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Eternal Night

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

On a quest to cure cancer, Rhea journeys to South America where she will live and work in a small, native village. She knew it would be different, but is not completey prepared for how much of another world it will be. As she arrives, Rhea and her assistant espy a handsome man watching them in return, but the man who greets them sees no one there.

Later, a woman from the village explains that they have seen the Guardian to the Stairway to Heaven, and one of them has been chosen. In her dreams, Rhea meets this Guardian, and is offered her greatest desires in return for giving him life. From then on, he becomes a part of her life, though yet intangible.

Only when Valos, as she has named him, vanishes, will Rhea truly comprehend how much she loves him.

Impossible love made possible is one of the most appealing plots in existence, and this take on it is very different. Though slightly racy, the overall emotion evoked is one that is heartwarming. We all want to achieve a dream, and when Valos and Rhea do so, you will cheer.

Eternal Night

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