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The first picture was taken on Dec. 28, 2002 at my brother's house. 

On Dec. 31, 2005, we were once again at my brother's house,
so we arranged the kids in about the same places and took the picture again.

Left to Right - Front to Back
Robin Gillman, Meghan Gillman,
Daniel Settles, Jonah Cottrell, Alex (Alexandra) Cottrell,
Rebecca Cottrell and Erin Gillman
Dec. 28, 2002


Original Picture

After Editing

Dec. 31, 2005

I originally took 3 photos this time and decided to edit one of the originals.
While fun, editing a picture sure is time consuming!
Can you find the differences besides the picture has been cropped?
3 differences are obvious but there are others you probably can't see in the pictures posted here.

3 obvious differences are:  (1)the sign is missing (2)Alex (the girl in the center back) is smiling, (3)Daniel’s (boy in front) bangs are fixed.

Other changes:  In removing the sign, I had to fix Robin’s (girl front left) shoulder and Meghan’s (behind Robin) knee. 
I removed some stray hair from Alex’s forehead.  I fixed some stray hair around Erin’s (girl back right) head and shoulder
and removed the glare from her glasses.  Copied some of Jonah’s (behind Daniel) shirt to remove some of Daniel’s stray hair.
Rebecca (front right) is the only one I didn’t change.

New things I learned:  How to use the gradient tool (removing the sign),
copying from one picture to another (Alex’s head), and using the blur tool (various places). 
I’m still trying to get the hang of the clone tool.