TLO Zelda Encyclopedia
[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Ache: This large bat, which is almost the same as a Keese (Ache's are not magical), was first seen by Link in Majoras Mask. The Ache is also by someone called Bad Bat.
Acorn of Defense: Magical seeds that are located on Koholint Island. They increase the defensive power of the bearer.
Adult Wallet: A wallet often used by Hylians, including Link. This wallet can take up to 200 Rupees.
Agahnim: This evil magic-wizard was the one used by Ganon as his right hand in the task of returning from the Sacred Realm (Dark World), to the land of Hyrule (Light World). He managed to fool the king into believing that his intentions were good, and then betrayed and killed him.
All-Night-Mask: This mask that was seen in Majoras Mask was used by Link to stay awake so he could listen to long and perhaps boring but still interesting stories told by Anju's Grandmother.
Ambi's Tower: This tower, located in the Ancient Labrynna, was built by Queen Ambi as a symbol of her lost love, but the tower was later re-named to 'The Black Tower'.
Angler's Tunnel: A dungeon in 'Links Awakening', found on Koholint Island. The Anglerfish of the island sleeped here.
Animal Village: A village on Koholint Island that was populated by speaking animals.
Anju: She first appeared in Ocarina of Time, but in Majoras Mask, Link got to know her better. She is married to Kafei, and is most likely working/running the 'Stock Pot In' in the land of Termina.
Anju's Grandmother: An old lady, who is obviously the grandmother of Anju. She lives in the 'Stock Pot In' that is runned by her grandmother. She seems like a wise lady that possesses lots of knowledge on how the land of Termina was created.
Anubis: Some sort of a mummy, this is a very rare monster that as far as I know, has only been spotted by Link in Ocarina of Time.
Aquamentus: This over-sized horse has the horn of a Unicorn, which is one it's weak points. It was the first boss in the original 'Legend of Zelda' game.
Armos Knight: This is a statue. Some of these statues can come to life when approached, and they can be very annoying.
Arn: It was stated in the Zelda Valiant-Comic #5 that this Hylian brewer was Link's father, and the husband of Medila.
Arrghus: This relatively weak enemy was guarding the Swamp Palace. It was a massive one-eyed jellyfish surrounded by a teeming mass of puffy offspring.
Aroma Detour: She is the very-big wife of Clock Towns Mayor Dotour. She is a very bossy woman. Mother of Kafei.
Astral Observatory: This observatory, that is the home of a large telescope, is located in Termina, a little outside Clock Town. The Bombers know of a secret way to access the observatory from within the city of Clock Town.
Baby Dodongos: Unlike other infants of the animal world, these worm-like monsters are anything but cute. Just when their victims expect it least, a gang of Baby Dodongos can tunnel out of the ground and hungrily attack.
Bad Bat: Read Ache.
Bago-Bago: This skeletal fish was seen in Majoras Mask, often called 'Skullfish'.
Bagu: A friendly man that lived in a forest. He had to show the river guard a note!
Ballad of the Wind Fish: In order to awaken the Wind Fish on Koholint Island (Link's Awakening), Link must play this tune.
Barba: Evil fire-breathing creature that looked like a snake-dragon.
Battle Bats: These attacted Link on Kolohint Island. They were the Grim Creapers bats.
Barrel Bomb: A big bomb that's found in Termina. Made by the Gorons, and they can only be carried by Gorons with a license.
Bazaar: This shop was located in Hyrule Field, and later moved to Kakariko Village during Links seven year sleep.
Beamos: A one-eyed statue that can shoot a powerful beam, hence the name Beamos.
Bean Beds: All around Hyrule, there were soft spots were the Hero of Time could plant special beans. If he did this as before he went to sleep, these beans would the grow to become bean beds after he had slept for seven years. The bean beds also appears in Termina, but there you only need to water the beans and they will grow to become bean beds at once.
Beaver Brothers: These beavers lived in Termina, down by the ocean close to the Zoras. In Majora's Mask, Link had to race them for a bottle.
Beetle: These small bugs found under rocks or other objects are often known to scare people by attacking them.
Biggoron: The name of the Big-Goron that forged the Biggorons Sword, which was a powerful sword often used by Link.
Biggoron's Sword: This sword was used by Link in Ocarina of Time, and it was very useful. Though, it was not possible to use it together with a shield during a fight.
Big Poe: Found in Hyrule Field, and in Ikana, the Big Poes are said to be made by hate.
Big Skeleton: This big Skeleton was once the captain of the King of Ikana's skeleton army.
Bipin and Blossom: These two are married. Bipin is a famous farmer who grows Gasha seeds, and Blossom is his wife.
Black Tower, The: Originally called Ambis Tower, it was buildt by the ancient queen Ambi in search for her lost love. After a while, the people started calling it Black Tower because strange things happened there.
Blast Mask: This mask which looked like a bomb, could blow up just like a bomb when one wore it! It should be woren with causiousness.
Blind the Thief: The evil master of Blind's Dungeon from A Link to the Past, which was located in the Dark World version of Kakariko Village. Blind the Thief fooled Link into saving him, because he took the form of one of the maidens Link was rescueing.
Blue Fire: A blue, cold flame that instead of burning things froze them. This flame can be put and carried around in a bottle, but not for too long at a time.
Bombos Medallion: A medallion. Used to create explosions.
Bomb: A very old, but useful weapons. Can be used to blow up things. To carry bombs, you need the Bomb Bag. The bomb was first invented/used by the Gorons. It is said that they created the bomb as they were short of Bomb Flower at one time, and needed to create a bomb that would save the crops of Bomb Flowers and keep it from getting extinct.
Bomb Bag: This bag, that comes in various sizes, is used to carry bombs. The bomb bag is made by a Dodongo's stomach.
Bomb Flower: A flower that grows in dark places. This flower carries bombs that can be used just like regular bombs.
Bomb Shop: This shop in Clock Town, Termina, is the only place in Clock Town you can buy Powder Kegs/Barrel Bombs.
Bombchu: This can either be a bomb that will run away when you let it down, before it explodes, or an enemy that looks like a mouse. The enemy will explode when it comes near a person.
Bombchu Bowling Alley: In Ocarina of Time, this was located in Hyrule Castle Town, Link could relax with a game of Bombchu Bowling here.
Bombers, The: This is a gang of five kids/guys that run the Bombers Club. They seem to know a lot about what's going on in the City of Clock town, and they also know of a secret way to enter the Astral Observatory from Clock Town. If you want to join their club, you have to play a hide-and-seek game with them. Only humans are allowed in the club.
Bombers Notebook: Every member of the Bombers Club was given this notebook to keep track on which people he helped.
Bongo Bongo: This creature, who's eye was it's weak point, was found in the Shadow Temple. It had the ability of becoming invicible.
Book of Mudora: This ancient book contains the history of Hyrule's early days. The book is said to be written by ancient sages, and it chronicles the Genesis of Hyrule, the division of dimension between Golden land and Light World, the period around the Imprisoning War and the Legend of the Triforce.
