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NeoHTML Help

NeoHTML is much like HTML except it uses [] instead of ‹›. It also very limited in what it can do compared to HTML. Here is a list of the things you can do with NeoHTML:

[tag]What It DoesExample
[b]TEXT[/b]Makes your text boldLike this
[i]TEXT[/i]Makes your text italicLike this
[u]TEXT[/u]Underlines your textLike this
[font c=COLOR s=SIZE f=FONT]TEXT[/font]Changes your font color, size, and font.

Like this

[glow c=COLOR w=WIDTH s=SIZE]TEXT[/glow]Glows your text
Like this
[shadow c=COLOR w=WIDTH s=SIZE]TEXT[/shadow]Puts a shadow under your text
Like this
[scroll]TEXT[scroll]scrolls your textLike this
[hr]Puts a line in

You can combine them too...
For instance, you can glow your text and change the font:
[glow c=COLOR w=WIDTH s=SIZE][font c=COLOR s=SIZE f=FONT]TEXT[/font][/glow]

You can combine them however you want...except for the [hr], which should be by itself.


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