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1st. Shubenacadie Troop Code of Conduct

(summarized version, for full copy please contact your leaders)



At the beginning of each scouting year there is a series of discussions held between the leaders and the youth of all scout troops. These discussions centre on the principles of scouting and what is involved in being a scout. The understanding of these principles is a requirement for investiture. While the format of the weekly meetings and the activities embarked on will vary from troop to troop, the underlying beliefs and guidelines surrounding the conduct of the meetings and other activities remains the same. The leadership team in Shubenacadie will strive to ensure the youth have a scouting year that is fun and full of adventure. For their part, the youth are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, responsible and polite manner.

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to clearly define the behaviour expected from the youth. These expectations are consistent with the underlying beliefs stated in the Promise and Law. This document also establishes a set of disciplinary actions that are a consequences for any failure to abide y the Code of Conduct.

Dress Code

The Scout uniform is a symbol of pride and defines a relationship with an organization with roots in fun, learning, cooperation, and respect. Proper wearing of the uniform permits the youth to develop a sense of pride and identity as a team member. The uniform is to be worn at regular meetings and other special events. The official Scouts Canada uniform consists of regulation tan shirt, neckerchief, woggle, sash and navy pants.


In order to foster a cooperative and team based environment it is important that the entire team be present for all scheduled activities. This applies to regular meetings, camps, and Area events. It is expected that all youth will make a reasonable attempt to attend extracurricular events.


The guiding principles of Scouting dictate that the youth should be polite and considerate. The use of offensive or vulgar language and inappropriate gestures or hand signs contradicts these principles and is not permitted. The use of suitable language or inappropriate gesturing will be dealt with according to the discipline section of this document.

Name Calling

Name calling is a clear indication of a lack of self respect and lack of respect for others. Verbal attacks on any member of the Scout Troop cannot be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the discipline section of this document.

Disruptive Behaviour

No Scout has the right to disrupt Troop activities at the expense of the enjoyment of any member of the Troop. Every member of the Troop has the right to be treated with respect and dignity by their fellow Scouts and adult leaders. Continual interruptions during the formal portions of the meetings frustrate ant attempts to move the meeting along. During the course of a meeting if a youth receives three reminders to stop disrupting the activities it will be dealt with according to the discipline section of this document.

Fighting, Threats of Physical Violence and Sexual Harassment

Fighting, threatening, sexually inappropriate behaviour or making inappropriate sexually harassing comments constitute a major violation of the expected behaviour of a member of the Scouting organization. This type of behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate suspension of the youth involved. The discipline will be administered as if the offence is a third offence. Subsequent violations will be dealt with on an individual basis.


The discipline will be administered as follows:

1st. Offence The incident will be discussed with the youth and documented in a Behaviour Report. A leader will give a verbal warning to the youth.
2nd. Offence The incident will be discussed with the youth and documented in a Behaviour Report. A leader will phone the youth's parents and discuss the incident. The youth will be suspended from the next regular Wednesday night meeting.
3rd. Offence The incident will be discussed with the youth and documented in a Behaviour Report. A leader will phone the youth's parents and discuss the incident. The youth will be suspended from the next regular Wednesday night meeting, as well as the next extracurricular activity.

Subsequent offences will be dealt with in consultation with the parents of the youth. A Scout who repeatedly violates Troop rules and shows no indication of correcting the inappropriate behaviour may be expelled from the Troop.