Lurline and me outside No. 10 Downing Street, March 2000.
Taken after discussions with the Prime Minister's Office staff on the future of their Internet Web Site, on behalf of the site's Independent Users' Group that I chaired.
I've always been interested in politics since I first started reading newspapers about the time of the Suez crisis in 1956.
At various times in my life, I have been conservative, liberal and socialist in my views. I particularly dislike extremism of any form. I firmly believe in balance and compromise. Common sense is a trait many politicians claim to posess, yet few really show. That's why I chose a "clouds" background to this page. Clouds are what many politicians have their heads in most of the time!
I believe that we should all be interested in getting the very best people to lead us locally, nationally and internationally. I think those of us who have the ability and the drive to do something for others without personal gain should not be afraid to get into public service.
The world in the 21st century has to be one in which people come closer together. It has to be a world in which old conflicts are buried. Disputes must be resolved peacefully, and in good faith. We need to work together to preserve our environment and provide real hope for our children. Nobody has all the answers!