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Chapter 5 – The Touch of Love

‘Cause like a picture she was layin’ there
Moonlight dancin’ off her hair
She woke up and took me by the hand
We made love in my Chevy Van
And that’s all right with me

Spike stirred from sleep with new sensations bombarding him from all directions. There was the languid, sated feeling that permeated his body from their love making. The softness of her body that was curled against his side. Her hair that tickled his jaw. The sticky feel of their sweat and body fluids combined that coated his skin.

Then there were the feelings that ran rampant through his heart. Love. Protectiveness. Pride. Gratitude. Happiness. And knowledge that everything was all right. The rest of the world had disappeared somewhere in the last few hours. Ever since Buffy had walked out of the restaurant he had fallen into a new realm of existence. It looked and smelled the same but yet nothing was the same. He smiled as he hugged her tighter against him.

Buffy stirred in his embrace smiling against his side. Her hand leisurely trailed across his stomach up toward his chest. He leaned over to kiss the top of her head.

“Mmmmmh. Hi there.” She moved back so that she could look at him. He had never seen anyone look as beautiful as she did in that moment. Her eyes sleepy. Her hair tousled and wild. All he could do was put his fingers under her chin to turn her so that he could kiss her again. After she was fully awake he pulled back from her. His forehead rested on hers.

“Hey there.” Spike couldn’t do anything but smile as the joy swept through him. “Do you want something to drink or eat? I’m going to go and get something.”

“That would be nice.” She whispered back. “Do you want me to go with you?”

He shook his head as he untangled himself from her to crawl off the bed. While she watched he searched for his clothes and pulled them on.

“Anything special you want?”


After grabbing change from the front of the van he headed for the vending machines. Not knowing exactly what she liked he bought five different candy bars, several bags of chips and then got cold sodas. The snacks ended up being carried in his shirt that he had pulled up to make a makeshift knap sack.

When he crawled in the van Buffy sat up to take the sodas from him so he could crawl in and shut the door. He groaned when he turned around to see Buffy sitting up holding the sodas in her lap with the sheet bunched around her waist.

“Sorry.” He could have kicked himself as she dropped the sodas to pull the sheet up. Just what she needed was to feel that he couldn’t control himself. He came to kneel on the bed beside her then dropped his shirt letting the snacks drop on her. It made him feel good when she laughed at his gesture.

“I didn’t know what you wanted.” He explained the variety of goodies that she was now sorting through. Spike wasn’t sure of what to do now. So, he sat down pulling his knees up to his chest watching her.

“Thanks.” Buffy looked up to smile at him as she selected a bag of M&Ms. After she had laid back down he grabbed a bag of chips and ripped them open. Neither one of them said anything as they started eating. Neither one sure of what to do in this situation they found themselves. They avoided each other’s eyes and continued to eat their snacks. Finally, Spike started to gather the nerve to say something. Anything to avoid this awkward silence.

“Did you hear about that movie that’s coming out next month? The one about the shark that eats everybody.”

“Yeah, it sounds really scary. My friends and I were thinking about taking my sister to it then taking her to the beach.”

“You have a sister?” Without knowing it she had opened possibilities of conversation.

“Dawn. She is so annoying. I hate not being an only child. Everybody coddles her and who has to always be the responsible one. Me. Buffy.” Buffy scrunched up her nose as she complained about her younger sister.

“I’m an only child and it can be lonely sometimes. When my mum and me moved around a lot there wasn’t anyone to keep me company.”

Buffy rolled to lie on her side facing him. Finished with the candy she wadded up the package and put it aside. Rummaging through the rest of the stuff she grabbed some potato chips. She waited until she had eaten one in her mouth to comment.

“You’re English, right? It seemed kind of obvious but I didn’t want to be rude.”

“Yeah, we moved here a couple of years ago when my mum got married.”

He took a chip from her bag when she offered.

“Where’s your Dad?”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. He had never met his father and his mother refused to talk about it. All he knew was that they had to get married and shortly after he was born the jerk had taken off. Never to be seen again. It didn’t hurt as much as it used to when he thought about it. In the end it had all worked out.

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. After my parents got divorced a couple of years ago my dad disappeared. Last I heard he had taken off with his twenty something secretary and is living in Spain or something.”

“Nice guy. Maybe our fathers should join a jerk-of-the-month club or something.”

They both laughed at his comment then a cloud fell over Buffy’s face. She turned again to lie on her stomach resting on her bent arms. Something had happened to her mood turning her from happy to being upset about something. Spike pushed the food out of the way so he could lie next to her mimicking her position.

“What’s wrong, pet?”
Her head was bent with her hair creating a curtain around her face. There was no way he could read the expression on her face. It hurt him that she had shut herself off from him so quickly. The only thing he could do was wait for her to speak to him. It seemed an eternity before she was ready to tell him anything.

