<bgsound src="chariot2.mid">
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SEA Games 1993

SEA Games Opening Ceremony - A Grand Event & Spectacular Performance!

The theme song was Build A Bridge.

Let us build a bridge, across the miles,
Bring out the love and bring on the smiles.
Build a Bridge, for you and me,
Together, we'll stay in Unity.

The SEA Games Mascot, Singa.

A close up view of us during training at Yishun Stadium.

Tower 23 Group Photo just outside the Stadium

Another of our Tower Photo.

The wild ones...taken on the hired bus. Hey, look at Raymond's tongue!

Tower ICs.

The actual performance on 12 June 1993, A very nice one indeed!
Notice the flame/torch lighted up.

For photos of Les Miserables Performance Click Here to view them.
Song LyricsPost YCF Meeting
Movie ClipAcknowledgement

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E-mail : sawyer@teacher.com

Background Music : Chariots of Fire