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Yet Another Book Review Site

Stairway To Heaven
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-414-9
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
August 2005

Swear you saw someone that no one else did? Shannon Leigh explores this encounter taking it further. What if who you saw was your dream guy? Would you abandon sensibility and safety if the imagined whispered your name, and then moved his mouth along the curve of your neck?

Rhea is a biologist and works for a pharmaceutical with one of the largest drug research labs in the world. She is sent by the company, along with her lab assistant, the beautiful bombshell Ashley, to the Amazon jungle. They were to meet with Jon Speck, and live with a tribe of Huitoto Indians for six weeks. The friendly natives had stumbled upon a potential new drug for cancer. Rhea decides she’d remain longer if necessary, especially when working with her older friend Jon. She couldn’t ask for a better advisor. He’d been like an uncle to her. Everything is going well except for the imagined large form she keeps seeing. Of course Ashley sees him too so maybe she isn’t going crazy, yet no one else saw him did they? After admitting to an older native woman this vision, Rhea learns only special women witness him. “He wants only one of you,” the older Huitoto woman confides. For what? Rhea asked. This frightened her. Were they in danger?

Later, Rhea steps deeper into the jungle by herself. The idea was mad, the dangers very real, but some things and some beings needed to be faced. She had to keep her sanity after all. One way or another she resigned to face Valos alone. Forget what else the jungle held; poisonous dart frogs, venomous snakes, and God only knew what else.

Story Excerpt:

He was tall, around six-foot-five, and his frame was well stocked with fully formed muscle unlike other natives who were considerably short with thin arms and legs, narrow shoulders, and protruding bellies. The bangs of his mahogany hair were pulled back out of his face in a thin ponytail at the crown of his head, while the sides and back hung freely in cascading waves around his face and neck. Strangely, Rhea’s palms itched with the desire to bury themselves within the silky locks.

The author, Shannon Leigh, is a registered nurse, is married and has four boys. She’s written the paranormal romance ‘More Than Prophecy,’ which was released in January 2005, and she’s currently working on the sequel, ‘When Destiny Summons.’

This steamy paranormal romance promises readers delightful passion, and is for women who want something spiritual mixed with romance. It’s also for women who lead busy lives and want only a “quicky.” ‘Stairway to Heaven’ is a fast and breathless read. It will cradle and rock them hard, and fast, leaving readers gasping for more. The experience mirrors many women’s secret and wild desires. An unforgettable and thrilling experience.

--Christina Francine
Yet Another Book Review Site

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