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Fallen Angel Reviews

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

When Rhea went into the Amazon jungle, it was in the attempt to locate a plant that could be the cure for cancer. It was not to find a mysterious man by the name of Valos. Rhea is a biologist and has devoted the last six months of her life to just work. She had been betrayed by her lover. Now in the middle of nowhere she is having vision of a gorgeous man: almost god like. He invades her thoughts, dreams, and mind. She is losing control. Valos tells her stories of being the guardian of the Stairway to Heaven and that only people that need him can see him. Rhea has no idea what this means and why she can see him. She needs nothing. There is also the problem of Valos appearing and disappearing at a moments notice. She is shaken and confused.

Shannon Leigh provides readers with a story that has a slight paranormal twist to it. The unique characters of Rhea and Valos will hold readers captive as the story develops around them. Valos is a headstrong man that is after one thing. Rhea is a woman driven by logical thinking. Needless to say, her trip to the Amazon cannot be explained away by logical reasoning. The chemistry between the two is both sexy and magical. Will Rhea regret coming to the Amazon? What is to come of Rhea and Valos?

Stairway to Heaven has a wonderful light-hearted story that captured my interest with both the intriguing unknown and the personality of Rhea. The additional characters of Ashley and Jon provided a backdrop for humor and compassion. Stairway to Heaven offers readers a touching love story worth reading. Shannon Leigh has done a great job earning 4 Angels!

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