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Robert Burns


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Highland Harry

O, for him back again!
O, for him back again!
I would gie a' Knockhaspie's land 
For highland Harry back again.

My Harry was a gallant blade,
How stately strade he ower the plain,
But now he's banished far awa'
I'll never see him back again.

When a' the lave gaed to their bed
I wander dowie up the glen,
I set me down an' greet my fill,
And aye I wish him back again.

O' were some villains hangit high, 
And ilka body had their ain,
Then I might see the joyfu' sicht,
My highland Harry back again.

Sad was the day, and sad the hour
He left me in his native plain,
And rush'd his much wrong'd prince to join
But o' he'll ne'er come back again

Strong was my Harry's arm in war,
Unmatched on a' Culloden's plain
But vengance marked him for her ain;
I'll never see him back again.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.