~ Rest of the Gang ~
Lynn Jankovsky
Larry and Carolyn called a while back and extracted my promise of a short bio.
Looking back at the last 40 years, I can say I was late for everything except retirement. It took me eight years to get out of Fort Collins; four years to get out of UC Davis and it was 1981 before I got a real job.
Along the way I collected three degrees - tried academic life and experienced the fear of business ownership.
Three years ago Bonfils Blood Center gave me a check with the right numbers on it for my medical lab and I rediscovered my family, biking, photography, fishing and hunting. I tried golf but after awhile nobody would go out with me for fear of being hit.
I met my wife, Sally, at the CU Medical Center in 1978. We were married in 1980, had Kate in 1985 - Pete in 1989 and Alex in 1992 when I was fifty. Sally picked up a PhD and MD at CU and is currently the regional department chairman of OB/GYN for Kaiser. |
Kate is a six foot, red-haired freshman at Kent Denver.
Pete is my fishing buddy and will be in Alaska with me during the SCHS reunion. He is in the sixth grade at St. Annes in south Denver. His little sister, Alex, is in the second grade at St. Annes and promises to be the jock of the family. Shortly after I sold the lab, I fired the kids nanny and assumed the duties of Mr. Mom. Driving three kids to six different locations at the same time is a pain, but I enjoy them
beyond my wildest expectations and feel fortunate to have the time to spend with them while they (and I) grow up (sometimes being late is good). They keep me young.
I see Pat Reed once or twice a year. Ive talked to Larry, Ed and Kenny in the last few years and I worry about Albert catching me for speeding on I76. I am truly sorry I will not be at the reunion ... but, as I said, I am usually late - so, if you hold another 40th in a few years, Ill be there.
In the interim, give me a call if you need a place to stay in Denver or if you just want to say hi!
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