Boomerang: A useful weapon often used by Link. When he throws it, it returns to him. It can be used to turn switches on and off aswell as killing/defeating enemies.
Boon: This giant fly attacks people.
Bot: These gellow like creatures can be found all over Hyrule.
Boss Key: This key is used to open the door to the Boss of a dungeons room.
Bottle Grotto: This dungeon on Koholint Island was guarded by an evil genie.
Bremen Mask: With this mask, Link could make chickens go into a 'transe' and they would follow him around.
Bunny Hood: Even though it looks simple, this mask hides great powers. It gives one the speed of a bunny.
Bumpkin Brothers: These two twin-brothers, A. Bumpkin and B. Bumpkin were Lumber Jacks that used to live north-west of Hyrule Castle (A Link to the Past).
Calaveras: One of Bagu's pet frogs that was captured by Ganon. Bagu had to steal the Triforce of Wisdom from North Castle as ransom for his frogs. They all appeared in the Valiant Comics.
Carock: This evil creature was the master of all Wizzrobes, and it guarded the fourth dungeon in Adventure of Link.
Captain Krin: In the Valiant Comics, this soldier was the head of the security in North Castle.
Cataclysm's Eve: A time when bad events transpire in Hyrule that prompt intervention by the Legendary Hero named Link, who was descended by bloodloine from the first knight, to bear the same name.
Catalia: A land on the continent of Hyrule. Read more in the section called Lands of Hyrule.
Catfish Maw: A dungeon found on Koholint Island.
Cel-da: Term used for the up-coming Zelda game for GameCube. The reason it got it's name, was because of the Cell Shaded Cartoon look the games has got.
Cheval: He was the inventor of Lynna village, and his biggest dream was to invent waterproof items! (Oracle of Ages)
Clock Tower: This famous Clock lies in the centre of Clock Town, and is believed to be the reason why the town has it's name. One time, the Clock Tower was in danger of being destroyed by a giant moon, but a hero from a parallell world destroyed the moon before it hit the tower.
Clock Town: This city is the centre of Termina. Here, most of the people live. Every year the inhabitants of Clock Town celebrate a carnival to honor the gods that created the land of Termina. Clock Town is divided into four parts, North, South, East and West Clock Town. In the centre of Clock Town, you can find the famous Clock Tower. Very little is known about the history of Clock Town except that it was created by the four gods that now rests in the four different temples.
Crazy Tracy: Link met this woman on Koholint Island, she is pretty a very odd young lady.
Cross: An item that's very similar to the Lens of Truth, it lets you see invincible things.
Code of the Cucco: This is the code between cuccos that makes sure that when a cucco is being threated bad, all cuccos will do what they can to revenge the actions. You can try this out by hitting a cucco enough times in Ocarina of Time.
Com-fork: The vibrations of this crystal tuning fork can distort time and space. From the Dark World, Link used it to tell his friends in Hyrule about what was happening in Dark World. This item only appeared in the A Link to the Past comics.
Compass: This item will help you spot all the different treasure-chests and other important things on the dungeon-map.
Cremia: This girl lived an ran the Romani Ranch in Hyrule together with her younger sister Romani.
Cucco: A chicken that's flying is limited. The cuccos are found all over Hyrule. It is known for a fact that some people have actually been turned into Cuccos.
Curiosity Shop: A shop in Clock Town, Termina. You can buy different stolen items here. If you ever loose your items in Termina, this is where they eventually will end up.
Dampé: The gravekeeper of the Cemetary of Kakariko Village. He lives in the Graveyard, but is only out at night, when it's dark. Dampé dies during Links seven year sleep in Ocarina of Time, but by chasing his ghost, you will get his biggest treasure that he found while digging on the graveyard...
Daria: An axe-throwing monster that looks a lot like a stand-up crocodile.
Dark Link: Read Shadow Link.
Dark World: This land was once known as the Sacred Realm, the land where Ganon was sealed after the adventure of Ocarina of Time. When Ganon used a spell to capture the Triforce without even touching it. Now it split, but still Ganon got enough power to rule the Dark World. He also made plans to take over the Light World (Hyrule) with the help of Ahganim, a faithful helper. But- fortunately Link traveled to the Dark World and stopped his plans. The Dark World has also been known as the Evil Realm.
Darmani: Once a legendary Goron warrior, but he died while trying to take back the Snowhead Temple and make spring once again to ocme back at Death Mountain. This happened in Majoras Mask.
Darunia: Another famous Goron: Darunia was the king of the Gorons in Hyrule. He became sworn brothers with Link after Link saved his son who was later named after him. Darunia was also the Seventh Sage. He even has town, Darunia Town, called after him.
Death Mountain: Originally, this was the name of the volcanic-mountain north of Hyrule, but later it was applied to the entire rage of mountains. The mountain is known for being a dangerous place, and those that aren't well trained and equipped will find their tomb in Death Mountain if trying to enter. It is also said the at some point in time, The Master Sword slept there. There is also a mountain called 'Death Mountain' in Termina, which is the home of the Gorons and the Snowhead Temple.
Dekadin: This dark little depressed boy met Link in Labrynna.
Deku Palace: This palace was the home of the Deku's of Termina. In here lived the Deku King and the Deku Princess. Only Dekus are allowed in the palace.
Deku Shield: This shield, that could be found all over Hyrule, was made by wood and would catch fire if exposed for heath.
Deku Stick: This fragile weapon is said to be a part of the Deku Tree. It is about 1 meter in length. Very handy if you want to move flames, as it is easy flamable.
Desert of Mystery: In this Desert, one of the Pendants (A Link to the Past) rested. However, only the Book of Mudora could translate the writings on the lock outside the desert-dungeon.
(Great) Deku Tree: This was the three that created the woods of Hyrule, and it was also the father and guardian of the Kokiri people. It was the Deku Tree that told Link about his destiny to save Hyrule before it was killed by the evil Ganons minions who had infected it. The Deku Tree was also the Guardian of the Kokiri Emerald.
(Great) Deku Tree Sprout: After the Deku Tree was killed by Ganon, the Deku Sprout came up in it's place and restored order back to the woods again.
Dekus: This infact a friendly race in Termina. Read more in Races of Hyrule.
DigDogger: A very rare monster that lived in the Underworld only.
Dimitri: This swimming dinosaur, which Link met during his adventures in Oracle of Seasons, had the unique ability to climb waterfalls.
Din: Being the Godess of Power, she together with the two other godessess, Nayru and Farore, created the land of Hyrule, and the Triforce. Her color is RED, stone is RUBY and element is FIRE. In Oracle of Seasons, Din appears as a singer and the Oracle of Seasons that has the power to control the seasons.
Dinolfos: A more advanced Lizalfos, the Dinolfos can be a very tricky enemy to beat. Some can also spit fire!
