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MNN. April 10, 2006. Did you ever look at the hijinks of the colonial governments and their agents, and think, “Is this crazy, or what? It doesn’t make sense”. Well, your instincts were right on. As George Harrison of the Beatles said in 1975, “They’re all completely mad. Madmen are running this planet”. Harrison dropped out of the whole thing and became a Hara Krishna. Every time we turn around, they’re wreaking havoc and mayhem for us Indigenous people and others they consider to be weak and powerless.

That’s because the colonial empires were built by “HCP” personalities. This is a “High Conflict Personality” disorder. They need this to keep everything they stole from us and for us to stop asking for it back. They have to scare us, threaten us when they think we’re asking too many questions and show us who’s the boss. The Six Nations people are completely in the right. We have an airtight case. The Haldimand Tract is ours. We’ve been trying to collect our rents and leases for over 200 years. They’re screaming and hysterically mad at us over this.

In this kind of diseased colonial society, anyone who isn’t sick gets pushed aside. They do not want sane people. For example, we had a negotiator during the Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990. Canada and Quebec sent in John Ciaccia, who was reasonable and sane. They kicked him out and replaced him with people who fit the HCP prototype, Bernard Roy and Alex Patterson. We were reasonable. They were not. Negotiations broke down. One of the prime problems in dealing with HCP types is that you cannot negotiate a fair or legal solution. They just won’t have it.

We’ve been dealing with these HCP’s from day one. They won’t listen. They just scream, snarl and try to scare us because they know they’re wrong. They run around and get court injunctions, the police and army to surround us, point their guns at us and try to beat us into submission or kill us. They’re trying to haul us into their jails, hospitals and body bags, as if this will change the truth of the issue.

We have over the top extreme narcissists here occupying our land. They think they’re superior and smarter, “So you better listen to us and do as we tell you”, they say to us. One minute they act like they love us, the next they’re attacking us. The whole time they’re making plans to lie, hurt and control us. Yes, they’re having a hard time colonizing us. They’re beginning to run out of strategies. We just won’t’ listen to or fear them.

What we need to do is have them turn over all the settlers to us. They too have had enough of their corrupt governors and peons. We Rotino’shon:we/Iroquois should open the flood gates and let them join us. Many are willing to live by the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law. It’s meant to be spread throughout the world. We don’t fear them. We’ve resisted from day one. The Great Law tells us to do that.

As Bill Eddy, author of High Conflict People in Legal Disputes from San Diego California, says, they’re sick, the same as “a diabetic or an alcoholic” or a cancer eating away at the fabric of society. The Great Law is all about governance. Eddy says there is a way to deal with these sick people. The Six Nations people have been using our heads and haven’t shown anger, which would escalate the situation. We’ve stood our ground and made boundaries, like drawing a black line on the road. Sometime in the future we’re going to draw a big black line around Turtle Island. And the settlers are going to help us. “Don’t come over that line, or else”, we’ll tell the oligarchs.

One thing we haven’t done is given them our ear in empathy, attention and respect. These are nutty people who should be in a loony bin. We just don’t agree with their twisted logic. Neither do a lot of people in their own society that they’ve been bullying. “HCP’s get into a lot of … trouble because they think they’re right and their solutions are the only correct answers”, Eddy explains. Look at Bush, who’s going to start a war with Iran by throwing some nuclear bombs at them! They won’t negotiate. “It’s my way or the highway”. They idealize megalomaniacs like Bush and Donald Trump. Could anything be crazier?

Eddy says the direct approach never works with these high conflict types. He recommends that we don’t take things personally and keep our sense of humor.

The Six Nations people have everything we need to prove the merits of our situation to these troubled people. So what more can we do? These people are parasites. They live on other people’s energy. There is a cure for this disease - give us back everything you HCP’s stole from us.

An HCP will never see things our way even though all the evidence shows that they are wrong. We have seen that with the “orders” their courts keep churning out. Today there are so many laws coming at us from every direction. They keep inventing more and more. There are just too many. It’s all about creating the police state so everyone can be charged, arrested and jailed. They can turn anyone into a criminal at a moment’s notice. Anyone can land in their jails, not just Indigenous people. We cannot reason with an HCP. They are profoundly amoral. They have no empathy.

We constantly have our back up as they come close to us and start throwing their court orders and menacing sheriffs with their Tonto’s tagging along beside them. Their bought-and-sold Indian cops working for the ‘Oh-poo-poo’ give us stories about not wanting to hurt us. We know there’s nothing they’d like better than to kill us. They tell us their court order says they can do this legally. We know it’s all baloney.

There is another way for us and all you settlers. It’s called the Kaianereh’ko:wa. That’s what Dekanawida wanted us to do.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
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