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Chapter 30 – Blood Ties




Spike didn’t want to wake up. The guilt was still there, filling every corner of his being and ruthlessly ripping his heart into shreds. No matter how hard he tried to rationalize his past, it wouldn’t go away. He whimpered when his body continued to bring him to wakefulness instead of letting him slide into oblivion. If only it would go away. The tears started to return but before they could take him over, Spike felt someone crawling into the bed with him.


“Shhh, Spike,” Angel whispered, molding himself to the curve of Spike’s body and wrapping a protective arm around his torso. “I’m here.”


The kindness of the one mate he thought would reject him caused even more guilt in Spike’s heart. He turned over so he could burrow against the larger body of his Sire. The arms tightened around him even more as they settled against one another. He was surprised that here in Angel’s embrace things didn’t look so bad just like when Buffy was holding him. Maybe things would be all right after all. His mates still loved him and that was the most important thing to him.


“I didn’t think you’d want me anymore,” Spike whispered. “I’m not the same.” It was a stupid explanation for his earlier rejection of his Sire but yet it told everything. Garnering Angel’s love had taken several lifetimes to accomplish and he had been afraid that if he wasn’t the vampire Angel had fallen in love with then the love would disappear.


“I’ll always want and love you,” Angel said simply and kissed the top of Spike’s head.


Spike relaxed under the confession. Now, all he had to do was learn to live with this stupid soul he hadn’t wanted to get life back to the way it should be.


“You and Buffy made love,” Spike said, inhaling the scent of the sex from his mate’s flesh. It surprised him after the earlier encounter in the bathroom. It had seemed that Angel and Buffy would once again be embroiled in another argument and struggle for power in which he would be caught in the middle.


“I gave her what she wanted.”


Spike drew back look for the first time to look up at his Sire. He drew fingers along the face he loved so much and saw the truth there in brown depths. The arrogance was gone leaving behind a man who had been humbled by his greatest fears. He didn’t have to be told what Buffy had done to Angel. He knew because she had done it to him. They both needed her love too much. It had been a catalyst for the changes in them both and it was her ultimate power over them. And somehow the demon had found it and yielded that power without a second thought. Spike nodded and let it drop. To make Angel talk about it would be pouring salt on an open wound. Instead he returned to cuddling next to Angel.


“Where’s Buffy?” Spike asked, refusing to move from the comfort of where he was. His question ended up being mumbled against Angel’s chest.


“She’s upstairs getting dressed.”


“Is she handling it okay?”


“Well, enough,” Angel sighed, rolling onto his back and taking Spike with him. Spike didn’t hesitate to follow, entangling his legs with his Sire’s, as they settled into the new position. “She’s seems to be focused on changing things, us, LA and the general way things are being done.”


“I don’t like her like this,” Spike said honestly. “I miss my girl.”


“Shush,” Angel whispered in his ear. “She has our hearing now, too.”


“What happened to us, Ang?”


“I’m not sure,” Angel replied, his hand leaving long strokes along Spike’s back. “I hate to say this but I wish Giles was here to help us get some answers. I don’t think two vampires and a Slayer have claimed each other before so there might not be answers really but only more questions.”


“What about you, Angel? Why didn’t anything happen to you?”


“The only thing I can think of is that I already have a demon and a soul.”


“Well, who the bloody hell, thought I needed a soul and Buffy a demon,” Spike groused. “We were just fine the way we were. Get rid of one fucking leash and get given another one.”


An idea came to him and he leaned up one elbow to look down at his Sire.


“Do you think it was those witches?” Spike asked. “They lied about thinking it was fine and decided to do a spell? A spell that obviously got wonked up because they sure as hell wouldn’t do that to Buffy but…”


“No,” Angel said. “I don’t think so because they wouldn’t know what we did. Whatever happened, it was during our orgasms.”


“Best bloody cumming I ever had,” Spike said, smiling but then it faded just as quickly. “Why did you do it, Angel? Do you really think that we would stop loving you?”


“You thought it,” Angel said, scooting out from under Spike. He walked over to the dresser and grabbed Spike’s smokes. “Hell, we all do. Buffy was afraid I was going to stop loving her, you think you have to stay the same bad ass vamp for me to love you, and I’m afraid that the love between you two is strong enough to exist without me in the middle. We’ve been together for months, we’ve done the claim once before but still we’re all acting like we’re alone when we’re not.”


