Varsity Tennis Power Rankings
To find out how I've done it my 8 matches thus far...
Bob Zheng hitting a volley, Mike Ostertag watching.
Dan gets too much backswing, Jeremy in background.
Look at that effort by Dan, oh yeah!
Here's a picture of Alex Hsieh, THE DEVIL, the number 1 tennis player. But he won't be number 1 for long, not if I have anything to say about it.
Alex doing one of his many trick shots. They may be fancy but they won't win games. Paul Nichols watching.
Me stealing one of Jeremy's shots. I bet he isn't too happy about that.
Me, warming up on the baseline with Roman. All efforts to kick Roman off the court failed. Ali (JV) is the person walking in front of the camera.
Ostertag getting ready for a volley. Ostertag and his partner in crime, Robbie Hanusa, are ranked 2nd on the Junior Varsity team.
Fourth ranked Reece preparing for a volley. Watching him is Jason Yu.
Roman, attempting to hit a ball.
Me, preparing to hit a serve. Look at the good knee-bend I get, as I'm preparing to bring the racquet upward through the ball to generate top-spin. Ball is slighty above picture. Oh yeah, by editing the file and stuff, I screwed it up a bit (when I saved it as .gif, it said there would be color problems). I think it's pretty sweet, though, looks like a combination of a cartoon and a real picture. Oh yeah!
Ball has now come back into sight. I probably should've hit it at the top of the toss, but what the heck.
Here's a picture from our house of a construction vehicle. They were digging up a power box (on the property line between us and our neighbors). This is the 3rd time in the past 10 days that construction vehicles have been working on our street. In fact, they've dug up and re-paved our street every summer for the past 10 years. Seriously.