright visions bore him
Far away from the home where so happy he'd been
Inspired by the deeds of his fathers before him
Resolved him to fight for his country and Queen
And soon from the ranks of the army he bounded
For he was a true born soldier of war
And when the fierce Afghans, his small force surrounded
He drove them before him to wild Kandahar


In countries far scattered we read his life's story
'Tis linked with the triumphs that Britons can claim
Omdurman's the gem, in his great roll of glory
It added the crown to his world-wide fame
And now the great soldier's brave soul has departed
His great lion heart is at rest in the grave
Oh God; for to think that he died broken hearted
Oh sleep, noble hero, the sleep of the brave

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.