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Chapter One
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Rhea turned back toward the hazy window. Her vision blurred with unshed tears, but she refused to cry. That had been six months ago, and there were better fish in the sea. Far better.

“Hey, girl. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

Rhea glanced over at Ashley. “It’s all right. I don’t know why it even bothers me. He’s a jerk and Lydia’s a slut. They deserve each other. Besides, he’s a terrible lover.”

They stared at each other a long moment before busting into laughter. Several of the other passengers turned to glare at them for disturbing the peace. Other than a few hushed whispers, the plane had been as quiet as a morgue the entire trip.

Being one who didn’t particularly care for tight spaces anyhow, Rhea was beginning to feel stir crazy. After several hours of near silence, this little bit of entertainment was just enough to calm her nerves.

The two struggled with a few lingering giggles before finally getting their mirth under control. Seeing that they were still the center of attention of several disapproving stares, Rhea waved in apology.

“Sorry,” she called, then hunkered down with embarrassment. “You’re going to get us thrown off the plane!” she whispered, before delivering a playful slap to Ashley’s thigh.

Ashley slid down in her seat until her head rested next to Rhea’s. “Maybe we’ll land in an uncharted Indian camp, inhabited only by luscious, dark-skinned warriors.”

Rhea couldn’t help but join in fun. “Yeah? With my luck in men, they’ll all be gay!”

They broke out in another round of uncontrollable giggles, which were immediately followed by a harsh shhhh! from one of the others.

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