Ernest Richmond VICARS [Parents] was born 13 Feb 1892 in , Wise Co., Va. He died 12 Jul 1928. Ernest married Anna Mae YELLMAN on 3 Jul 1919 in Jonesville, Lee Co., Va.
They had the following children:
M i Ernest Richmond VICARS Jr. F ii Jane VICARS
Sarah Elizabeth VICARS [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Amy Elizabeth DEAN F ii Anne Vicars DEAN
Marshall Walker VICARS [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Shirley Ann VICARS M ii Joseph McFarlane VICARS F iii Gloria VICARS
Lacy Miles VICARS [Parents]
Robert Clyde VICARS [Parents]
Cynthia FULLER [Parents]
Ollie FULLER [Parents]
Trigg FULLER [Parents]
Beverly Floyd KISER [Parents] was born 25 Oct 1854. He married Christina SMITH in , Dickinson Co., Va.
Christina SMITH was born 15 Apr 1854. She married Beverly Floyd KISER in , Dickinson Co., Va.
They had the following children:
F i Viola KISER M ii Orceno KISER M iii Offie KISER F iv Iona KISER F v Jennie KISER M vi Auley KISER M vii Jefferson KISER F viii Ella KISER M ix Rudolph KISER F x Hattie KISER
Alice KISER [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Claude BALL died in Crab Orchard, , Ky. M ii Leon BALL