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Coffeetime Romance

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

Rhea works as a biologist for Providian Pharmaceuticals, chosen to study the Yagana plant in the Amazon rainforest. Once there, she is led by her mentor and friend, Dr. Jon Spark and several bare chested natives from the Huitoto tribe to their village deep in the forest. One of the men looked directly at Rhea and frankly appraised her; while Rhea looked back with candid admiration for his good looks and muscular form. When she mentioned the man to Jon, he claimed not to know who she was speaking of and, of course, the man had disappeared.

The man was The Guardian of the Stairway to Heaven, and he had met his mate. She just did not know it yet. After five hundred years, he yearned to exist among the living wanted a wife and children. Now, he could relinquish his responsibility to another guardian. When he came to Rhea in her dreams and claimed her essence, he told her he would be with her forever. Would he be able to convince her of their destiny?

Rhea and the Guardian embark on the road of discovery all in one night of passion. Rhea, with her logical and independent mind, does not believe a word the Guardian says but cannot resist his touches. The Guardian finds her resistance amusing and knows with time and patience they will be together. Is it all a dream or is he telling the truth?

Ms. Leigh has written a wonderful fantasy come true. The storyline is appropriate for the genre, and I became caught up in the dream world of fantasy men myself. This is definitely a keeper.

--Katherine L. Hunt
Coffeetime Romance

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