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Chapter 16 –  Topsy Turvy World




The microwave beeped but Spike and Angel were too entranced with each other to pay attention to it. Spike’s fingertips traced the planes of Angel’s chest leaving goose bumps in their wake and the brunette shivering from his ministrations. Spike licked one nipple and smiled in satisfaction when it beaded. Angel growled and pulled Spike closer, who didn’t disappoint as he rained kisses upward to nip at his Sire’s throat. He laughed when Angel had enough and pinned Spike between him and the counter. It was playful and loving, their kiss passionate and deep, tongues dueling for pleasure.


“The blood is going to congeal,” Spike whispered, kneading at Angel’s shoulders. “And we need to pick Buffy up.” He pushed at Angel still licking along his neck. “Later, all of us,” he promised.


It was so hard to stop. His body ached for his Sire’s touch; for that claim that told him he belonged to someone. That he would never be alone again in a world that didn’t understand him. Angel’s hands held his face and he was forced to look into eyes that were a fathomless well of emotions. Conflict and devotion warred in those brown pupils and he pulled Angel closer.


“Thank you, Spike,” Angel said. “For not being afraid to tell me when I’m wrong. For keeping me grounded.” He leaned his forehead against his Childe’s. “Just don’t ever forget that I love you and Buffy.”


“I know, Ang, I know,” Spike said, stepping out of arms he could let hold him forever. He opened the microwave to pull out their mugs and handed one to Angel. After taking a sip, he shook his head and added some Berber weed to the liquid. “Much better,” he said after taking a sip.


Taking the lead, Spike headed back to the bedroom. It was almost time for them to pick Buffy up and their room, especially the bed needed to be straightened before she returned. This time had been making love but it didn’t mean they were any less gentle on the furniture or the bed. He picked up the pillows and tossed them in the general vicinity of the bed while Angel righted the nightstand. One of them had kicked out for support and knocked the table halfway across the room.


“Maybe we need a bigger bed,” Spike said. “Just for playing, not sleeping because I like all of us wrapped together.”


Angel smiled and seemed to be contemplating the idea as he studied their current sleeping arrangement. “Might be a good idea. Maybe something with bars in the head and footboards and somewhere to hang the…”


Spike threw a pillow at his Sire, laughing because there was a twinkle in Angel’s eyes as he caught the airborne object. It was going to be all right between them. Angel, not Angelus, really loved Buffy the way she was. There wasn’t going to be ‘lessons’ but they had compromised on letting Buffy choose her own path. In the end it was different things in the Slayer that they were attracted to and loved just like it was different things in them that she loved and needed. Together, somehow, they all received the things they needed.


They moved to separate sides of the bed to make it and Spike reached for the scarves. Bright, silky and with a delicate hint of a perfume that was sensuous enough to make a man heady from desire. An image of Buffy moving over him, tying him to their bed flashed in his mind and Spike closed his eyes to savor it for a moment.


“Hello, boys,” Buffy said, from the doorway. She was leaning casually on the frame, her hands resting on her hips as her eyes devoured them.


“Couldn’t wait for us?” Angel asked, holding his hand out to her. “I’ve missed you.”


“Missed you, too, Baby,” Buffy purred, moving into Angel’s arms. She tugged his head down to kiss him. No premise, no teasing, her tongue darting out even before their lips met. Their hunger for the other was so evident as they fed the other’s ardor. A twinge of jealousy replaced Spike’s desire and he turned from them. Buffy’s hand caught his arm and pulled him back around. “Not so fast, lover.” She was leaning against his Sire now, her bottom pressed to his crotch as she pulled Spike to her. “Need you, too.”


It was the way she kissed him. The way her hands moved over him as if she didn’t already know the spots that gave him more pleasure that whispered something was wrong. He let the kiss continue; let her take the lead until he could figure what that something was. She pulled away him and he watched as she wandered around the room for a moment, only to end up at the foot of the bed.


