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Robert Burns

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A tragic love story, but this time with a twist. In the small village of Kirconnel, which lies in the hills south of Glasgow, a man is walking along the river Nith, with his girlfriend, Helen. His enemy comes across them and shoots at him, but she's moved in front of him, and the bullet hits her. Before the man can reload, he's accosted by the irate lover who cuts him into small pieces. A nasty piece of work, but as I said before, the twist is.... the story appears to be true. From what I have gleaned from the singers who perform this, it does seem to have been a true story. The gentleman concerned, having made such a meal of killing his enemy, had to leave the country to avoid murder charges, and spent the rest of his life as a merchant sailor. For the rest of his life, his dreams are haunted by Helen, asking him to join her in death. Legend says that he came home to Kirkconnel when he was very old, and visited Helen's graveside. A great story; a good simple song with a great dirgey, mournful tune.

Helen of Kirkconnel
By Robert Burns

O, that I were where Helen lies
Night and day on me she cries
O, that I were where Helen lies
On fair Kirkconnel lee

O, Helen fair, beyond compare
I'll make a garland o' thy hair
Shall bind my heart for evermair
Until the day I die

Curs'd be the heart that thought the thought
And curs'd the hand that fired the shot
Into my arms my Helen drop't
And died for sake of me

O think na but my heart was sair
My love fell down and spak' nae mair
I laid her doon wi' meikle care
On fair Kirkconnel lee

I laid her doon, my sword did draw
Stern was our strife in Kirtleshaw,
I hew'd him doon in pieces sma'
For her that died for me

O that I were where Helen lies,
Night and day on me she cries,
Out of my bed, she bids me rise,
O come, love, come to me.

O Helen fair, O Helen chaste,
Were I with thee I would be blest
Where thou liest low, and tak'st thy rest
On fair Kirkconnell lea

I wish I were where Helen lies
Night and day on me she cries
I'm sick of all beneath the skies,
Since my love died for me.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.