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First Month

Baby Mug Shot

Daddy calls this his Little Surfer Dude photo. It's not too bad for one of those hospital newborn photos.

Leaving the Hospital

Mommy and I were more than ready to go home. It was impossible to get any sleep at the hospital. They kept waking us up and poking us with all sorts of medical equipment. It looks like my big brother David is trying to sneak out the back door.

What Babies Do Best

Sleep! Or at least that's what good little babies do so their parents can get some necessary "shut-eye" too.

Blonde Baby

This photo shows how blonde my hair was at birth. Everyone was surprised to see it because Mommy's hair is so dark.

One Week Old

On October 14th we celebrated my becoming one week old. We had cake and gifts. Mommy looks like she hasn't had much rest in the past week!

Parties Are Fun For Everyone

My brother, David, really enjoyed my party because he got plenty of gifts, too. He really liked the German Chocolate Cake they had in my honor. He kept sticking his fingers in it and licking off the icing.

Wake Up, Daddy

Why are you so tired? I'm usually the one sleeping. I especially love to sleep on my Daddy's shoulders. They are soft and rounded, unlike my Mommy's bony ones!

Little Pudgeball

That's Mommy's nickname for me because I'm getting so big, so quickly. The pediatrician said that I had set the World's Record for gaining weight in their office.

Cry Baby

Here's another example of what babies are really good at - crying! However, from the stories I've heard, I don't cry as much as my big brother did when he was little. Mommy says I look cute even when I'm crying. What do you think?

More Sleeping

Only this time I'm doing it in my carseat. When my brother was a baby, they had to drive him around in the car to get him to sleep. I pretty much can sleep just about anywhere.

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Revised 11/29/01