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undefined Chapter 37 - Some Days You Gotta Dance

Some days you gotta dance
Live it up when you get the chance
'Cause when the world doesn't make no sense
And you're feeling a little too tense
Gotta loosen up those chains and dance

"Spiiiiiike." Dawn screamed my name and scared the living shit out of me. I turned around to see what she was doing. Just standing by the door. Giles was beside her. I raised my eyebrow at her as she started to laugh at me. Then prissily she walked over to the ladder and turned the music down.

"Did you have it up loud enough?" She smirked at me. "And been practicing the dance moves I see."

"And does that give you the right to come into my house and scare the shit out of me?" I had forgotten that Giles was standing there but he didn't seem upset at me for cussing in front of her. Actually I was more than a little uncomfortable that they had caught me.

It was just one of those days when you feel good and a little music makes it better. The station was tuned to a classic rock station here in town. They played the stuff that I liked. When Dawn turned it down it had been playing a little Bad Company and I had been singing and swaying along to the music while I ripped wallpaper off the living room wall. She had thought it was great that she had caught me in a moment that was embarrassing to me.

"Well, at least we are even now, Spike." Giles said with amusement in his eyes. Now, I couldn't hold it against him anymore about the day I caught him singing in his apartment. Freebird. Who would have thought that Giles was into that type of music?

"I know Dawn wasn't supposed to be over this afternoon but I have to go and meet with a couple of vendors. It's a dinner appointment. Can she stay with you?" He asked after we had acknowledged our moments of invaded privacy.

School had started today and we had decided earlier that her visits weren't going to be as frequent. She had to really apply herself this year after her grades had slipped last year.

"There is going to be a woman there." She announced as if that was why he was going. I looked back at him as he pulled his glasses off and started to clean them. Yep. There was a woman involved.

"Is she hot?" I asked him just to return the embarrassment favor. To move things back in my court. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

"No, I would not describe her as hot. Not that she isn't attractive but this is a business dinner. And only a business dinner." He tried to cover himself as he slipped his glasses back on.

"Uh-huh." Dawn and I both said at the same time. Neither of us believed him. But I decided to let him off the hook.

"Yeah, it's fine that she stays."

He told me thanks and to make sure she did her homework. Before she did anything else. I nodded my head. And he left me a few more instructions and I just kept nodding. Finally he laughed when he realized what he was doing. I knew all of the rules when it came to her. After all, she had tried to get me to break every single one of them.

After he left she sat at the table and started to tell me about her day at school.

"The classes are pretty much boring. But I have world history and figured you could help me with that. Right?" She paused to get a response from me. I had turned my attention back to the living room walls. At her question I mumbled something to the effect of sure. "And Spike, oh my God, there is this new boy at school. His name is Joshua and is in two of my classes. We were talking and I told him about the Bronze. So, if he goes this weekend will you take me?"

"A boy. You're too young. No." I didn't even bother to look at her. After the fiasco last Halloween I didn't trust her judgment about boys. And I would have to find a way to kill anyone that touched her.

"I am not too young. Buffy was dating at my age. And she was with Ang…" She stopped when she realized what she said. That argument wouldn't get her anything she wanted.

"And look how that turned out. No." Not going to go there. Just ignore it and keep going.

"Spike, please. Giles already said yes. And we'll invite everyone else so you won't be bored. And you'll be there to watch me."

"Giles said yes without checking with me?" Didn't believe that one for a minute.

"Well, he said if you said yes then he would." She pleaded. Before I even turned around I knew she had that look. Giles wouldn't want her to go without one of us with her. And because he sure didn't want to hang out at the Bronze to watch her.

"Why me? Why not ask one of the girls?'

"Because. Please."

"Don't you have homework?"

"Yes. And the sooner that you agree I can get started and you can continue your wallpaper dance." Laughter laced her voice as she reminded me of my earlier unguarded moment. I had a feeling that I would be reminded of it quite often. "Or I can tell everyone that Spike likes to dance."

"Go ahead." Not going to give into blackmail. Not even for her.

"Pleeeeeeese." She was on her last tactics. The whine. The one thing that really irritated me. She reminded me of Harmony when she did that. And that was not a good trip down memory lane.

"Fine. Everybody else goes. I'll go." She had her agreement but on a condition so there was still hope it wouldn't go through.

"Thank you, Spike." I turned to look over at her as she opened her books and settled down to her homework.

