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Newbie Info

Welcome to the guild!! This guild is based on taking care of pets that were abandoned and putting them in good homes when they are ready. You can go to the Adoption Agency to find out about that. If you want to be respected in the guild, then I ask that you read the information on the website. You don't have to read everything right this second, but if there is a contest going and you have a question try to see if the question is answered somewhere in the rules before you ask the question. People get annoyed when aomeone asks them a question where the answer is found on the page that explains everything.

Make sure you take a look at the rules page. You can find all contests under the Fun section. It would be useful to explore this website and learn about everything this guild has to offer. I suggest you take a look at ranks, benefits and the agency points page.

newbie pack rules:
To get a newbie pack you need to be in the guild for a week. Also, to prevent people from taking the pack and leaving, you must donate 300nps in _softball_chick23's shop, by buying a pair of sandals. Also, you need to post 5 non-spam messages on the message board.
Don't know what spam is? go to the rules page. :)

If you are new to neopets, please check out the Neopet Helper, found in the Services section.

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