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Enchanted In Romance

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005
Rating: 4 ½

Within the world it is said there is a perfect match for everyone, and if luck and circumstances allow, two halves of the whole will be united.

Rhea is a biologist working for Providian Pharmaceuticals and she is searching for a better treatment for cancer. Rhea loves fieldwork, especially now since she broke up with her lover who just happens to be her boss. Walking into Steven’s apartment one night, Rhea found him in bed with a new member of her team. Devastated but refusing to show it, Rhea has reverted to being alone again. After growing up in a family with five older brothers, she’s pretty tough, or that’s the façade she allows the world to see. When the pharmaceutical company needed to send a biologist to the Amazon rainforest to track down and test a plant that seemed promising in that elusive cure for cancer, Rhea jumped at the chance.

Valos has been the Guardian of the Stairway to Heaven for five centuries, and he’s tired of the responsibility—the loneliness it entails. Being the Guardian, Valos only appears to women in great need. Granting their most ardent wish, the one buried deep down in their soul is his reason for being. The only out for him is if he can find his mate, once found and bound he can then relinquish his position to the next chosen one.

Stepping off the plane onto a small runway all Rhea sees is some dilapidated shacks. Her research assistant Ashley looks horrified at their surroundings. Dr. Jon Speck steps out into the open and relief is what Rhea feels. Jon, her mentor of ten years… her honorary uncle. As the natives pick up her equipment to bring to the nearby village Rae notices a tall, gorgeous man standing by her supplies, he picks up two crates and starts walking towards the trail leading to the village. Sensing Rhea’s scrutiny he turns, a look from his decadent chocolate colored eyes sears her insides. Rhea looks away, then turns back to see him again…and he’s gone.

Stairway To Heaven is a beautiful story of a love meant to be…but will Rhea take the chance at possible happiness or will her fear of being hurt again keep her from it? Shannon Leigh has written yet another spectacular story, one that had me so absorbed that I could feel Rhea’s confusion and Valos’ determination to have this one woman for his own. Stairway To Heaven brings love, magic and hot sex together to create a story I fell in love with. I highly recommend this book to all readers of romance.

Enchanted In Romance

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