Dodongo: Lizards that could grow to be enourmus. They spit fire, and in Hyrule they live around Dodongo's Cavern. Bomb Bags are made from the stomach of a Dodongo. The only way to beat a Dodongo, is to hit it's tail, and even after you've defeated it, you can't be safe as when it dies, it explodes!
Dodongo's Cavern: The home of the Dodongos, found on the Death Mountain Trail. Located in Dodongo's Cavern is also the stones that the Gorons eat. Therefore, when Ganon shut down the entrance to the cavern, the Gorons eventually were starved.
Don Gero's Mask: When Link wore this mask, frogs would mistake him for their leader, Don Gero, and talk to him.
Dream Shrine: A shrine on Koholint Island. The Ocarina was at some point during Links adventure at Koholint Island place here.
Dwarven Sword Smiths: In A Link to the Past, these twins resided west of the Kakariko Village. If Link rescued one of the twins in the Dark World, they would temper his sword as a thanks.
Eagle's Tower: Yet another Temple on Koholint Island.
Eastern Palace: The palace was located in the Death Mountain Range it the small Eastern Mainland. It was famous because Sahasarala lived near there.
Elegy of Emptiness: A song which Link learned from Igos du Ikana in the Ikana Castle. This mystical song would let Link leave an empty statue-like shell of the shape he was in when he played it.
Epheremelda: This fairie appeared in the A Link to the Past comics that was showcased in the Nintendo Power Magazine. She was sendt to keep an eye on Link by Zora.
Epona: Links horse and great friend. She has been with Link on allmost all of his quests, and in Majoras Mask it was actually her Link wanted to save when he went to the parallell dimension of Termina. She was always one of the fastest horses in the land of Hyrule, and Ingo did infact plan to give her to Ganondorf before Link won her in a race. She stayed with him ever since.
Ether Medallion: This medallion gave the bearer the power to create, control and destroy icy weather.
Evil Realm: Read Dark World.
Eyesoar: It would send Mini-Patras trying to hurt the one they attacked.
Face Shrine: A shtine that's located on Koholint Island.
Fairy: A Fairy is one of the races in Hyrule. Read more in the section called Races of Hyrule.
Fairie: Infact a Fairie is a Fairy that is only used for healing.
Fairy Bow: This small Bow was used by Link in Ocarina of Time, where it was hidden in the Forest Temple.
Fairy Ocarina: This small, but useful Ocarina, was given to Link by Saria as he left the Kokiri for the first time. It has some magic, but not nearly as much as the Ocarina of Time.
Fairy's Fountain: A place where a Giant Fairy lives and restore the health a tired warriors and other fairys.
Farore: She is one of the three godessess that created the lands of Hyrule, and the Triforce. Her representives are: Color: Green , Stone: Emerald , Element: Earth.
Fierce Diety Mask: This ancient mask, did not turn Link into adult Link, but into Oni-Link, which is Japanese for Evil Link. This mask holds extreme evil powers, so much that only wearing that mask Link could he actually challenge Majoras Mask. Besides this, there is not much known about this powerful mask, and the Mask Salesman never told Link about it and it's legend. However, when Link wears the mask, resemblences to the Sheikahs are noticeable, so there might be a connection between the Sheikahs and the Mask.
Floor Master: A big hand that would, if damaged enough, split into three smaller hands. These small hands had the ability of sucking life out of an enemy and using it to grow back to normal size.
Forest Temple: This temple that is located in the forests Sacred Meadow, hold many mysteries.
Four Sword: A sacred blade which holds mysterious powers. If a mighty Hero picks up the Four Sword from its resting place, the Hero will be able to duplicate himself!
Frogs: In Majoras Mask, you meet frogs that infact have a story to tell. You can talk to them when wearing the Don Gero's Mask.
Ganon: Once a man, Ganondorf, from a race of people called Gerudos, he is an entity that manifests himself as a pig-like creature from a dimension called the "Dark World". His sole inclination is to gain control of the entire Triforce in order to remanifest himself into the light world and usher in an age of chaos and domination over Hyrule. Every Hundred years the barrier between his world and the world of light is weakened and on Cataclysm's Eve his power is strongest. Ganon has the innate ability to manipulate Wizards who practice evil magic into doing his bidding. He has a strong lust to destroy the bloodline that continually vanquishes him in past generations, this bloodline is that of one, Link, and a princess Zelda. Ganon's manifestations have brought with them periods of darkness and despair for Hyrule, and these only ended when Legendary Knight summoned by the guardian of the Triforce, Princess Zelda.
Ganondorf Dragmire: This man was, just like the legend told, born as the only man of the Gerudo race. He was son of the whiches Koume and Kotake. This evils mans plan was to take over and rule all the Realms, and to own all the three pieces of the Triforce. The closest he ever came was in Ocarina of Time, where he for seven years with the help of the Triforce piece of Power managed to take over and rule the land of Hyrule for seven years. Then, the Hero of Time awoke from his sleep and stopped the reign of Ganondorf, before trapping him in the Sacred Realm. Before the Hero of Time trapped him in the Sacred Realm, the prince of evil, Ganondorf, turned into Ganon.
Gasha seeds: These were strange seeds that would evolve into Gasha nuts when planted in soft-soils. Gasha nuts would often contain useful items and such.
Gel: When a Zol was slashed, it would turn into two Gel's, which was just a smaller form of Zol.
Geldman: This was a sand creature in disguise of a Human Being.
General Onox: Known as the enemy in Oracle of Seasons, he kidnaps Din, makes the Temple of Seasons sink into the underworld, and puts the 8 essences in 8 temples through the land.
Gerudo: One of the races. Read more in Races of Hyrule.
Gerudo's Fortress: This fortress was located in Hyrule, deep inside the Desert. The fortress was infact carved into the mountain, and it was the home of the Gerudos.
Gerudo Lagoon: This is the home of the Gerudos that live in Termina.
Gerudo Valley: This valley in Hyrule, was where the Gerudos had their Fortress.
Gibdo: This zombie like creature was located in Termina. It is said that all Gibdos were once humans!
Gleeok: This was a giant dragon with multiple heads that had the ability of spitting fire.
Ghini: This ghost -loocking enemy lived in the Graveyard, and some special creatures of the specie could infact turn invincible.
Gibdo: This was a mummy that could paralyze creatures simply by looking at them.
Gohma: This was a gigantic crab that lived in labyrinths. It had a hard shell that would repulse any attack.
Goht: This was the boss of the Snowhead Temple in Majoras Mask. He looks like a giant bull.
Gold Skulltula: A special spider that can be found all over Hyrule. Killing Gold Skulltulas will help to break the curse on the Skulltulas.
Gorman Bros: These three brothers live in Termina, and two of the run the Gorman Ranch. Their ranch has always been in the shadow of Romani Ranch, and when the road to Romani Ranch is blocked, they overprize their milk. The three Goron Bros. are very similar to Ingo who lives in Hyrule.
