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Paranormal Romance Reviews

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

"A very original love story!"

Rhea is very pleased to have been chosen to go on this trip to the Amazon. However, she's not very happy about the small plane they'd been forced to take to reach their destination. Never liking flying, especially in small planes, Rhea has been awake the entire thirteen hour trip. Luckily, she's not alone on the trip, her lab assistant, Ashley, is with her. Of course, she's also glad to be away from Steve, the man who broke her heart.

When they finally get to their destination, the two are met by Rhea's mentor, Jon. While men from the village Jon has been living in are gathering up the equipment, Rhea sees one that just doesn't fit with the rest. Whereas the men from the village are all short and more rounded than anything, this one is tall and built and is the personification of Rhea's dream man. When Rhea goes to point the man out to Jon, he's gone! Luckily, Ashley saw him as well so Rhea knows she's not imagining him.

When they get to the village, one of the women tells Rhea and Ashley only women can see this man. That he is the Guardian of the Stairway to Heaven, and the Guardian can grant a woman's desires. That night, Rhea has a dream with the man she saw starring in it. In the dream, he takes something from her, her "essence". After she wakes up, she can hear the man in her head!

Is Rhea going insane? Is this man real, or only in her imagination? What is the Stairway to Heaven and who, or what, is the Guardian of it?

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN is a very original love story. Shannon Leigh has done a wonderful job of bringing the Amazon jungle to life in her story, along with the native inhabitants of the area. I easily identified with Rhea, a very realistic character. Ashley was the blonde bombshell, who changes boyfriends as often as some people take out the trash. These two characters, while very different, get along well and provide a wonderful contrast. If you're in the mood for something a bit different, don't miss out on reading STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN.

--Chere Gruver
Paranormal Romance Reviews

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