But of course it was me and my luck. Sometimes I really thought that everything was stacked against me because everyone decided to go. Friday night found me waiting for Willow and Tara to pick me up. To go chaperone Dawn. Xander and Anya were picking her up and we were all meeting there. She had called me earlier to tell me thank you again. And to give me rules to follow around this boy. No threatening looks. No warnings. No stalking them all over the place. And no embarrassing her. I never agreed. And I am sure that the others wouldn't either.

It was in the car that Tara told me the one thing that really made my night. Dawn was up to her old tricks. She had invited Buffy and Richard to meet us there. Not only would I have to put up with him, but I looked a loser because I was the only single one there. Dawn was in trouble. Every single one of those rules would be broken now. She had no idea what torment was. But she would tonight.

The three of us were the last ones there except for Buffy and Richard. Dawn was all dolled up looking older than she should. As we all stood there talking and saying hi. She suddenly grabbed my arm digging her nails in.

"He's here. Oh my God. He's here."

"I kind of figured that. Would you like to let go of the arm?" Sarcasm laced my words. This was not setting too well with me. I looked up and Xander wasn't looking any happier than me. Then we turned to look at this boy that had Dawn all in a tizzy. He came walking up to us with Dawn being the only thing he was looking at. I gave him a quick once over just to set the kill factor. He was almost as tall as I was with black curly hair and gray eyes. I guess the girls would call him good looking. Hmmph he still wasn't good enough for her.

Dawn introduced him to all of us. She left me for last.

"Josh, this is my brother, Spike." I looked down her in surprise. "Well, kind of like my brother."

Dawn was still holding out on the Buffy and me thing. That was the only reason for that comment that I could think of. He put his hand out for me to shake. I looked down at it hesitating for a moment then reached out to shake it. Even if I was going to torment Dawn I would try to give him a chance. Josh asked her to dance then reached for her hand to lead her to the dance floor with him.

"I'll kill him if he lays a hand on her." Xander and I said at the same time then looked at each other and laughed. Dawn was not going to have an easy time with dating. Not with the two of us watching out for her.

"So, what's so funny?" Buffy suddenly appeared next to me with Richard right behind her.

"These two protecting Dawn from her new boyfriend." Anya supplied the answer because everyone else was a little tense. It was still the Richard and me thing. We hadn't been in the same place since the last time we were all at the Bronze. And the night that was a fiasco. I just took a step back away from everyone. Let them make the first move.

But Buffy got all excited about seeing what Josh looked like. She took off with the girls to go and check him out. To do that girl talk thing which they couldn't do with us men around. But this unfortunately left Richard, Xander and I standing there in an awkward silence. I had made my peace with things but that didn't mean I wanted to socialize with him. Xander stood between us trying to figure out what to say. Since neither of us were offering any conversation starters.

"Anybody wanna play a game of pool." Xander offered as a way out of this uncomfortable situation. It was one way of us doing something that wouldn't involve much more than idle talk. Richard agreed but I told them I would catch up with them later and headed for the bar.

Richard came to lean against the bar next to me just as they were delivering the beer I had ordered. I gave him a sidelong look as he ordered himself one. After the bartender went off to get it he looked over at me.

"I do love her." He said to me as he started to play with a napkin shredding it by the corner.

"And do you want me to say congratulations or something." I didn't even bother to turn and look at him. Honestly, I could care less how he felt. She was the only one that I was concerned about.

He gave a small forced laugh at my comment.

"No. Wasn't expecting anything from you. Just wanted you to know that I do care about her. I wasn't looking for anything then bam one day she was there. Never met anyone like her before."

His beer was brought over to him and I waited while he paid for it. He started to play with the beer bottle moving it around in circles. Then he took a long swig of it.

"She told me some stuff about the two of you. How much you have always been there for her. And that you agreed to let her go so she could figure things out." He paused for a minute as he blinked his eyes a few times. I finally turned to him.

"And why are you telling me all this? Do you expect us to become chums or something?" I was feeling a little bit exasperated with him. If that's what he wanted then he was in for a surprise because he wasn't getting it.

He still didn't look at me as he kept playing with the bottle. I sighed as I looked out over the crowd. Just as I was starting to step away he started talking again.

"You have this really strong bond with her. A past that I can't compete with. And it's not like she left you because you were a bastard or anything. That I could fight. But when we're together it's like a big piece of her isn't there."

I stepped back to lean against the bar facing him.

