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MNN. July 3, 2006. There is something to be learned from the time before the Five Nations Rotino’shon:ni/ Iroquois Confederacy of Northeastern Turtle Island came into existence. There was an evil man whose head was full of serpents like Medusa. He was called the “Atotarho”. Each one of these serpents had a head which wreaked havoc, domination, disorder, control and death. In order to bring about the Great Peace, Dekanawida and Ayonwatha had to comb the serpents out of his hair. That was how that man became clean-headed and clean-minded. Later, he became the chairman of the Five Nations Confederacy.

Today weird animals and strange characters are still among us.

Just when we had the Canadian rat in the corner, along comes a multi headed creature for us to deal with. Today the colonial society around us is controlled by their serpents which all have the same tail. The monster is commonly called the “Corporation”. One head controls the money of the world. Another controls politics and the politicians. Another controls the military and enforcement agencies. Another controls the intelligence and espionage agencies of the world. They all work out of one mind, if you can consider the conglomeration of knee jerk reactions that directs them a “thought process”. This multi headed monster seeks control over the entire globe. We recognize it because we have been dealing with this abomination in all kinds of incarnations since the time of first contact.

The northeastern United States “establishment” who think they “rule the world” are on Rotino’shon:ni land. They are not native to Turtle Island. Most of them attend the same ivy league universities and belong to the same secret ancient European societies. The goal of these institutions is for this elite to dominate the entire world. When the settlers came here they brought the multi headed monster onto our land. It’s one of the most pernicious and least easily recognized plagues that has been imported along with small pox and the other diseases that ravaged our people.

In the past we combed the serpents out of the Adodarho’ hair. We worked on doing the same when the Europeans arrived. In a society where there are no combs, taking the serpents out of the hair of its evil leadership is difficult, to say the least. One of the main problems is that people start to emulate the serpents. They want to take root in our soil and they try to own and control everything. We Indigenous people of Turtle Island know that creation does not want this to happen. Diversity is the very essence of nature’s richness. This land has been a sanctuary for us and others from all over the world. Many of the dispossessed and oppressed have come here for protection. Unfortunately, crossing the ocean did not make it possible to escape the exploitative mentality that oppressed them in their home countries. In other words, the whole tangled mess arrived here on our shores all mixed up together.

Most of us were killed as the multi headed monster attempted to take root here. It will, of course, never achieve the domination it seeks. Our law is part of the natural law. Nature is diverse. It requires many forms of intelligence. If it tries to live on only one brain, the way the colonizers want, it will collapse. That vision is an absurdity. It cannot survive. But this doesn’t stop them from trying.

For the last couple of centuries the monster has been engaged in a persistent battle against us Indigenous people trying to establish its serpents on Rotino’shon:ni/Iroquois land. It has imagined all sorts of power structures into existence in an attempt to enslave and oppress everyone. It pretends that power is centered in New York, southern Ontario, southern Quebec, the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.

The serpents have nested in the United Nations and their eggs are hatching there.

People have forgotten that the United Nations can trace its origin to the our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law. the UN charter is based on the U.S. Constitution with its statement that all humans are equal. The U.S. Constitution is based on our Constitution that united the original 5 nations, the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca on terms of equality and mutual respect.

The original design of international unity and cooperation is being forgotten. This is happening right on our land. This is why we have a special responsibility. The responsibility is shared by everyone in the world. For us it goes right to the heart of who we are, who our ancestors were and of what our future generations want to be.

The tentacles of this multi headed monster are like an octopus that is trying to grab all our land and suffocate everything. This monster wants to wrap its tentacles around the Rotino’shon:ni and crush each of our nations out of existence. They are having a very difficult time. We are resisting and this has enraged the monster.

Today most of the more powerful members of the UN are not nations. They’re states that have taken over other people’s territories and resources. There is no equality. Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Germany and Russia all want to suppress the true owners of the lands, the Indigenous people, everywhere in the world.

This multi headed monster is actually under the power of a small group of financiers who are bent on world domination, conquest and control. These institutions prosper the most in times of turmoil, war, recession and depression. They have not found a way to fully control the minds of humans who will always have a natural desire to be free. No matter how much they try to oppress, the will to live is always there. It is part of the ka-sa-sten-sera kowa sa-o-ie-ra This attempt to either enslave us or kill those who oppose them is what we are up against.

They do best at a time when the masses suffer the most. They can only grasp the possessions of others and maintain control when they have breathing bodies to turn into slaves. So they create times of turmoil, death, war and conflict. If there were no suffering, there would be no profit for them. We only have to look in our own Indigenous communities. When we see a few prospering, it means someone else is not getting anything.