Goron: This was one of the Races of Hyrule.
Goron City: This city was the home of the Gorons of Hyrule. The city was located deep into one of the mountains of Death Mountains.
Goron Tunic: This tunic which was woren by Link in the adventure of Ocarina of Time, would give one the ability to survive abnormal heath.
Goron's Ruby: This valuable stone was the Goron's most treasured belonging. Link got it after he saved the Goron's from dieing by killing the evil monsters in Dodongo's Cavern. He used it together with the Kokiri Emerald and the Zora's Sapphire to open the gates into the Sacred Realm.
Gossip Stone: These magic stones that observed everything that went on in the land of Hyrule, is said to have been used by the Sheikah for passing on information between themselves. A person wearing the Mask of Truth is able to listen to the voices of the
Gossip Stone. If thou are not wearing the mask, the stone will simply tell you the time.
Great Bay: This was the biggest bay in Termina.
Great Bay Temple: This temple, that was obviously located in Great Bay, was the third temple in Link's adventure, Majoras Mask.
Great Fairy: These fairies were powerful fairies with the ability to heal weak persons.
Great Fairy Mask: This mask would attract Stray Fairies when worn by Link.
Gyorg: This giant, oversized fish, was the boss of the Great Bay Temple in Termina.
Happy Mask Shop: This shop that could be found inside the Hyrule Castle Town, housed the many different masks in the land of Hyrule. In Ocarina of Time Link played the trading game this shop had, and as a revard he could borrow all the different masks the shop had whenever he felt like it.
Happy Mask Shop Owner: Read Mask Man/Collector.
Haunted Wasteland: This desert that was located in the far west of the land of Hyrule, was known for it's Sandstorms.
Helmasaur King: This guy was the boss of the first temple in the Dark World (A Link to the Past).
Helmethead: This helmet-wearing knight was the evil master of a dungeon in Adventure of Link. One of its most feared attacks, was fire!
Hero Bow: This bow, that was used by Link in the adventure of Majoras Mask, seems to be almost the same as the Fairy Bow. The only difference is that the Hero Bow can be used by Young Link.
Hinox: This bomb-throwing creature, was an overworld enemy in the Dark World.
Hookshot: Common item used by Link on his quests. It is actually a hook at the end of an expandable chain, which would grab on to certain objects, and then swiftly transport Link to that object. It could also be used to stun enemies.
Horsehead: This was the first boss in Zelda 2, Adventure of Link. It was said to be a knight with the horse of a head.
Hover Boots: Wearing theese boots gave one the ability of hovering in the air for a short period of time. Very useful.
Hylians: Read about them in Races of Hyrule.
Hylian Shield: This was the official shield of the Hylian Knights. It could take as good as everything, including great heath.
Hylian Knights: These people where sworn to protect the Royal Family of Hyrule.
Hyrule: Hyrule was a big continent that was the home of all the famous places/lands that has been visited in the Legend of Zelda series, including Hyrule, the Land.
Hyrule Castle: Located in the land of Hyrule, Hyrule Castle was the home of the Royal Family of Hyrule. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times, and at one time the Hyrule Castle was actually known as Ganons Tower, the home of the evil Ganon.
Hyrule Castle Town: This was the Town of Hyrule Castle. The town was protected by great walls.
Hyrule Field: This was the great, open field outside the walls of Hyrule Castle Town. Being in Hyrule Field at night was dangerous indeed for normal people.
Ice Cavern: This cavern of ice, was found in Zoras Domain. It was said that the Ice Cavern could never be un-frozened. In here, you could find the Blue Fire.
Ice Island: A small island in the centre of Lake Hylia that could only be found in the Dark World.
Ice Palace: This palace close to Lake Hylia, could only be found in the Dark World.
Igos du Ikana: He is the King of the Ikana Kingdom which is located in the North-East parts of Termina. Igos du Ikana was also the one who taught Link the song 'Elegy of Emptiness'.
Ikana Canyon: This canyon that was found in Termina, was the biggest canyon in the land of Termina. Was the home of many famous persons and places.
Ikana Castle: This Castle was the home of the king of Ikana, and it was very well guarded and therefore difficult for Link to penetrate.
Ikana Graveyard: Probably the only graveyard in Hyrule, it was the home of many secrets and mysteries.
Ikana Village: This was a deserted village inside the Ikana Canyon. It was ruled by the king of Ikana. The Stone Tower Temple was part of the Ikana Village.
Impa: As the last remaining Sheikah, her job was to take care of the Royal Family, especially Princess Zelda, whom she actually was the nurse of.
Imprisoning War: This was the war that took place in Ocarina of Time. From Ganondorf started his quest for the Triforce until Link sealed him in the Sacred Realm.
Ingo: A worker at Lon Lon Ranch. He always complained that he did all the work, and the ranch owner Talon did too little work. During the Imprisoning War, Ingo actually ran the ranch.
Iron Boots: These heavy boots made one sink to the bottom of any sea, and combined with the Zora Tunic one could walk under water. The boots were very heavy, so it was no purpose wearing them on dry land, as they would only slow one down.
Iron Knuckle: This giant knight was one of the most feared enemies of all time. The knight served the evil, and it's weapon was an axe that could crush as good as everything.
Jabu-Jabu: Lord Jabu-Jabu was a fish God and guardian of the Zoras in Hyrule. It is unknown what happened to Jabu-Jabu after the Imprisoning War, but it has been told that he simply went back to the oceans.
Jars: I Adventure of Link, Link had to collect 4 different Jars.
Kaepora Gaebora: This large owl is said to be the re-incarnation of a sage, and other sources claims that Kaepora Gaebora has some sort of connection to Rauru, the Sage. However, these are just speculations as very little is written about him. It seems like the Sheikah knew something about him, but this is also speculations. However, Kaepora Gaebora followed and guided Link through his quests, and therefore it is said that he had a special task to watch after Link. In Majoras Mask he even teached Link a song that would let Link use Kaeporas wings to soar around between the statues of Kaepora that he had placed all over Termina.
Kafei: This young man was put a spell on and turned into a kid. He was often seen in Clock Town wearing the Keaton mask. Eventually, he went on and married his beloved Anju. It is also believed that Kafei was the son of Mayor Dotour and Madame Aroma.
Kakariko Village: As far as I know, there has existed to different Kakariko Villiages. The first one, and the most famous by far, is the one that was founded by Impa, and was located in Death Mountain. However, it seems that during the seven years when Ganon ruled Hyrule, this village was abandoned. Our theory is that when peace was again restored to Hyrule, the previous inhabitants of this Kakariko Village, founded a new Kakariko Village, this one in the western part of Hyrule, close to the forest.
Kanalet Castle: Castle found on Koholint Island.
Kamaros Mask: Mystical mask which would give Link the ability to perform a strange dance.