“Oooh, scarves,” Buffy cooed. “Is it play time?” With deliberate moves Buffy sat on the bed, glanced at them, and then lay back, crossing her wrists. “Who first?”


“Oh, you,” Angel said, crawling onto the bed next to her. His hand slid along her hips and then slapped her bottom. “Up with you.” He waited until Buffy had turned before he looked at Spike indicating that he also knew something was wrong.


Spike joined them on the bed, watching as Angel tied her wrists to the headboard. He slipped his leg between hers, hooking his foot under her knee. Angel nuzzled her neck as his arm draped over her waist.


“So, why the change of mood, Buffy?” Angel whispered, still stroking her gently as he baited her with a lie. “When you left this afternoon, you said an emphatic no to being tied up.”


A brief flash of fear before the girl between them regained her composure. She smiled, “Had time to think about, that’s all. Letting me be at your mercy sounds like fun.”


Angel kissed her as a hand reinforced the scarf at her wrists. “You look like my girl, smell like my girl, but who exactly are you? Because you’re not my girl.”


‘Buffy’ didn’t even try to argue as she attacked. They thought they’d planned it well and would be able to subdue her but she had Buffy’s strength or had knowledge of the body she was in. And she fought for her very life as she surprised them with the fervor of her assault. Spike saw stars when her head slammed into his nose. He saw Angel fly into the wall as she pushed him away from her. Spike tried to follow her with Angel darting around him but she was gone. Vanished into the night and they stared at each other in their failure. But there was still the unanswered questions, who was she? And where the hell was their Buffy?





The sirens were getting louder.


Buffy picked up speed as she moved through the backyards. It was still hard to accept what had happened after she’d seen Faith in her mother’s house. To accept the fight that had destroyed her mother’s living room and several dining chairs, the moment when Faith had grabbed her hand and she found herself looking at herself. Her mother had hurried back into the living room, yelling at her to leave because she’d called the police. A murderer like her had no right being in decent people’s houses and Faith standing there in her body smirking at her. Buffy was just glad that neither had tried to stop her as she ran out the back door.


The only thing she could think of was to get to her vampires. They’d protect her. They’d know what to do. A police car screeched to a stop in front of her and Buffy panicked. It didn’t matter; they’d said they’d shoot her if she tried to run. She stood there as the one cop walked behind her to put the handcuffs on her. She waited until the cold steel of the cuffs grazed her skin that she acted.  In one quick motion, she elbowed the officer behind her in the jaw and disarmed the second with a roundhouse kick to the wrist.  She didn’t bother to check on them and fled, traversing through several backyards before finding the sewer grate and hopping down into the filthy water. Spike had shown her the routes one afternoon when they were bored and wanted a new game to play. For hours they’d played hide and seek in the water system. Thinking back to that day hurt her heart, the possibility that she would never see him again mingled with the realization that she and Angel would never able to work things out.


“No,” Buffy screamed when she remembered the test she had been about to take. What if she was pregnant? Faith wouldn’t care about it. A rush of love for someone that she hadn’t even wanted that afternoon took her by surprise as she picked up speed. Water flew out from where her feet separated it without disregard. She had to get home.


The house was quiet as she crept up to the window. She looked inside, searching for them, they were getting dressed to go and pick her up. Doubts filtered through her belief leaving her edgy. What if they didn’t know it was her? What if they didn’t believe her and turned her into the police? What if they just killed her like they had Riley? Buffy wiped a tear from her cheek and knew she had to try. They were her only hope.


She slipped in through the door by the garden. The foreign shoes on her feet squeaked from being wet and her whole body shook as she silently prayed for help.


“We’ll go by her mother’s first,” Angel said, leading her mate from the bedroom.


Buffy froze as she looked at them and they did the same when they noticed her. Their eyes roved over her and it was then that the tears came in. She wanted them to hold her so bad.


“Angel, Spike,” Buffy hiccupped through her sobs. “Listen to me for just a minute…I’m Buffy.”