The United Nations serpent wants more control over us. Our ancestors always encouraged us to use our minds to be strong free-thinking people. Not a controlled people with minds controlled by a few outsiders. They fear us when we exercise our minds and our rights. Then our bodies and our nations become strong. We can become unified and take control of our land, resources and lives. When our people are assembled, we will all contribute to the resolution because each has brought something unique to give. The answers to our problems are inside the minds of our people. This UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights is a stumbling block that has been thrown on our path to prevent us from building a road to freedom.

We the Indigenous people know we have always been here and will continue to be part of this land. Despite what the UN says, this declaration is a continuation of the Papal Bull “right of discovery”. It’s a hoax enforced on us at gunpoint. The UN Declaration is telling us, “the rights you have are the right we say you have. ”. None of these rights are based upon natural law.

The Indigenous people have told Canada, “Canada, you have a problem. We own everything”. Corporate entities want Canada to tell us to “shut up”, and that we own nothing. In the future they will try to decide who Indigenous people are. They’ve been categorizing us for a long time and putting our DNA into their data banks. Soon we may see small checks being send to us with a note asking us to sign away our interest in our lands, resources and identities. The very fact that they are trying to pay us proves that we have ownership rights.

The UN as it presently stands has been co-opted by the corporate multi headed monster. Either people do not understand the true spirit of the real United Nations, or they don’t want it to work. The idea of the real United Nations came out of the minds of the indigenous people. We had an understanding of how it worked. Dekanawida united us so that all nations were equal and dedicated to peace without suppression, to natural morality and to enhance the will to survive as free independent people.

This new UN Declaration seeks to set up the new “Bureau of World Indigenous Affairs” to control us, our lands and our resources, with control centralized somewhere far away from the Indigenous People. What it wants is a “United Multinational Corporations of the World”, made up of serpents such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, World Trade Organization, the Vatican, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Exxon, Shell and the American energy-industrial-military-pharmaceutical complex. It wants to make decisions based solely on profit for a few. What will be the power of this World Indigenous Affairs? The multi headed serpent wants to have the last word on our lives, our lands and our resources. They want total control ‘over’ us that cannot be challenged.

What path should we follow? We have to realize that we are being controlled according to the monster’s wishes, wants and desires. They do not want things to be left in their most natural way.

Is there a way out? The monster will cease to exist when the people start exercising our freedom to think and to assert our individual and collective sovereignty. This will take the harness off our people. No longer will a few individuals be in control. It will start the process of bringing all of life back into health and harmony.

They expect us to be compliant by making us think that this Declaration is giving us something. We are not being told that we are merely getting those rights that are in all the other UN conventions which are being routinely and habitually violated. The Rotino'shon:ni should declare that we will not go along with this and that we demand that Canada and the U.S. live up to the original relationship, which is nation-to-nation.

The settlers who occupy our land are being controlled by the big UN multi headed serpent which is setting the agenda. How do we deal with this monster and all its heads? Dekanawida and Ayonwatha, who brought the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law to us, taught people to work together in unity and peace. They brought reconciliation between warring nations. There was genuine harmony created among the people. Nobody was better than anybody else. We learned that our representatives were to speak on our behalf. Unlike European representatives they were not leaders, dictators or kings.

If we continue to allow this monster to have its way there is going to be a lot of suffering for everyone. Our protection over Turtle Island will be gone. Once we’ve been bitten by these serpents, what is the antidote? We would have to comb the serpents out by bringing all Indigenous people together to work towards becoming of one mind. Only then can the processes needed to restores and maintain peace and harmony be truly established. We have to use our minds to think about how we can work together to protect Turtle Island.

Our ancestors symbolically combed out the serpents by telling the truth while singing our songs to soothe its spirit. Once the serpents were combed out, the person began to think clearly.

We ask everybody to join us to bring our minds together so we can think of how to comb out this dictatorial ruthless multi headed monster. We have to again reappoint ourselves with the natural instructions by living it and respecting it. Then we can think of how we can survive through our own Indigenous means of co-existence and sharing using our natural philosophies. We have to acknowledge the great natural power of creation.

Finally, if the UN really wants to function as a true united nations, then they must support the full and equal status of the Onkwehonwe – the true human beings forever. After all, the United Nations is our original idea. The route for us is to go back to nature’s original instructions and to repudiate the artificial ideology that has been implanted in many of our minds. Our minds have now become stable. No longer are we in a state of confusion. This, of course, scares the multi headed monster and its serpents. We have to stay on our course.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News