Kasuto Town: There have existed two Kasuto Towns. Ganon raided the old town, and all the inhabitants of Kasuto Town move to the woods of eastern-Hyrule. This became the new Kasuto Town.
Keaton: The Keaton was a three tailed Fox. It showed great knowledge, especially in Termina. It has been speculated that the Keaton might had something to do with the creation of Hyrule, but this is pure speculation.
Keese: This bat inhabits the Caves and Dungeons throughout the Continent of Hyrule.
Key Cavern: A cavern on Koholint Island that's shaped like a key.
Key: Found in every dungeon, used to unlock common doors.
Kholdstare: The boss of the Level 6 Dark World dungeon in A Link to the Past.
King Harkinian: During the time the Valiant Comics took place (Around 4550 Hyrulian Chronology according to our Timeline), he was the King of Hyrule, and the father of Zelda.
King Zora: Around the time when Ocarina of Time took place, he was the ruler of the Zoras. He was a very popular, and highly respected king, not only within his own people, but harvested respect among other great leaders aswell. He was the father of the sage and Zora princess, Ruto.
Kokiri: Read about the Kokiri in Races of Hyrule.
Kokiri Emerald: This was the Kokiri's biggest and most valuable, and it was guarded by the Great Deku Tree. However, Link used it together with the Goron's Ruby and the Zora's Sapphire to opne the gates into the Sacred Realm.
Kokiri Forest: This forest that was located in the south-east part of the land of Hyrule, was created and guarded by the Great Deku Tree. In these woods the children of the Deku Tree, the Kokiri, lived.
Kokiri Sword: This sword, that was the first sword Link ever got, was a treasure of the Kokiri.
Kokiri Tunic: This green tunic was the everyday clothing of the Kokiri, and Link. This tunic had no special powers.
Koholint Island: Read about Koholint Island in Lands of Hyrule.
Kotake: This witch was one of Ganondorf Dragmire's two(!) mothers. Together with the other one, Koume, they could melt into one big witch, then they would be called Twinrova. Kotake was the Ice part of the two witches, and seldom or never used anything other than Ice spells. The Twinrovas weren't always evil, a suggestion that was proved in Majoras Mask, where Link helped them both.
Koume: The same as Kotake, except Koume used Fire spells.
Lake Hylia: Lake Hylia is found in the western part of the land of Hyrule. The water in Lake Hylia comes from Zora River, so when during the Imprisoning War when Ganondorf froze Zoras Domain to Ice, Lake Hylia dried up. The Water Temple is located in Lake Hylia, beneat the water surface. The people that inhabit the land of Hyrule, was originally from Lake Hylia.
Lakeside Lab: This lab. was located on the sea right outside of Great Bay. They were famous for their studying of fishes and for being the place the hatching of Lulu, the Zoran singers, took place.
Langhorne: See Calaveras.
Lanmolas: They guarded the Desert Palace (The second temple) in A Link to the Past.
Leever: These round creatures would pop out of the deserts and chase Link in a certain pattern.
Lens of Truth: This item gave one the possibility to look through fake walls and spot other invincible things. It was first found in the bottom of the well in Kakariko Village.
Link, The Hero of Time: The Legend of Zelda is based around the adventures of this boy, who is the Hero of Time. This Hylian boy was brought to the Kokiri and into the arms of the Great Deku Tree after his mother died during a war. Here, he was brought up just like any other Kokiri, but there was one major difference. Link didn't have a fairy. When he was ten years old, he was told about his destiny by the Great Deku Tree, whom had known right away before he took the boy into the woods that he was the Hero of Time. After he got to know his destiny, he went on and saved the land of Hyrule and other lands such as Termina, Holodrum, Labrynna and Kohlint Island.
Link, The Goron: After Link saved the life of all Gorons during the Imprisoning War by opening up Dodongos Cavern to them, Darunia the Goron King named his son up after Link. It is said that Link, The Goron did not only go on to become king of the Gorons, but even king of Hyrule.
Like Like: A gellow-like creature that would eat ones equipment like Shields and Tunics. If it ate ones tunic, one would have to kill the Like Like in order to get it back. Like Likes are often found in cool, damp like environments like caves and dungeons.
Lizalfos: These were upstanding Lizards that could handle the sword like nobody else.
Lon Lon Ranch: Lon Lon Ranch has played a big part of Hyrule's History. Located in Hyrule Field, it is the only ranch in the land of Hyrule, therefore the inhabitants of Hyrule depended on it. The Ranch is run by Talon and her daughter Malon, but during the imprisoning war one of their workers, Ingo, took over the ranch and ran it for Ganondorf. Lon Lon Ranch is known for having fast horses, and one example is Epona, the horse of Link.
Longshot: An upgraded version of the Hookshot. This item has twice the range as it predecessor.
Lost Woods: These woods were a part of Kokiri Forest. The legend says that anyone that enters the Lost Woods without a fairy, will never come back, but end up as a Stalfos. During the adenture in A Link to the Past, The Master Sword was hidden here.
Lulu: She was the singer in a famous Zora band called 'The Indigos'. She also gave birth to the legendary Zoran babies that thought Link the song called 'New Wave Bossanova'.
Lynel: This form of a centaur usually tossed sharp objects and fought in groups with other Lynels.
Lynna Village: A village in the land of Labrynna.
Mabe Village: This was the biggest, and most famous village on Kohlint Island.
Majoras Mask: This evil mask was created by an ancient tribe for use in their hexing rituals, but they underestimated the evil powers of the mask. After a while, the mask was put away in a hidden temple, as it was the only way to keep it's evil away from the world. Unfortunately, the mask was stolen. After a while, the Mask Man got a hold of this evil mask, but an Imp by the name of Skull Kid stole it. Now, the mask started using it's evil powers, and it tried to destroy the land of Termina by making the moon crash into the city of Clock Town at the night of their yearly carnival. Fortunately, the mask was stopped by the Hero of Time, Link, that was by coincidence in brought to the land of Termina. Many claim that it was no coincidence that the mask, which used Skull Kid as a 'puppet', went to Hyrule and brought Link to Termina. They say the mask did it because it was seaking a worthy opponent.
Maku Tree: This giant tree was the guardian of Labrynna just like the Deku Tree guarded Kokiri Forest.
Malon: A pretty girl that lived and ran Lon Lon Ranch together with her father, Talon.
Mambo: A fish that lived in a cave in Tall-Tall Heights.
Manhandla: This was a large over-sized man-eating flower. It had four hands sticking out in all direction, and its speed would increase significantly as it lost its hands.
Maple: She was an aprentice witch to her grandmother. She would often sneak out and fly around on her broom. Sometimes she and Link would meet and 'exchange' items, rings etc.
Mask Man/Collector, The: This man was the rightful owner of Majoras Mask. Allthough he seemed nice enough, he had a frightning temper! It is believed that he was the one to approach if one wanted info on the Fierce Diety Mask, but this never happened as far as I know. He is also the owner of the Happy Mask Shop in Hyrule Castle Town.
