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...Home ... where our memory lives...

~~ last updated: 09/28/03 ~~

...strange enough, we live in there, but hardly take any picture there...

Grandpa, around the old house.

Grandpa took his evening walk every day after dinner.

Grandma with Louise at the old bridge behind the grade school.

The river next to granparent's house

Louise & #3 uncle's 1st girl, and Charlie the dog

Grandpa, Louise, and Lucy the dog.

1977 Summer, Louise took this picture.

The very old Dong Gong home...
@ Grand Aunt's home
with Yi-ja, #4 Uncle's girl
In front of grandparents' home
The Red Front Door
Grandma's garden
front door @ grandparent's home
Grandma's flower arrangement,
with Shen Ja-ju, #1 Aunt's son
@ the back of grandparents house,
on the bridge
The other side of the bridge, or somewhere nearby