~ Rest of the Gang ~
David Kemper
I left in August of 1957 so didn't graduate with you. I have fond memories of every name I see here. That is why when Doug Whitten called I said I couldn't make it but would like to have a memory book or an open date in the future. |
I went to high school my sophomore year, in Windsor, Colorado, junior and senior year in Ft. Morgan, Co. Upon graduation, a short spell at CSU in Ft. Collins and then on to my career on earth, U.S. Army for 30 was my goal.
The Lord put me behind a personnel desk at 106th General Hospital, El Paso, Texas. I fit in real good in the Army. Only thing, Julesburg Class of '60 raised no fools!!
Interviewing returning medics, I first ascertained where Vietnam was and second what we were doing there. After debriefing returnees I formulated an opinion and immediately lost my Army career but more important several good friends.
Back on the streets again, I went to Barnes School of Commerce and then to work. Companies I worked for: Great Western Sugar, Western Electric, Gould National Battery, IBM, Moore Howard Mortuary and where I have been abiding my time now, The United States Post Office.
I remember the teachers and what a sorry lot they were. Teacher Bagley stands out in my mind. I guess she didn't like me on sight. She read me, I read her! O.K.!!
Sports was probably the highlight of school. Teams of friends in a small town is one great activity.
I read quite a bit nowadays and this took me into the Bible. A song such as "Amazing Grace" could be my favorite but I like many and change .
I dont know if I will make it but would like all the information on it. I will try to get to Julesburg on August 13th - 14th.
The memories of individual incidents are not so strong as the party memories. Birthday parties and school parties were a lot of fun.
Heres a picture from my year book at Fort Morgan High School. Really dont have too many pictures. My sons wedding last August 8th is my most recent photograph that I can find.
I retired from the United States Postal Service after thirty years on April 29th. My wife contracted M.S. in January 1998 - what a bummer!
I started a new job as a custodian at Jefferson County School right after retiring.
Love to You All!!
Hope to see you all at the reunion!
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