Mask of Scents: This mask would give Link incredible abilities to smell mushrooms that otherwise could not be found.
Master Sword, The: A magical sword that was the weapon of the Hero of Time. It is said that this sword was made by the godesses themselves, as a way of protecting the land they created from evil. After the Master Sword had rested in the Temple of Time for a long time, the Hero of Time, who was the only person that was able to remove it from it's place, came and took it out of the pedestal of time because he needed it to defeat evil. After that, the Master Sword has rested in various places among Hyrule, out of view for anyone. Only the Hero of Time is able to use this sword that is made by metal that contains magical properties that allow it to expel charges of energy when the Legendary Knight concentrates.
Mayour Dotour: He was the Mayor of Clocktown, the main city in Termina. Since there was no known king that ruled over all races in Termina, it can be assumed that Mayour Dotour was the leader of the Hylians in Termina.
Megaton Hammer: This hammer, which is the ancient weapon of the Gorons, was said to be the only weapon that could kill the dragon Volvagia, that guarded the Fire Temple.
Medila: According to the Zelda Valiant-Comic #5, Medila was Link's mother.
Mido: This boy was the self-proclaimed leader of the Kokiri. He was jealous of Link as he liked Saria who was Link's best childhood friend. It has been told that Mido later left the forest and grew to be a big man.
Mido Town: It is unkown how this city got it's name, but it is suggested that it is named after it's founder. According to this, the founder was a boy that left the enchanted forest of the Deku Tree (Kokiri Forest) and became a man.
Miff: In the Valiant Comics, this fairie served a role similar to the one Navi has in Ocarina of Time.
Mikau: He was a legendary Zora musician in Termina. He was the skilled guitarist of a very famous Zora band called 'The Indigos'.
Milk Bar: A bar that served milk. It was located in ClockTown, Termina.
Mirror Shield: This legendary shield, the shield of a Hero, very strong and shiny, and could used to reflect light. It is said that it didn't just exist one Mirror Shield, but that is has been made in many different versions.
Mystery Mire: A swamp in the Dark World.
Moa: This 'eye' creature that often dwelled in graveyards could turn invincible in the wink of an eye.
Moblin: The moblins were one of Ganon's cursed minions. They were pig-like creatures that had the strength of ten men, and they often carried spears.
Moby: These were some sort of birds, vultures, that dropped rocks on people.
Moldorm: A huge worm-like boss, from the third temple in A Link to the Past, that could be incredibly annoying for Link, as it always refilled its life if Link felt down a level.
Morpha: It is rumoured that this giant amoeba was the creature that drained down Lake Hylia.
Moosh: A polar bear equipped with wings. Would let Link ride him in Oracle of Ages. He was very useful when Link needed to get past wide gaps.
Mothula: The boss of the third temple in the Dark World (A Link to the Past).
Mt. Tamarach: This was the highest mountain peak on Koholint Island. The Windfish's egg rested here.
Mushroom: Mushrooms are known ingredients in different potions, among those the Blue Potion.
Mysterious Woods: The biggest forest on Koholint Island.
Nabooru: The sage of Spirit. She was the leader and most feared Gerudo, but infact she was nothing like Ganondorf, even though she was in command after him. She despised Ganon, and wanted to throw him off the throne with the help of the Silver Gauntlets that she tried to steal from Desert Colossus. But, the Twinrovas caught Nabooru and cast a spell on her. The spell was later broken by the hero of time when he vanquished the Twinrovas and obtained the Silver Gauntlets.
Nabooru Town: This was a town surrounded by grassland on the western island.
Nayru: She was the third godess, and together with the other two (Din and Farore), she created the continent of Hyrule and the Triforce. She is the godess of Wisdom. In Oracle of Ages she appeared as the Oracle of Ages, who had the power to control the flow of time.
Navi: This was the Hero of Time's first fairy. Even though it took ten years before he got his very own fairy, he was very happy when Navi was sendt to him by the Deku Tree. Navi helped Link through the Imprisoning War, but then left after they defeated Ganondorf. Three months later, Link went looking for her...
Negiron: A rock that looked like a Goron. It would explode if hit.
Noble Sword, The: This sword, which Link aquired during his adventures in Labrynna and Holodrum, was a powerful sword. If Links health was at its best, this sword could even fire powerful beams.
Odd Mushroom: An incredibly rare mushroom that was used to create rare potion and medicines.
Odolwa: This big monster was the boss of the Woodfall Temple in Termina. He was really no challenge for Link, especially since his attack basicly was just jumping around and swinging his sword around without aiming.
Ocarina of Time: This ancient Ocarina that had a perfect tone, was made to control the flow of time. It might have been the most powerful relic during the imrisoning war, when it was used together with the song of time to open the door into the Sacred Realm. Before the Hero of Time obtained the Ocarina, it belonged to the Royal Family.
Octoroc: These coward octopuses were known to be easily defeated. If one approach them, they will dive below the surface. If hit with an Ice Arrow, it will freeze and become an 'ice cube'.
Oni- Link: Japanese for 'Evil Link'. When Link wore the Fierce Diety Mask, he was transformed into Oni- Link. Very little is known about this mysterious person/form of Link.
Owl Statue: These statues of an owl were placed all over Termina. The legend says that Kaepora Gaebora the owl foresaw Links adventure in Termina, went there and placed out the owl statues. With the help of a special song, Link can soar between all the unlocked owl statues in the land of Termina.
Palace of Darkness: This palace, which was one of the Dungeons in the Dark World (A Link to the Past), was home to great evil forces and mysteries.
Parpa Dessert: A dessert near the east coast of western Hyrule.
Peahat: They were plants that didn’t look for trouble, they would simply burrow halfway into the ground, if a traveler neared it, it would immediately attack. At night, it wouldn’t notice the traveler, but if attacked, it would release Peahat Larva.
Pedestal of Time: The pedestal in the Temple of Time in which the Master Sword rested for many years before the Hero of Time pulled it out.
Pegasus Boots: These legendary boots would give Link the ability to run very, very fast.
Pegasus Shoes: Same as the Pegasus Boots, but this was the name they had in the GameBoy Advance version of A Link to the Past.
Phantom Ganon: When Link conquered the Forest Temple, he beat Phantom Ganon which was a 'clone' of Ganon. When Phantom Ganon was defeated, Ganon noticed Links skills for the first time.
Pippin: This was a farmer that grew gasha-seeds in the ancient Labrynna. It is likely that he is an ancient ancestor of Bipin.
Poe: Ghosts that haunt Hyrule. In fact due to the enchanted nature of the land, many poes inhabit Hyrule, lost between dimensions of light and dark. Some are friend while others just want to be left alone. It's best not to overturn the graves in Hyrule or the Poes might come out and become your worst nightmare.
