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undefined Chapter 2 - Bad Girls Go Everywhere
No one said it had to be real,
But it's got to be something you can reach out and feel now
It ain't right, it ain't fair
Castles fall in the sand, and we fade in the air,
And the good girls go to heaven and the bad girls go everywhere

The bar was busy. The rock music poured out into the crowded parking lot. After leaving my bike on the side of the building I made my way to the front door. Handed the man my cover charge and wandered in. I stayed to the side in the shadows. Wanted to see her before she saw me. At first I couldn't locate her but then I spotted her. Standing next to a table apparently taking an order. One of the idiots had the audacity to lean against her as she bent down to hear him. Then she laughed at something he said and walked away.
I almost gasped in shock and desire when I saw her walking away. Her hair was wild and falling all over the place. Her makeup was heavier than I had ever seen. She was wearing a red shirt over a red lace bra. The shirt wasn't buttoned just tied under her breasts. There was a long look at her stomach before the top of her cut off jean shorts began. The waistband had been ripped off and they just hung on her hips and the curve of her ass. Covering her legs were black leather boots lacing up to her knees. I never thought I would see her looking so hot anywhere but in my fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I had come back to the right universe.
She made her way behind the bar to start pulling the draft beers for the guys. When she squatted behind the bar to get something I slid into a seat on the other side of the bar from her and waited.
"I'll be with you in just a minute." She called up to me. A few seconds later her head popped back up with her hands full of napkins. I just smiled as her eyes flew wide with recognition.
"Spike?" She managed to squeak out before she started to drop the napkins. Making a grab for them she disappeared again as knelt to pick up the ones that got away. Laughing at her unease was probably a mistake as she came back up flashing fire.
"I have to take care of my customers. Arnie will take your order." She turned and stomped off with a full tray of drinks.
A rather large man with a gut to match came over and stood in front of me. He didn't look real happy that I was messing with one of his 'girls'.
"Sorry pal. Knew the chit a while back. Just got back into town and I guess I surprised her." I tried to explain to Arnie. Wouldn't hurt to do a little male bonding with the guy because I planned on keeping myself right here until Buffy got off work.
"Don't care. Don't start trouble and if you're sitting you had better be ordering." He told me.
Oh, well, so much for making friends.
"Whiskey. And a draft to wash it down." I laid my money down on the bar first so he knew I was serious.
After getting my drinks I moved to a table in the corner. Figured I would get out of the way but yet get a clear view of the action. Well, actually so I could keep an eye on Buffy. She seemed at ease here. It was clear that she knew a lot of the regulars and they knew her. But they also seemed to respect her. Not to say they weren't feeling what they could when they could. It just wasn't overly vulgar grabs. Maybe she had taken a few out along the way and word had gotten out.
Time dragged out as I waited. Another waitress named Mitzi came over once in a while to bring me more beer. Kept tipping her good. Not my usual style but I knew she would let Buffy know. A man has to make an impression anyway he can.
After about two hours Buffy made her way over to my table and sat down across from me.
"I'm on break." She explained as she reached for my pack of smokes and lighter.
I leaned back in my chair and watched her. There were no innocent moves on her part. She shook a cigarette out and lit it with practiced ease. Exhaling smoke in my direction she looked up at me.
"So, what's going on, pet?" I asked her as she just silently watched me.
"Work here now. Have been living at your place. Other than that not much." She tried to explain in a nonchalant voice. It might have worked for someone who didn't know her like I did. I could hear the pain hiding behind her words.
"Mmmm, so why have you been…Hey, that's my shirt you've got on." The familiarity of the red shirt finally struck me as she was sitting so close.
"Sorry, went with the look." She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back.
"Matched the bra?"
I couldn't help it. Now that her shirt and bra had been brought up in conversation my eyes went down to her tits. She had to have been wearing one of those push up things because they were defiantly straining upwards and together. The bra only had the lace and I could see the whiteness of her skin under it. My eyes closed as the image of her burned its way into my brain and the message was being sent to my groin. I heard her laugh and opened my eyes to find her face only inches from mine. Her breath softly caressed my face and I inhaled just so that I could have a part of her in me.
"You doing okay there, Spike?" She asked me in a breathy little whisper.
Then as I tried to strangle out an answer she leaned back and took another drag of her cigarette. She was enjoying my response to her. Suddenly she switched gears and stood crushing out the remaining of her smoke.
"Are you going to wait until I get off?" She asked me looking at the wall behind me.
"Yeah, I'll wait and give you a ride home."
Buffy looked quickly at me and smiled before she walked off. I waited and watched. Watched her moving around taking care of customers. Trying to become acquainted with this woman who had taken my Buffy's place. She looked the same, smelled the same, walked the same but she sure wasn't acting the same. I wondered what the hell they had done to her while I was gone to make her run like this. The girl I knew was self-righteous and a little priggish but this woman wasn't. She knew what she had and she worked it to the max to make the tips that kept flowing her way. Not that I blamed her. You had to do what you had to do.
Finally, Arnie made the last call and the place began to empty out. The girls started clearing out and putting the chairs on the table. I stood and started to help them with the chairs. Mitzi was talking a blue streak at me. Telling me how nice I was to help and that I must really care to have hung around all night for Buffy. I just made little comments to let her know that I wasn't ignoring her but I really could care less. After the chairs were up I went and waited outside for Buffy.
She came out of the building calling out to the other girls to have a good night. As she came up to me she pulled my flask out of her coat pocket and took a swig of whatever was in it. We made our way over to my bike. She climbed behind me scooting close enough for me to feel her against my back. Placing her hands on my waist she told me she was ready. As I went to kick start the motor her leg bumped against mine. Swallowing back my reaction I started to head for the crypt. The night air was cool as I concentrated on driving. Not allowing myself to indulge in the feel of her so close. Six months away and my nerves were doing a damn happy dance at her being so close to me.
Every once in a while her hand would move away from me and I knew she taking another drink from the flask. When we had to stop for a light I reached back for it. She handed it to me bottom first so our hands wouldn't have to touch. I took a long swallow of the fiery liquid after first running my tongue across the opening. Just wanted to taste her on the metal. The whiskey settled into my stomach with a slow burn unlike the feel of her, which was a hot fire against me.
Once we reached the crypt she walked ahead of me and slipped inside while I put the bike away. There was another crypt close by that I kept it in. I lit a cigarette on the way back to settle the uneasy feeling in my gut. Buffy was pouring a drink when I walked in. She was mixing whiskey and diet soda in a glass. I walked over to her as she stuck her finger in the glass and swirled the liquids together. As she started to move her finger toward her mouth I grabbed it and pulled it toward mine instead. Her eyes widened in surprise as I sucked the liquid from her finger. A jolt of electricity ran through my body ending at my cock. It had been in a partial state of arousal since I had found my t-shirt and now it was at full attention. But before I could do anything about it Buffy pulled away from me with a jerk.
"I'm going to go and get changed."
She picked up her drink and headed downstairs to the bedroom. This night was going to be a long one as I headed for the chair to wait for her.

Chapter 3