"And I know that part of her is with you. No matter what she decides I'll never have that piece of her heart. It's always going to be yours." He finally looked up at me. As my eyes met his I realized that we were both feeling the same when it came to her. Confusion and helplessness. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. Trying to fight the feeling of empathy I was having for him.

Looking back over the crowd again I tried to figure what to do next. If Buffy was with him I knew he had to be alright. And he was a friend of Xander's too. It was only two more weeks until he left for Dallas anyway. Maybe with a bit of effort I could be civil to him.

"Xander said that he was helping you tomorrow to put in your new cabinets. If you'd like I could come over and help. Bring one of my buddies to make it easier." He offered like I would actually accept.

Then I saw her standing by the stairs looking at me. When she realized who was next to me she started to hurry toward us. I turned back to him before she could get there.

"Yeah, that would be great. I'd appreciate the help."
It seemed the best thing to do at the time. Give in to him. And his scheme to be the better man. I don't know maybe he was being sincere. Probably was. But if I didn't go along then it would be my fault. Didn't need to lose anymore ground. Besides I wasn't worried about the competition. There wasn't any as far as I was concerned.

Xander was the first to arrive at my house on Saturday. And as we were setting up a plan for the day Buffy and Richard showed up with his friend, Sam. As Richard and Sam came into the house they started to look around. Noticing the blankets that covered most of the window. Of course, he had to ask about them. Buffy and I looked at each other and I shrugged. Let her deal with it. He was her problem. She quickly stammered out I had some kind of skin condition making me sensitive to sunlight. He looked at me kind of funny but left it at that. But, oh well, didn't really care what he thought of me.

Last to arrive was Josh. The boy was smart and had figured out last night that his biggest obstacle to Dawn was Xander and I. Of course, Giles and Buffy held the final say so on whether or not she could date. But he knew he didn't stand a chance if we didn't like him. When he had heard the plans for the day he had volunteered to help. And we had accepted. It would give us a chance to get to know him some more.

Being how Sam also worked with Xander and Richard, the three of them took over the installation of the cabinets with Josh and me helping. I ended up being glad that they took over because it ended up being a faster process than it would have been otherwise. They knew what they were doing and I probably would have been more of a hindrance as I learned the process.

Buffy stayed in the living room most of the day watching television or reading the magazines she had brought. I knew why she had come. To make sure Richard and I didn't end up in a brawl. Not that there would have been much of one with the chip in my head. At least I thought I knew why she was there because as the day progressed she started to watch me. It was subtle at first then it was more and more. Her eyes bore into me but as soon as I turned around she would look away. Then I started to look at Richard when she did it but he didn't seem to notice. I decided to ignore it as we continued to get the cabinets in.

Around four the rest of the girls showed up. They had brought pizza, wings and some snack foods with them. And beer and soda to drink. They let us know that it was time to stop whether we were done or not. Dawn was carrying some movies they had rented for us to watch. Apparently, the four of them had spent the afternoon shopping and had decided to surprise us. I suspected that it was actually Dawn's plan since she knew Josh was over. Tara confirmed my suspicions later. And told me they had gone along with it because they didn't want to disappoint her. And they had liked the boy.

The last couple of weeks I had started getting use to having the Scoobies over but there were other people there now. People who had no clue what I was or the kind of life that the group actually lived. I tried to stay in the background while I got comfortable with them there. Especially Richard. He assumed the boyfriend role again as we started to relax. After everyone had helped themselves to the pizza and wings I went over to fix myself a plate. As I was reaching for some food when she came to stand beside me her hip brushing against mine. I looked at her but she didn't look back. Then her arm brushed against mine as she took a piece of pizza for herself. Then without saying anything or even looking at me she returned to sit next to Richard.

I settled down into my chair as Dawn put the movie in. She sat on the floor with Josh in front of the television. Xander and Anya were across from me in the big chair. On the couch were Tara, Willow, Buffy and Richard all crammed in beside each other. I guess Richard didn't mind as he put his arm around her. That left poor Sam to lean against the corner of the couch next to Willow. As the movie played every once in a while I would look over and Buffy would be watching me. But while she did it she was snuggled into Richard's side. It just didn't set right with me. She couldn't have everything her way. I forced myself to become absorbed into the movie and ignore what she was doing. If she wanted to stare then she could.

As the movie finished up she stood to go and get another soda. As she passed me she laid her hand on my shoulder. Just a light touch but it startled me. I looked over at Richard but he was too busy talking to Sam and Xander to notice. She had spent the last couple of months avoiding me and not being alone with me. Now, she was looking at me and touching me. Teasing me. I wondered if this was a game or if she thought I wouldn't care. Or if she was deliberately trying to start something.

