The Lands of Hyrule

This land has the same name as
the World itself. Hyrule the land
is often mixed up with Hyrule the
World. In the land of Hyrule, many
important battles and events have
taken place. The land of Hyrule is
filled with different creatures, races
and places. People in the land of
Hyrule have always been known as
religious people, and they have
always been in great respect of the
powers of the Triforce. The Royal
Family is the greatest and most
respected family in Hyrule, and
they run the land.

When Link first visited a land
outside Hyrule, Termina was
the destination. Because many
of the persons and creatures he
met here were very similar to the
inhabitants of Hyrule, Termina is
often thought of as a parallell
World to Hyrule. However, in
Termina, the races do not have
a common 'emperor' or Royal
Family that runs the land, but
they have individual leaders.
The Terminians are more
advanced than the Hyrulians,
but does not seem to have
the same faith in the gods as
the Hyrulians do. Every year,
they celebrate a big carnival
in the centre of the land, which
is the city Clock Town. They do
this in honour of the four great
ones which according to the
legend created the land, and
still guard it. The Triforce is not
mentioned when Link is in
Termina, so it is believed that it
does not play a part of their lives
and history.
The Great Sea

Once Hyrule is flooded
by the Gods to protect
the land from Ganondorf,
it turns into a vast sea. The
inhabitants of Hyrule quickly
settled on the top of the
mountain-tops, and eventually
they forgot all about Hyrule and
the land below the sea, for the
this huge sea with many an
island became the new home
of all life.
Koholint Island

While ship-wrecked on a
sea-voyage back to Hyrule,
Link stumbled upon Koholint
Island. The Wind Fish was the
emperor of the Island, and Link
couldn't leave the island until he
had freed the Wind Fish. This
Island was infact inhabited by
many people that resembled the
inhabitants of Hyrule, and Link is
still doubtfull wether the Island was
just a place he visited in his dreams...
Dark World / Sacred Realm

When Ganon was trapped in
the Sacred Realm during the
Imprisoning War, he still wanted
to take over Hyrule. Instead, he
had to settle with the Sacred Realm.
The Sacred Realm was infact a
mirror-world of Hyrule. It was here
Ganon made plans of taking over
Hyrule with his great army of soldiers,
but the plans was spoiled by Link that
got into the Dark World and ruined it
all for Ganon, and once again saved
Hyrule. When a normal person from
Hyrule entered the Sacred Realm,
he would change into a monster if
his thoughts were greedy and impure.

When peace reigned in Hyrule,
Link was not free to rest. The Triforce
called him to the land of Labrynna,
as evil was stirring in this far-away
land. Being allied with the evil
empress, Veran, they take over
the beautiful singer, and godess
of time, Nayru. Labrynna is
inhabited by the same races as
Hyrule and Termina, but unlike
Termina, Labrynna has their
own inhabitants that are special
for their land, and therefore the land
is obviously not a parallell dimension
of some sort, like Termina.

Located somewhere far from
Hyrule, Holodrum is a very color
and cheer-full land. Link was
brought to Holodrum by the
Triforce when General Onox
used the powers of the Oracle
of Seasons, Din, to mess up
the Seasons in Holodrum. The
land is very similar to Labrynna,
but it is characterized by its own
unique landmarks and inhabitants.

Subrosia is a land deep inside
of the planet, and here lives the
Subrosians. They are a peaceful
race that can acces every land
in Hyrule that they want, from
Subrosia. The only known
entrance for other races to
Subrosia is in Holodrum.
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