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Trevor Peterson's Stationery Page

Bowdoin College Website
Bridgefest 2002-NYC
Jeremy in Argentina!
Sample Stationery Pages
Sarah and Trevor's Wedding

Here are some designs currently available. If you would like to order stationery, pick out the designs you like, and e-mail me at with your address, and the desired designs, and quantities you would like to order. My premade package consists of three of each design with printed envelopes for $15 plus shipping and handling (about $3 depending on where you are). At this point, I am printing all of the designs on 8.5 x 11 inch ivory granite paper with matching envelopes. Once I learn how, I will make this site more interesting. Most of the drawings posted so far are part of a series of drawings made of places and things on Kent Island, New Brunswick, where I spent the past summer. I also have many drawings from my summers growing up on Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior. *noteā€”the titles of the designs do not appear on the stationery itself. Thanks very much, and enjoy your letter writing!!
