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The Paper Chain

“Buffy,” Spike bellowed. “Hurry, now.”

Buffy rolled her eyes as she ran down the hall then turned into the living room. She promptly skidded to a halt as laughter overcame her. It was too much for her to take. Holding her sides, she dropped to the floor, still giggling and pointing at the sight of her vampire and their four-year-old son covered in glitter and small pieces of paper.

“Look Mummy, Daddy is all sparkly,” little William announced, pointing to Spike while he giggled.

“Yes, yes he is,” Buffy said, wiping tears from her eyes. She crawled along the floor until she was next to her boys. A simple Christmas project for the two had turned into their typical disaster. William had come home wanting to make a paper chain like they had in his pre-school class. Spike volunteered, declaring if a bunch of pre-schoolers could then he could too. “Having fun?” She asked him as she started to pick off the paper that was glued to him.

“Bloody unlikely,” Spike growled, reaching for their son and picked paper off of him.

“Shush, your language,” Buffy admonished, looking over to William who was grinning broadly at them. “What happened?”

“I put the glue on and he was supposed to make the chain,” Spike explained. “Except he decided it would look better on Daddy.”

“Daddy wasn’t having fun,” William explained, with a slight quiver to his lower lip. “Is he mad at me?’

“No, I’m not mad,” Spike reassured him. He pulled his son into his lap, and then kissed the top of William’s curly head. “I think the chain is a done deal though.”

“No, need chain,” William insisted. “Mummy help us. She knows how.”

Buffy caught Spike’s eyes before smiling gently at her husband of six years. He tried so hard to be the best father he could. It was just difficult sometimes for him to do things he’d never experienced before. Deciding he needed a boost both in the parental department and between them, she decided to let him have his Christmas present a few days early.

“Okay, I’ll help you two,” Buffy said, ruffling her son’s hair before reaching up to brush some glitter off of Spike’s forehead. “Daddy’s going to have to learn how to do it before your little brother or sister comes along.”

“I’m going to have a brother or sister?” William asked, with wide eyes.

“One day, little man,” Spike said.

“No, in about seven months,” Buffy said, watching as the realization of her words dawned in Spike’s eyes. His eyes filled with tears before he leaned over to kiss her.

“You’re not joking, are you?” Spike whispered.

“No, Luv, very serious,” Buffy replied.


It was all the motivation he needed.

“Okay, chain making 101 needs to start,” Spike announced, standing their son back up. “Let’s go, you two, the tree is waiting.”

It had been a long journey, but every moment was worth it in Buffy’s opinion just so they could get to this point. Love filled their small home giving each member of the small family a security that reached beyond this world. It was all she’d ever wanted and each day was a blessing especially this time of year.

~~~The End~~~

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