“Was this only about getting laid to you?” Her voice was barely over a whisper but it still sounded loud in the silence of the van. Spike was stunned at her question. Everything had flowed so well with them since they had met. It was almost like a predestined plan to him. Then to have it taken down to such a stark level shocked him.

“No. Buffy. No. If that was all that I cared about I could have stayed in San Francisco and played their games. It would have happened eventually. But I wanted more. I wanted you.” It was hard for him to explain to her. He wanted her to understand but she was the one who had said one night. There was no way that he could tell her he was already half in love with her.

“If someone else had come along would you have wanted to be free with them?” The words that popped out of his mouth shocked him. She had already told him that it was him. But he needed to be reassured too. If he made him look like a pouf then so be it.

Buffy shook her hair behind her shoulder so that she could look at him.

“Only you has ever made me feel this way.”

Spike felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. Without thought he leaned toward her while she came to him. Their lips met in a kiss of mutual understanding. Buffy was the one who moved to deepen the kiss. Her tongue came along to gentle tease his lips apart. Without breaking the kiss they both moved so they were facing each other again. They could taste the chocolate and salt between them. But neither cared because along with it was the sweet taste of each other.

As they began to let the ardor build between them Spike laid on his back pulling Buffy on top of him. The sheet still twisted around her. His hands began to pull on it to get it out of his way. Her hair fell around his face tickling him. Being on top of him made Buffy more aggressive. She put her hands on his face and took the lead in their kissing. Her tongue explored his mouth as she straddled him. Her hips began to move so that she was rubbing herself against him. At her first pass over him he became hard. His erection strained toward the girl only a piece of denim away. It was too much for him as he ran his hands down her bare back to capture her bottom in his hands.

Things were careening out of control as their mouths became bolder. Buffy kept moving herself against him. He kneaded her bottom helping to push her against him. The first time had been a sweet slow ride but this time was coming like a flash of lightening. He moved a hand between them to try to get his jeans undone but as he did she ground herself against his hand.

He was confused as to what she wanted or needed. But she wouldn’t move herself off him so instead he turned his hand so that he could touch her. When he did she broke their kiss to bury her face in his neck. His fingers separated her folds to find her special spot. As he slowly explored her with his hand she made almost sobbing sounds in his ear.

“Buffy? Tell me what you want.”

She was plastered against him from her head almost all the way to her pelvis. That was a couple of inches above him now as he caressed her. But she only shook her head against him. Then it was her hand between them undoing his jeans again. As he was freed from his confinement she moved toward him then pulled away to kneel next to him. She finished pulling the sheet out from between them.
Spike sat up to take his shirt off then as she watched he pulled his jeans off. Once they were both free of any hindrances they turned to each other again.

“I want you.”

That was all she said as moved toward him then pushed him gently back on the bed. Once again she straddled him coming to sit on his stomach. Even though she was acting the aggressor he could still see the doubts in her eyes. Inside he knew that if she became too unsure she would stop acting this way. He tried to figure out a way to make her relax so she would be comfortable enough to follow through.

He moved to put his arms behind his head on the bed to show that he was submissive to whatever she wanted to do. Then he pushed his hips off the bed to prod her to move. He watched as the fear crossed her eyes as she realized what she was doing. But as she watched him become compliant she again started to take control.

There was another kiss to start off with but it was quickly left behind as she moved to kiss his neck. But as she began to suckle on him he realized that she may be a novice at the actual sex part but this she knew. There wasn’t any hesitation in her assault on his flesh. Then her hands began to move over his sides and once there moved over to his chest. Her mouth came back to kiss him again as her fingers found his nipples.

“Do you like this?” She asked as she gently rubbed them with her thumbs. He nodded his head as he looked up into her face. After giving him a smile she once again bent to kiss his neck. Spike was beginning to lose control as she continued to touch him. But as her kisses began to move down his chest he could feel the hesitation in her touch again. She had moved into new territory again and wasn't sure what to do.

"Don't stop." Spike told her as he began to be lost in her again. Her hair flowed against his skin as she kissed her way down his chest. There was just too much going on for him to be able to absorb it all. There didn't seem to be enough oxygen for him to breathe. Enough light for him to see. Then as she scooted down his body some her tongue flicked across his nipple causing him to arch up into her mouth. He gasped as he brought a hand down to clasp the back of her head.

She mumbled something against him.

"Yes, oh God, yes."

Spike wasn't sure what she had asked but he didn't want to take the time to find out. Anything to keep her from being distracted. She had changed positions so that she was holding her weight on her knees. If he moved just right he could be inside of her tight warmth in one stroke. But as his hand moved down she grabbed hold of it to stop its journey.


She looked briefly up at him before nipping at his stomach. His hand dropped helplessly against the sheet. At this point he thought he could fly if she asked him too. He would promise her the world and anything in it just to have her keep doing what she was doing. All those years of masturbating hadn't prepared him for these feelings. How powerful this act could be. Or how beautiful it was.

