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A clever song, with a good hearty tune, which inspires Scots all over the world. But all is not 'right' with the lyrics. At first we have a small English victory, and the Scots have to gracefully retreat, then we regroup, charge over the hills and rout the English army. oh dear, how we Scots can conveniently forget the truth. firstly, the songwriter took a crushing English victory and turned it into this first 'rude' English attack. Then he takes a nondecript Scottish victory, some years before, and mutates it into Cromwell's defeat. (Cromwell totally subjugated Scotland in the late 1600's). "But it's a good song!"

The Haughs of Cromdale

As I came in by Auchindoun, 
just a wee bit frae the toon
To the Hielands I was bound, 
to view the Haughs o' Cromdale

I met a man wi tartan trews, 
I speared at him what wis the news
He said the Hieland army rues, 
they ever came to Cromdale

We were in bed, sir, every man, 
when the English host apon us cam
A bloody battle then began, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The English horse, they were so rude, 
they bathed their hooves in Hielan' blood
But oor brave clans, they boldly stood, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

But alas we could no longer stay, 
and o'er the hills we cam away
And sare we do lament the day, 
that e'er we cam tae Cromdale

The great Montrose he there did say, 
can you direct the nearestway
For I'll gang o'er the hills this day, 
to view the Haughs o' Cromdale

Alas my Lord, ye're no sae strang, 
ye scarcely hae twa thousandmen
There's twenty thousand on the plain,  
rank and file on Cromdale

But thus the great Montrose did say, 
just direct the nearest way
For I'll gang o'er the hills this day, 
to see the Haughs o' Cromdale

They were at dinner, every man, 
when great Montrose apon them cam
A second battle then began, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The Grant, McKenzie and MacKay, 
as Montrose they did espy
Then they fought most valiantly, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The MacDonalds they returned again, 
the Camerons did their standard join
McIntosh played a bloody game, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The McGregors fought like lions bold, 
McPhersons none could them control
McLaughlans fought like loyal souls, 
apon the Haughs o'Cromdale

McLeans, MacDougalls and McNeils, 
so boldly as they took the field
And made their enemy's to yield, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The Gordons boldly did advance, 
the Frasers fought wi sword and lance
The Grahams they made the heids to dance, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

The loyal Stuarts wi' Montrose, 
so boldly set apon their foes
And laid them low wi' Hieland blows, 
laid them low on Cromdale

Of twenty thousand Cromwell's men, 
a thousand fled to Aberdeen
The rest of them lie on the plain, 
apon the Haughs o' Cromdale

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.