Pond of Happiness: This was a 'wishing-well' located at Lake Hylia. Throwing rupees into was supposed to make you happy. The pond would also tell your fortune (if you were going to have good or bad luck that day).
Powder Keg: This huge bomb which is also known as a Barrel Bomb, can only be carried by Gorons with a license.
Power Bracelet: This bracelet that originally belonged to the Gorons, would give one the power to lift heavy things.
Pumpkin Head: Was the boss of Spirit's Grave on Oracle of Ages. It would spit fireballs and jump around trying to crush Link.
Pyramid of Power: In this Dark World pyramid, Ganon kept the Triforce for a short period of time.
Quake Medallion: This medallion gave one the power to create a very local earthquake.
Queen Ambi: Ambi was the queen of Labrynna in the distant past. She was building Ambi's Tower to search for her lost love, who sailed away from her.
Queen Seline: In the Valiant Comics, she was not only the Queen of Calatia, but also a good friend of King Harkinian as well.
Ralph: Ralph was the childhood- friend of Nayru, the Oracle of Ages. He was very hot-tempered, which often lead him into difficult situations. Though, he often helped Link on his adventure in Oracle of Ages.
Rauru: The sage of light and builder of Light Temple. Rauru helped Link during the imprisoning war. He often was in the Sacred Realm, where the Triforce rested.
Rauru Town: Town named after Rauru the sage between Parpa and Tantari dessert,
Re-Dead: These were the same as Gibdos, only they looked ten times worse.
Red Ice: This was a magical piece of ice that could only be melted by the mystical Blue Flame.
Richard: Ruled the Kanalet Castle on Koholint Island until he was betrayed by his servants.
Ricky: A boxing glove wearing kangaroo. He had the ability of jumping high and long, and he could create tornados aswell. He was always to be considered a friend.
Ring(s): The Rings played an important part in the Oracle games. Different rings had different powers.
Roam: He was the descendant of a Hylian Master Archer, and he tried to stop Ganon when he discovered his plans (ALTTP Comics). Roam even had an entire chapter in the comics dubbed after him, "Roam; The Mystery Knight".
Romani: The little sister of Cremia. Lived with her sister on Romani Ranch which she was named after.
Romani Mask: This mask was the proof that one was a member of the Milk Bar in Termina.
Romani Ranch: This was the biggest ranch in Termina. It was run by the sisters Cremia and Romani. They are famous for their milk that can restore ones life.
Royal Composer Bros.: These two brothers was the Royal Familys official composers. They composed the Sun's Song. They now rest in the Graveyard behind Kakariko Village.
Rupee: This is the currency on the continent of Hyrule. These are the different types of rupees:
Green/Emerald - 1 · Blue/Sapphire - 5 · Red/Ruby - 20 · Purple/Amethyst - 50 · Gold/Gold - 200 · Orange/Topaz - Unkown · Silver/Silver - Unknown
Ruto: She was daughter of King Zora, therefore the Zora's princess. When Link saved her from inside of Jabu Jabu's belly. She then fell in love with Link, and imagined that she was engaged to him and that they were going to marry. However, Link weren't interested in her at all.
Sacred Forest Meadow: A meadow in the Kokiri Forest. The Forest Temple is located here.
Sahasarala: This wise old man, who was infact a decendant of the sages, guided Link through his adventure in 'A Link to the Past'.
Sakon: A thief from Termina that lived in Ikana Canyon. Very little is known about him.
Sakora: In Oracle of Seasons, he would provide Link with several advices, most of the useless though.
Saria: A little, kokiri girl with green hair that turned out to be the Forest Sage. She was Links best friend from when he grew up among the Kokiri. It is not known what happened to Saria after the imprisoning war, but it has been speculated in that she settled down in Saria Town, hence the name.
Saria Town: This is a large river town just north of the Death Mountain Rage.
Sage: A sage is a person that is chosen by faith to protect the peace on the continent of Hyrule.
Shadow Temple: This temple was built by the Sheikah to seal the remaining evil in the land of Hyrule. During the imprisoning war, the evil within the temple escaped.
Shadow Link: Link's evil shadow. The final-boss in Adventure of Link. You do also meet him in Ocarina of Time. Shadow Link has also been known as 'Dark Link'.
Sheikah: The Sheikah, or the Shadow Folk, were an ancient race in Hyrule. Read more about them in Races of Hyrule.
Skull Children: The skeletons of fallen weak warriors that roamed aimlessly, looking for prey. Some were ruled by Captain Keeta, others were ruled by the King of Ikana.
Skeleton Forest: The name of the Lost Woods in the Dark World.
Skull Kid: A little imp that lived in Termina. He was originally friends with the fours gods that created the land of Termina, but when they went to sleep in the different temples, Skull Kid felt like he was betrayed by his friends. Because of this, he stole Majoras Mask to get back at the four Gods. This caused lots of trouble in Termina, and it was believed that Skull Kid was behind it. Later, it was revealed that Skull Kid was only used as a tool by Majoras Mask. When Skull Kid was freed from the masks evilness, he and Link eventually became friends.
Skulltulas: The Skulltula family was one of the wealthiest families in Kakariko Village until someone casted a spell on them that turned them into Spiders. To break the curse on all the Skulltulas, one must kill 100 Gold Skulltulas that is located around in the land of Hyrule. Great awards awaits the one that can break the curse on the Skulltulas.
Snap Dragon: This plant was equipped with the legs of a person and razor sharp teeth. It would attack anyone that approached it.
Snowhead: Placed on top of Death Mountain in Termina, this was a cold and icy place that would be frozen all year, even during summer. The Snowhead Temple was also located here.
Song of Healing: This song would give a restless soul piece, and it could heal wounded persons.
Song of Time: Legendary song that together with the
Ocarina of Time, could be used to travel through time.
Southern Swamp: A great Swamp, located west of Clock Town, that was the home of Kotake, the witch, the boat ride excursion, Deku palace and much much more!
Spectacle Rock: This is an odd formation of stones that looks like a pair of glasses. Often seen with a mysterious object shaped like a heart on it's summit.
Spirit Temple: This temple has also been called Dessert Colossus. It was the home of the Twinrovas, who was the mothers of Ganon.
Spryte: A fairie that appeared in the Zelda Cartoon. Spryte would often help Link out when he got himself into trouble!
Stalfos: These were skeleton-minions of Ganon that was hard to destroy. If their body was not crushed into microscopical pieces, it would reform and continue it's attack.
Stal Child: Wandering skeleton children of Hyrule Field. Only appear at night during Child Life. Believed to have once been the innocent children and people who died during the Imprisoning War, looking to seek their rightful place.
Stone of Agony: This stone would shake whenever it was close to a secret of some kind.
Stone Tower/Stone Tower Temple: This huge tower buildt of stones was located near Ikana Village in Termina. The original purpose of the Stone Tower is unkown.
Stray Fairy: When SkullKid used the powers of Majoras Mask, he shattered the Great Faires into pieces. These pieces would look like small faries, and were called Stray Fairies.
