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Place an Ad in the Commemorative Journal

25 years

November 1, 2002


“A Sterling Evening in Celebration”


A fundraiser to support and expand the activities of the Watchung Arts Center. 
It will be held on November 1, 2002 at
300 North Maple Avenue, located at the North Maple Inn at Basking Ridge in Basking Ridge, NJ. 

The evening will include a lavish menu, outstanding entertainment, silent auction, artwork,

the company of wonderful artists, special guests, and a large attendance of patrons.

2002 Commemorative Ad Book

·        Your advertisement will gain high visibility

·        We encourage all our attendees to patronize advertisers in the Commemorative Ad Book

·        Deadline to purchase Ad space is September 15, 2002

·        QUESTIONS: Call (908) 753-0190 or Email to WACenter@aol.com

 We trust that you will want to support our efforts, get great advertising exposure, and will join us for a “Sterling Evening in Celebration.”  Please fill out the registration form below, and return it with your camera-ready art. 

Thank you. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Advertiser’s name__________________________________ Contact Person _____________________________________

Phone (       )_____________________________________   E-MAIL____________________@_______________________

Address_________________________________________  City/State/Zip_______________________________________


Full Page   $200



  Quarter Page/Business Card   


      Half Page     $125

Inside Front/Back Cover    


Back Page    


Contribution only $_____________list/don’t list my name

Booster/Message, 2 lines, Max # Characters including spaces 125 


Enclosed Is A Check For $_________  


Make check payable to the Watchung Arts Center and mail to:
18 Stirling Road, Watchung, NJ  07069.   


All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Also please consider contributing to our Silent Auction.

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Watchung Arts Center
18 Stirling Road on the Circle in Watchung, NJ 07069
(908) 753-0190
Central New Jersey's Home for the Arts

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Sumware.com can develop a web site for youThis Page created and maintained by Maureen Greenbaum of Sumware in NJ
with the help of Clip Art from various sites
Last Updated 06/03/03