Spike reached her first, wrapping his arms around her and then Angel was there too. They knew and she relaxed. It was going to be okay. She burrowed against the strength of their bodies, enjoying the warmth they brought and the smell of sex that still clung to their skin. It was familiar and home.


“What happened, Buffy?” Angel asked. “She was here.”


“You knew; you knew it wasn’t me?” Buffy asked, suddenly afraid of that scent that just a moment ago had comforted her. Had they slept with her?


“Shh, don’t,” Spike said, cupping her cheek. “You’re our girl, even if you…” He giggled and she smacked him. “Sorry, but is still cheating if…” He ran his fingers through Faith’s hair as his eyes lighted on the brunette’s more ample chest.  More tears formed and he kissed the corner of that mouth. “I was joking. I only love you and I much prefer your body.”


“Liar,” Buffy said, turning to Angel to see his reaction but he was glowering as he looked her over. “Is she still here?”


“No,” Angel said. “She got away. See the bruise on your lover’s forehead.”


Her fingers touched the small spot above Spike’s scarred eyebrow that was slightly swollen. It was then that she remembered and fear took her over again as she thought of Faith fighting in her body.


“We have to find her,” Buffy said, clutching at their hands to pull them along. “Hurry, please, before it’s too late.” 


“Hold on,” Angel said not moving. “Tell us what happened.”


“No, I’ll explain later. Please, come on.”


“What aren’t you telling us, pet?”


Damn Spike and his uncanny perception of her moods and needs. Buffy chewed her lower lip. She’d have to tell them before they’d leave. They seemed to circle her, giving her no where to run, forcing her to confess.


“I…Imightbepregnant,” Buffy rushed out. Disbelief and annoyance she expected but she was unprepared for the flare of Angel’s nostrils accompanied by a low guttural growl of jealousy. “I haven’t been with anyone else.”


“Then how and why?” Spike asked. His eyes shining with hurt as he studied her. “If you are then it couldn’t be ours.”


“You think I’d be with someone else?” Buffy asked. Spike’s hurt was mirrored in her own aching heart. They both thought that she was so low that she’d sleep with someone besides them. “I can’t believe it. Jenny said that sometimes it does happen and I have all the symptoms. I told them it was impossible but they wouldn’t listen. Spike, you were there this afternoon when I had the dizzy spell.”


“Let’s go,” Angel said, walking toward the door. “Let’s find Faith and we’ll sort this out later.”


He didn’t believe her or was it that he didn’t want to? Buffy turned to Spike holding her hand out. He looked at it then back up at her and turned to follow Angel. They’d stick together and force her out of the trio. She’d always thought that Spike would follow her if things didn’t work out. It was the one assurance that she’d held onto when she toyed with the idea of leaving Angel behind. But now she knew it was her that would be gone. They were vampires who understood each other and she was just a silly, emotional girl that they had to treat with kid gloves. A sob burst out of her before she could stop it and she turned away when they looked at her.


“I wasn’t with anyone else,” Buffy mumbled. “I wasn’t.”


It was Angel that came to her first, his arm settling across her shoulders, pulling her into the comfort of his body, and whispered, “I know, Buffy, I know.”




A protesting Buffy had been left behind at Giles while Angel and Spike went to find Faith. A phone call to Joyce to explain what had happened revealed that Faith had taken off with a couple of her credit cards. Another phone call let them know that a plane ticket to Mexico had been purchased and was taking off within the hour. They were headed for the airport while Buffy remained behind to help Willow and Tara find a way to reverse the body switch.


The tires of the car squealed as Angel turned a corner leading to the highway. His mind occupied on the conversation with Buffy earlier. Could she be really pregnant? Was it possible? And if she was then who was the father? He knew it was either him or Spike. Like he’d told her he knew she hadn’t been with anyone else. He just hated that he didn’t know if he was sure or not because he trusted her or because he and Spike would have smelled someone else on her. The disclosure and the subsequent conversation had revealed how far apart they truly had drifted. What once had been taken for granted was now being questioned. He sighed and glanced at Spike. His Childe looked as shocked and confused as he was.