Subrosia(ns): Read more about the land Subriosia in Lands of Hyrule and about the Subrosians in Races of Hyrule.
Subterror: Enemy that would dig under the ground and then eventually come back up again trying to hit Link.
Sun's Song: Song composed by the Royal Composer Brothers. Playing it would make day turn into night, and the other way around.
Swoop: This enemy would flap his wings trying to crush Link.
Tabahl Wasteland: A wasteland on Koholint Island full of dead trees.
Tail Cave: This was a cavern on Koholint Island.
Tall Tall Heights: This was a huge height on Koholint Island with many beatieful waterfalls.
Talon: He owned and ran Lon Lon Ranch together with his daughter, Malon. He spendt lots of his time training his super-cuccos.
Tantari Desert: This was a desert in the western part of Hyrule, north of the North Castle.
Tatl: Links second Fairy. After she was abandoned by Skull Kid when he stole Link's Ocarina, Tatl decided to join Link on his quest. She had a big mouth, and was often concerned about her brother, Tael.
Tael: The brother of the fairy Tatl.
Tektite: These spider like creatures can be found anywere. Blue tektites on water, Red around volcanoes and Brown tektites where everywhere.
Temple of Time: Housed the Master Sword for a long time. The door to the Temple of Time was opened with the help of the Ocarina of Time. There are reasons to believe that the Temple of Time had some connections to the Tetraforce, if it existed.
Termina Field: These where the great fields outside of the city of Clock Town.
Tetraforce: Very little is known about the Tetraforce. It is said to be the fourth part of the Triforce, and it is the piece of Time. If it existed, it would most likely have had some connections to the Temple of Time, The Master Sword and the Ocarina of Time, since they were are related to the same subject: Time.
Tick Tock: He was the Clock Maker of Horon Village.
Tingle: A very strange man that actually wants to be a Kokiri Kid for some reason. At the age of 35, he dresses up like a Forest Boy, and he is still waiting for his fairy. He sells Terminian maps for a living. The son of the boat cruise owner. Tingle also re-appeared in Oracle of Ages, and also this time he was briefing with his cartography skills!
Tower of Hera: This was a great tower that was located at the very top of Death Mountain in Hyrule. It was buildt sometime between the Imprisoning War, and the adventures of A Link to the Past.
Triforce: An ancient relic that contains the essences of the three gods: Wisdom, Courage and Power. It will grant the wishes of whoever person that touches the Triforce, but only if that person has the perfect balanse in his heart between the three forces. If the one that touches the Triforce have not got a perfect balanse between the forces in his heart, the Triforce will split up into three pieces. The one touching the Triforce will get the Triforce piece of the force he believes the most in, and the two other pieces will go to someone chosen by destiny. A person that carries the power of the Triforce, has a got the Triforce symbol on the back of his hand. The Triforce rests in the Light Temple.
Trinexx: The evil meister of Turtle Rock, which was the seventh Dark World dungeon in A Link to the Past.
Tokee: He was a musician that lived high atop Talus Peaks in Labrynna.
Twin-Mold: This was the boss of the Stone Tower Temple in Termina. Twin Mold was two giant-flying-serpents. Link had to use the Giants Mask in order to defeat Twin-Mold. It has been speculating in wether it could be descendants of Twin-Mold that was the second boss in A Link to the Past, as the similarities are stunning.
Ukuku Praire: This was the largest place on the whole Koholint Island. It was right there in the middle of the island.
Vaati: This evil wizard is also known as the Great Wind Mage. During his adventures in Four Swords, Link had to to defeat Vaati by turning multiplying himself into four with the help of the Four Sword.
Vasu: He was the only jewler in Labrynna, and also the only person that knew the secret powers of the rings made from magical seeds.
Venus: Living in her pond called 'Waterfall of Wishing' in Lake Hylia, she was the most beautiful Fairy in the whole og Hyrule. She was the queen of all fairies.
Veran: The sorceress of Shadows. She had the ability of inhabiting the bodies of other people.
Vire: This was a flying demon tha haunted Link in both Labrynna and Holodrum.
Vitreous: Boss of the level 6 dungeon of the Dark World in A Link to the Past.
Volvagia: This huge dragon that lived in a Volcano once almost extinct the whole Goron Race. The only way to destroy it, was by using the Gorons special weapon, The Megaton Hammer.
Wallmaster: This was i big hand that would come down from the ceiling to grab Link. If Wallmaster got Link, it would take him to the beginning of the dungeon.
Watchman Erol: Appeared in the Valiant Comics as the Watchman of the front gate of North Castle.
Water Temple: This temple was buildt by the Zoras. The temple is located below the surface of Lake Hylia. This was the thoughest temple Link had to conquer during his adventure in Ocarina of Time.
Waterfall of Wishing: In this waterfall, which was the pond of Venus, you could buy the Zora Flippers from a water dragon in A Link to the Past.
Windfish: The creator of Koholint Island, the island of the dead.
Wizrobe: Link faced this enemy several times when he was in Termina.
Wolfos: These wolf-like enemies appeared in many different colors during Link's adventure in Ocarina of Time.
Wooden Sword: This was a weak sword which Link had to use during the early stages of his adventures in Holodrum and Labrynna.
Woodfall: This fall in Termina was located in the woods, north of Clock Town and south of the Deku Palace.
Woodfall Temple: This temple was located at the very top of Woodfall. Its evil master was Odolwa.
Yarna Desert: This desert that was located at the east coast of Koholint Island was full of skeletons. Also, the Anglers Key was located here.
Zelda: The name of the princess of Hyrule. She is catalyst for the Legendary Knight's action in all time periods of Hyrulian History. She is descended by bloodline as the reincarnation of her prior lives. She is the keeper of the Triforce of wisdom, telepath, and embodiment of holiness and purity.
Zelda's Lullaby: This is a legendary song which was used by Zelda's nurse, Impa, as a lullaby for the princess when she was young. The song could be used as a proof that you had relations to the Royal Family in Hyrule, as no-one else knew how to play it.
Zol: This gellow like creature would split into two Gels if hit.
Zola: These where a mutated form of the Zora's, and the weren't any friendly.
Zora: The Zoras are a race in Hyrule. Read more about it in Races of Hyrule.
Zora's Domain: The home of the Zoras of Hyrule. During the Imprisoning War when Ganon froze down
Zora's Domain, most of the Zoras died.
Zora's Sapphire: This sapphire was the Zora's most precious treasure, and it was given to Link after he helped them with their problems with Lord Jabu-Jabu. Link used it to together with the Kokiri Emerald and the Goron's Ruby to open the gates into the Sacred Realm.
Zora Hall: This was the home of the Terminian Zoras. It was located below the water surface somewhere in Great Bay.
Zora Tunic: A blue tunic that would give one the ability to stay under water for as long as one would like. The Iron Boots was needed if one wanted to walk under water.