Her hands curled around his torso to his back as she continued to explore his stomach with her mouth. Not wanting to miss anything of what she was doing he grabbed the second pillow to prop himself on. So he could watch everything Buffy did as she moved against him. As her tongue flicked into his belly button her hands had moved down to squeeze his ass.
His body coiled in suspense as he waited to see what she would do now. His mind was silently begging that she continue her explorations of him. Then everything in his world exploded as her tongue flicked against the bottom of his cock. She pulled back to look at him. Her eyes met his with a questioning look. This was something else that she had never done before. But she wanted to give to him but was unsure of what to do.

"It's okay. I've never had anyone do it before so I don't think you can do anything wrong." He tried to reassure her with his words and a small smile. As she looked at him then down at the object of her fears he added, "But it's okay if you don't want to."

Somehow knowing that it was okay if she didn't do this gave her the freedom to try. Buffy leaned over him again taking him into her hand. Then she slipped her mouth over the tip running her tongue around it. At this point he couldn't figure out if this felt better than being inside her. With this there was so much going on. Her hand was still wrapped around the base of him while the wet heat of her mouth and tongue teased the top.

Everything in his body wanted to thrust up but he forced himself to lie still under her. His hand came down to twist a lock of her hair around his finger. The alphabet started to play in his head as he tried to keep himself restrained. The last thing he wanted was for Buffy to feel out of control of the situation. She needed the time to become comfortable in what she was doing before he lost it.

Her hand moved from his cock to cup his scrotum in her hand. As she gave it a gentle squeeze he began to say the alphabet out loud. It was just a muttering sound under his breath, as she seemed to swallow him whole. But whatever control he was holding onto was lost as she began to move her mouth up and down his length as a fingernail flicked him on the skin between the two. This time he did thrust up into her mouth just as his hand wrapped in her hair at the back of her head. Buffy pulled back from him as he thrust up. Smiling she moved up over his body again as he eyes followed her. His hand was still in her hair.

"I thought you said had never done that before." He was in awe of what she had done to him and what he still wanted her to do.

"I haven't. My friends talk a lot and I listened."

She was on her hands and knees above him looking down into his eyes. His hand had come up to caress one of the breasts that were right above him. He idly cupped one in his hand then allowed his fingers to roll the nipple. Their gazes became locked as he played with her. As her nerve endings screamed out for more she swallowed back a groan. His free hand moved around to her back to pull her down toward him. To bring her closer to him so that he could suckle on the one his hand wasn’t already engaged with.

Buffy reached for him as she started to lower herself. But wanting to give her what she had given him he moved her hand aside. With one hand on him and one hand on her hip he helped her lower herself down onto him. As she took him in she moved up to a more sitting position. Her hands rested on his stomach for support.

There was shyness in her eyes as she looked down at him. Her body over him fully exposed in the light that came through the back window. But as he looked at her with adoration in his eyes she began to rise and then to come back down. It didn’t take her long to find a rhythm that she was comfortable with as he gave her silent encouragement.

His hands moved along her thighs and hips as she took control of their pleasure. Nothing else mattered except what she was doing to him. A grateful prayer came from his heart that she had come along for him. It made him happy that Drusilla and Darla hadn' t kept their idle promises to him. For this to be his first time would be a beautiful memory that would always bring a smile to his face. If the other two had taken his virginity he knew that it would have been a bumbling embarrassment of an experience. Something that he would have cringed from every time that he thought of it.

Spike looked up at the girl that was riding him and gave her the last of his heart. But somewhere he knew that it had been hers from the start. And long after this was over she would still have it. As she began to change her pace trying to find something that was missing he moved his hand back up her thigh. As he moved it between them she moved back putting her hands on this thighs for balance.

A moan came from deep within her as his fingers moved to separate her. To begin to add to her enjoyment he slowly with circular motions teased her clit. He watched in amazement as her face began to flush and her breathing picked up speed. The changes going on with her as she moved toward her fulfillment gave him satisfaction in itself. His own level of need increased with hers until he was grounding up into her heat as she fought to keep him down. This time he wanted her with him when he came.

"Come on, love, let it go."

As he begged for her to come her eyes flew open wide to meet his. She began to ground back against him. Against his hand. Her need to give him what he wanted was her driving force.

"Spike…don't…. Right there."

Then with a small scream she lost control as he hurried his ministrations. A few thrusts later he found his own release. He pulled her down toward him to cradle her against him. His hand lightly stroked her back while she stretched her legs out alongside his. As their breathing began to return to normal she giggled against him.

"What's up?"

She rose up to look down at him with a big grin on her face.

"We don’t do too bad for a couple of beginners, do we?"

He returned her smile as he rose up to kiss her on the nose.

"Nope, we sure don't."

Chevy Van Main Page
Chapter 6