“We both need to concentrate on finding Faith,” Angel said. “After that we’ll deal with the other.”


Spike nodded while his fingers drifted along the window. “You’re right but I can’t stop thinking about it…about her.”


“I know, William, it’s just too much to even contemplate.”


They lapsed into silence as Angel concentrated on weaving through the traffic to get them to the airport. Once they reached their destination they settled into a more normal pace unwilling to tip Faith off sooner then they needed. Angel led the way after they got directions to the correct gate. She wasn’t hard to find in the small waiting room. She saw them just as quickly and took off running. Angel was too fast, however, and caught her around the waist.


“All we want to do is talk to you,” Angel said softly. “You have something that belongs to me and I want it back. Not that your body isn’t beautiful but I have a partiality to this one.”


“Forget it, Angel,” Faith said. “You’ll have to do without it.” She wrenched away and screamed attracting the attention of everyone that was within earshot. The two vampires kept an easy pace behind her as she took off running in the confusion. In the parking lot they cornered her. “I’d rather die than go back.”


“You’ve been pretty much that way for the last year or so,” Angel said, taking slow and careful steps toward her. “You mean you prefer it that way or do you want to take a chance on living again.”


“I won’t go to prison,” Faith said, looking around for a way out. She decided to scramble over a car but Spike caught her leg and pulled her back. “No, stop it, you son of a bitch.” She screamed as she fought back. Her heel connected with Spike’s jaw and he loosened his grip. Unable to keep her balance, Faith tipped over and fell against the car, stomach first.


“Oh, my God,” Spike yelled, “The baby.”


He reached for Faith but she seemed to have lost her fight as she slid off the car to face them.


“Baby?” Faith said, her hands going to cover her abdomen. “B’s pregnant?”


“We don’t know for sure,” Angel said. “She has symptoms and was going to take a test tonight to find out.”


“Guess I fucked that up for her, huh?”


“You don’t have to fuck anything up,” Angel said, soothingly. He took advantage of her hesitation to move closer noting that Spike was doing the same. “Let me help you. Go back with us and we’ll do what we can for you.”


“Whose is it?” Faith asked looking from one to the other.


Spike shrugged. “It’s one of ours; not really sure whose but it doesn’t matter because we’re in it together.”


“Who gave Buffy the personality transplant while I was asleep,” Faith said, laughing. “And I thought little Miss Prissy’s new digs with the tattoo and the nose ring was shocking. Hell, that ain’t nothing compared with tight ass B getting it on with two vamps.” She ran shaking hands through her blonde hair. “I get you, Angel, what with being soul man and all…but demon boy? It must be that fine ass shell that gets her all hot and bothered.”


“Try love, sweetheart,” Spike said. “That’s what makes us mates.”


“A lot of things have changed,” Angel said. “Give us a chance to prove it.”


“You know what,” Faith said, patting Angel’s cheek. “This actually works in my favor because I have my own little built in hostage. You’re going to let me walk away because if you don’t then it’s, ‘oh damn, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall down and lose the baby.’ That’s right. I’ll write when I land somewhere.” With a final smirk at them she walked away.


“Faith, please,” Angel said. “I’ll do whatever you want but don’t do this.”


It wasn’t his style to beg but the last couple of hours had hit Angel hard. The thought that a baby might be in their future had him more frightened than he’d ever been but it also was making him look at things differently.


Faith kept on walking. He had to make a decision and he only hoped it worked. Glancing over at Spike, he pointed to Faith’s legs, received the nod and they moved. Angel wrapped his arm around her neck and squeezed; she struggled but was at disadvantage when Spike grabbed her legs. Her cries died in her throat and the Slayer wearing their mate’s body slunk into unconsciousness.


“Time to get our Buffy back,” Angel said, as they deposited Faith into the backseat.



to be continued…



AN: Thanks to DarryJ, my beta, for once again, rewriting all fight scenes so they read like fight scenes and for the help with the Faith speak.

Chapter 17
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