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There are two tourist regions in Serbia and Montenegro

  1. Mounts and health spas in Serbia
  2. Adriatic Coast in Montenegro


Freshen up your body and your spirit in Serbia and Montenegro

With its more than 150 years of experience in receiving tourists, Serbia is one of the oldest tourist destinations in this part of Europe. Organized groups of tourists started to visit Serbia for the purpose of relaxing and receiving treatment in Serbia's spas way back in the middle of the 19th century. Beautiful scenery, many rivers and streams, a wide variety of flora and fauna species, splendid mountains which are not only the skiers' paradise because in summer they because the farms of beauty and health, thousands of mineral water springs in the spas, forests abounding in forest products and game, beautiful lakes...





Mount Zlatibor
Spa Resort Wrnjacka Banja
Montenegro Coast
Mount Zlatibor in the Southwestern Serbia
Health Resort Vrnjacka Banja in Serbia
Popular Beach "Zanjice" in Montenegro



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