Before they put the second movie in to play I went to my room to get some blood. Buffy was still up getting a drink. But Richard was behind me so I didn't approach her. After it was heated up I crouched down to drink it. Leaning against the wall for support. I looked up in surprise when she came into the room. But as she came in she left the door ajar. I assumed it was so no one would get suspicious of us being alone in here.

"What do you want, Buffy?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I mean with everybody here. And Richard." She was looking everywhere but at me.

"Why aren't you being honest? Don't you think if I wasn't comfortable that I would have done something about it?" I stood and walked closer to her. She took a step back but I didn't advance again. Stood there and watched her expression as I took another drink.

"I don't know. I'm sorry I was just checking on you." She turned to leave but I grabbed her arm as I set my mug on the top of the fridge.

"What are you doing?" Buffy turned to look at me. Her eyes met mine unguarded. I could see the desire that was burning in their depths.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I was just checking on you."

"Not that. I'm talking about this." Without breaking contact with her eyes I ran my finger along the side of her neck. Her eyes closed as a shudder ran through her.

"Don't." Her voice hoarse as her heart beat increased speed.

"Then why did you start? With the looks and the touches?"

Buffy leaned toward me a little closer then pulled away again. Her eyes were back on my chest again.

"I wasn't starting anything."

"Buffy, damn it."

Then she shushed me as we heard a noise in the hallway. I walked over to check it out and when I didn't see anyone there I closed the door. Her eyes widened as I walked back over to her. Let them think whatever they wanted.

"Just tell me one thing then you can run back to your boyfriend. Are you just horny?"

Her mouth opened then closed.

"You pig."

She tried to walk around me but I stood in her way.

"I've heard that before. So, are you horny? Would either of us do? Or is it me? Or is it him? Don't mean to offend you but I'm just trying to figure out what kind of game you're playing?"

"I'm not playing a game." Buffy defended herself.

She kept trying to dance around me but I wouldn't let her by. She finally stopped moving and I thought I was going to get my answer when Tara opened the door.

"Ummm, guys. Your absence is becoming noticeable."

We both turned to look at her and this time when Buffy moved past me I let her go. At the door she stopped and looked at me over her shoulder.

"It's you." Then she slipped out the door. I reached for my blood and drank it down in two swallows while I thought about what she had said. I didn't know if her comment was good or bad. It didn't really leave me room to move.

For the rest of the night she avoided me. Avoided looking at me. Avoided touching me. Tara kept looking from me to her. Trying to figure out what was going on between us. When I caught her eyes once she smiled at me in amusement. I had an insane urge to stick my tongue out at her. But restrained myself. At the end of the second movie everybody broke up and started to leave.

On the way out the door Tara hugged me and wished me good luck in my ear. I squeezed her a little harder and told her to keep wishing. Dawn and Josh had to be shepherded out of the empty dining room. She wasn't happy that they weren't given any time alone. But she didn't need to rush anything. I made a mental note to talk to Buffy about her.

Richard and Buffy were the last ones out the door. I thanked Richard for his help and then he went on out to say good-night to Xander.

Buffy stood next to me as I leaned on the door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…" She was whispering so that no one would hear her.

"It's okay. I realize I am irresistible." I leaned down to whisper it in her ear.

She laughed when she realized I wasn't mad at her about it. It would leave me alone with my hand later but I was getting used to it. After all this time of being away from her it was the only thing I was getting.

"Yeah, you are." A slow blush crossed her face as she realized she had said it out loud. "Oh, God. Look, Richard and I are going to a game tomorrow. Can you handle patrol tomorrow night?"

"Do you have any doubts on what I can handle?"

Her blush became a darker red then she turned to walk out onto the porch. She paused and turned to look at me again.

"I'll see you Monday to patrol? Okay?"

"Whatever you want to do Monday is fine by me."

It was my turn to laugh as I shut the door on her. I was still alone but felt better knowing that it was getting to her too. And she had promised me that she wouldn't do anything with Richard so that meant she was left to feel as frustrated as me. Actually, Richard was probably feeling as frustrated as we were which was fine by me. I kept laughing all the way back to my room as I thought about. But I sobered up when I got there. I could smell her perfume and arousal still hanging in the air. I groaned in frustration because it was back to me, my hand and a few good memories of Buffy.

Chapter 38