MNN. June 9, 2004. The sun never seems to set on the infamous Red-X. This may have something to do with the inspirational itinerary of this inexhaustible Sage. MNN got lucky and caught him for an impromptu interview as he mounted the big silver eagle to head out to the land where the sun always rises to smile on the shining Keepers of the Rotinoshon’non:we Easter Door.
“Enlighten us, oh, Red-X”, MNN asked. “How do you live your life as a field warrior?”
“That’s easy”, pontificated the great Red instructor. “I just follow the Ten Infinite Commandments”.
“Can you elucidate this for us?” we queried.
“I’m so glad you asked”, sayeth the Red-X. He scratched his wonderful face which is covered most of the time by a beaded black hood and sun glasses.
“In order for a people to go forward, there must be guiding principles. As I will illuminate for you, there was once a previous time, long, long ago. That’s when I was trying to instruct my people on how to survive in the desert with just a mouth full of water. In that ancient and ill begotten era, we came upon a Burning Bush. It was sending smoke signals up into the great night sky. That’s how we found the ‘Ten Infinite Commandments’ that led us to fulfill our inordinate potential as shit disturbers, pains in the neck and general tourist attractions. This is the source of our inexhaustible infallibilism:
1. BE BRAVE AND FEARLESS. Always look every ‘House Injun’ in the eye. Stare them down every chance you get. Don’t blink and never turn your back. You just gotta know those knives’ll spring out in a flash. They’re gonna stab you every chance they get.
2. BE STRONG. Keep your ‘rez bombs’ and ‘pow wow cars’ in shape. Make sure they can outrun the master’s security vehicles and the House Injun’s SUV. Respect the women – especially those fightin’ insurgent field warrior women who chase off all them cops and peepin’ tomahawks trying’ to invade the plantation.
3. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS. Even a dirty look calls for action. Keep your cell phone charged and your windshield bug spray topped up at all times. Make sure your arsenal is in order. Remember your bag of pebbles for your sling-shot, your bottle of “Deep Woods OFF” and your ever-ready mask.
4. MAINTAIN A STRONG SENSE OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE. Don’t incubate your dirty laundry in public. Don’t vote in externally imposed elections or indorsate their incumbent candidates. To accept the House Injun’s institutions is to colonize your mind to weakness.
5. MAINTAIN INSPIRATIONAL INITIATIVE. Always instigate nature’s law of self-preservation. Beat the s--t out of the master and all those House Injuns who try to destroy you, mislead your people and track mud on the floor.
6. DEVELOP THE SPIRIT OF CO-OPERATION. Work with everyone who is ready to help you. But beware of those bearing gifts who might be on welfare or government grants. These are signs that someone might want to make weird deals. They might try to infiltrate your insulation to conduct low level surveillance, or bring in surgeons to turn you into a plastic Pocahantis. Beware of interior decorators whose underlying agenda is to put all the Indians in the cupboard. They might even want to start re-modeling your house by burning it down.
7. THINK RIGHT SO THAT YE SHALL DO RIGHT AND BE RIGHT. Right? The right reason for doing this is to make sure there is something left in the future for our children, our institutions and our traditions.
8. RESPECT OTHERS AND THEIR RIGHTS. But if they don’t want to respect yours, then give them the first of three warnings before dropping the black beads. If they hold the shells clutched in a panicky grip, and show signs and symptoms of behavioral modification, concede to mercy for the poor slob. Use your own inspirational imagination when passing sentence on those who collaborate with the enemy and remember to treat everyone equally. This means inculcating the master and the House Injun exactly the way they inculcate others. Following the indoctrinations of their church and their state, they seem to have inordinate inclinations towards burning at the stake, child abduction, perversion, the death penalty, depleting uranium in warfare and so on and so forth.
9. ACQUIRE WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD. Make sure you understand your enemies. Especially the integral workings of incipient institutions like the church, the state and big corporations. Case in point: most of the colonized people don’t realize that Jesus Christ was actually a human being. He was born of a Jewish mother from the Royal House of Benjamin. He had a twin brother named James who was also conceived out of wedlock by the Roman Emperor Tiberius. The whole story is part of one of the oldest and most infamous disinformation campaigns in the world. My commandments, on the other hand, are just facts of natural law. If you follow yourself and the Ten Infinite Commandments, you will not be trapped by the whimsical religious fantasy of a church established to dominate and control as so frankly admitted and expressed by Pope Leo 13th. In other words, don’t wait for some mythical being to save and indoctrinate you. You already have the weapons of your own salvation – mind, truth, beauty, imagination, immortality and whatever. But enough of this subject, because it really irritates the Red-X, and he doesn’t want you to forget the one last rule of inalienable and inexpressible importance:
10. ACQUIRE ADVANCED HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS. Don’t have sex with interplanetary aliens. Avoid inbreeding and don’t let yourself be cloned.
If none of the above work, then make sure you have an arsenal of weapons in that little cubbyhole in your shanty on Tobacco Road. You need weapons you can dig up when the moment comes and the smoke gets in your eyes … weapons like PinSol, Papal and Imperial edicts, herbal essence air conditioner, constitutional law and international conventions, not to mention Indigenous law – especially the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law of Peace.
“The infinite moral of this story”, said the Red-X, “is to remember that the eagle never flies with the dove, nor does the lion lay with the lamb, unless the dove is clutched in the eagle’s claws and the lamb’s carcass is in the jaws of the lion. This is nature’s law, like it or not, and, like the Great Law, it is good law. In other words, never depend on the preachings of the revisionists.
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News