These are the grownup children of Solomon(Rhea)& Vena Roller. From left to right they are,
Katheryn Rosenbaum, Colleen Lawson, Solomon Rhea Roller Jr, Peggy Horner, Doug Roller, Sue
Ransom, Tommy Roller, Betty Lou Tate, Sammy Joe Roller Sr. Not pictured is Henry Roller.
This is Roland Ralph "Hooter" Jessee, taken Thanksgiving 1999 in Dandridge, Tenn. It was submitted by his granddaughter, Cheryl Eure, and I quote from her, "Yes, that is a real opossum on his lap in the kitchen. Grandma was about to shoot him. The opossum and my pa!" Roland is married to Inez Kiser, and he is my 5th cousin once removed. Now you too are on the Web, Hooter! Thanks for the picture Cheryl.
This is my gg grandmother Lucy Oney Dickenson. She
was married to James Ora Dickenson. Her daughter was Lillie Mary Di
ckenson Jessee born Aug. 6, 1889, died Feb 13, 1977. She was married
to Watson Harvey Jessee. Lillie's daughter was Vena Monda Jessee Roller
born, August 16, 1909, died Jan. 1983. She married Solomon Rhea Roller
Sr. Her daughter is Mary (Katheryn)Roller, born Jan. 6,1927. She married
Ralph Daniel Rosenbaum. Her daughter is Sandra Lou Rosenbaum Lucci, me.
I married Alexander Louis Lucci and we had a son, Louis Robert Lucci.
I have this picture hanging in my dining room. I feel like Lucy is watching
over me and somehow she keeps me inspired to find more info on my family.
This is my great grandfather Martin Henry Roller,(born 28 April 1868 died
4 Nov. 1951)and his wife Hannah Pectol Roller(born 29 May 1870 died 27 Dec 1953).
Their chidren were, Mary Ellen Roller, Hattie Caroline Roller, Solomon Rhea
Roller,my grandfather, Ora Mae Roller, Emma Elizabeth Roller, Josie Aggie Roller,
Barbara Madge Roller and Henry Herman Roller.
This is my mother, Mary(Katheryn)Roller (standing) and her sister, Colleen Elizabeth
Roller, born 18 Dec. 1928 died June 12, 1997.
This is my grandfather, Solomon Rhea Roller(born 28 Jan 1897, died 23 Aug 1961),
my grandmother, Vena Monda Roller(born 16 Aug 1909, died Jan 1983) and their youngest
daughter Peggy Rogena Roller.
Pictured from left to right, in the back row Mary Ellen Roller Harrison and her husband
Emmanuel Harrison, Hannah Pectol Roller and her husband Martin Henry Roller, Vena Monda
Roller and her husband, Solomon Rhea Roller Sr. with Tommy Roller at their feet. In the front
row, from left to right is Colleen Roller Lawson, Jewell Roller Snodgrass, Douglas Roller,
Sue Roller Ranson and Betty Lou Roller Tate. Thanks Aunt Peggy for the info.