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Mystique Books

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

As a fan of the Eternally Great 70’s band Led Zeppelin, I couldn’t resist this book. In the back of my mind I wondered how the author would handle the multi-colored non-medications, bell-bottoms, and hideous sideburns. The model on the cover sported none of the above. Thankfully, neither did the story.

Deep in the Amazon jungle lies the Stairway to Heaven. Velos is the Guardian, and has been so for centuries. Rhea has come to the jungle on a quest to find the “illusive Yagana Plant.” And just like that, two world collide.

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN is a unique story with interesting characters. Their reason for being in the Amazon is concrete and believable. Less believable, however, is the REASON why Velos falls in love with Rhea. (For me, I wasn’t sure that he had.) The story tells us that Rhea shows up and BANG, he’s chosen Rhea over Ashley, the ever-sparkling secondary character. Suddenly he’s seducing her, confusing her, and giving up everything for her. I was never sure why. I was equally confused by Rhea’s motivations. However, to be fair, what would I do if fabulous, mind-blowing sex was offered on a continuous basis?

For all its brevity, STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN is a tightly woven love story with fabulous world-building. Shannon Leigh is a talent on the rise! Look for her.

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