Spike watched as his Sire lit two cigarettes then handed him one. He took a deep drag and patted the bed for Angel to join him again. Angel settled with his back against the headboard with his knees drawn up.


“Why does she still love us after what we did?” Spike mumbled, afraid of making it anymore real than it was. Somewhere in the morning he had faced what he had done to Buffy, her cries of pain and her pleas for him to stop, echoed over and over his head. It hadn’t been about pleasure. It had been about the power of being able to hurt someone again. He wanted that power and had taken it without a second thought of what he was doing to Buffy.


“I don’t know,” Angel said, taking a deep drag. “Maybe it’s why she isn’t fighting the demon. She’s too hurt and angry to deal with us so she’s letting it control her.”


“She’s acting kind of like Angelus…”


“And talking like you…”


“So, is the demon trying to be like us or is it a part of us?”


“I don’t know, Spike, I just don’t know.” Angel sighed and stubbed out the cigarette. “I wish I had the answers. The one thing I know is that no matter how insecure we are the connection between us is stronger. I can feel the both of you inside me. If I reach out to Buffy I can find her…”


Spike furrowed his brows in curiosity. The only thing he had been able to feel all morning was the guilt but maybe because it was like Angel said about Buffy. He wasn’t fighting back but had let the feelings from the soul take him over. No matter what he did now he couldn’t change the past. It had been done, for whatever reason, and no matter how bad he felt he couldn’t undo the damage. He could only go forward and try to do the right thing from thereon out.


Thus accepting responsibility he pushed the emotions aside and concentrated on his mates. A tingling feeling rushed through his blood and then he felt Angel first. It was almost like looking through those brown eyes and looking back at himself. A warm glow infused him at the rush of love he felt from his Sire. He could actually feel the way Angel felt, like being in his skin. With a grin, Spike started a search for Buffy, wondering what it would feel like to have her connected to him, too. He felt Angel’s hand entwine with his then she was there. He could sense her movements upstairs in the bedroom then she stopped.


Something was happening because Buffy was reaching back. The glow grew in intensity until it was a hot flame licking at him. Spike could see it in Angel’s face that he felt it too. A sense of power came over him like there wasn’t anything he couldn’t defeat if he wanted to. Whatever was happening to them was growing in intensity but before they could see where it took them, the phone rang breaking them from their trance.


Spike was still trying to shake the dizziness from him when he heard Buffy running down the stairs. Her frantic pace letting him know that something was wrong. Angel felt it too as he jumped up and headed toward the living room with Spike on his heels.


“It’s Dawn,” Buffy said. “She’s disappeared again.”




The three were almost running as they came through the hospital entrance. Buffy was leading the way with Spike and Angel right behind her. Joyce had a doctor’s appointment for a post-surgery checkup and had taken Dawn with her. Willow and Tara had tagged along to keep Dawn busy while Joyce was in with the doctor. The last anyone had seen of the littlest Summers was when she had taken off to find a vending machine.


They turned down the last corridor to the waiting room when Willow and Tara came running up to them.


‘Thank goodness, you’re here,” Willow said. “Your mother is frantic and we’ve been looking everywhere.”


“Why wasn’t someone with her at all times?” Buffy growled.


Angel could see the moment that the witches saw the amber eyes. Their own eyes grew wide and Willow actually took a step back. Willow glanced between Spike and him with a questioning look. Angel just shook his head and mouthed, “Later.” They had to find Dawn first.


A pair of doctors was coming down the hall the other way and the four moved to the side to let them past. “Found him in the break room,” one of the doctors said as he passed them. “You guys gotta see him. His head’s almost twisted clean off.”


“Glory,” Buffy said, turning to watch the two men disappear around a corner.


There was a familiar scent on the air. It was a scent that Angel and Spike both knew. A quick glance between them and Spike was opening his mouth to tell Buffy what they knew when she leaned her head back and sniffed the air.


“Isolate the one you know,” Angel encouraged. “It’s Dawn’s fear. Follow it.”


Angel never would have allowed Dawn to be in danger a moment longer than necessary but he wanted Buffy to know what she was doing. It didn’t matter anyway because Buffy took off at a trot with the rest of them behind her. There weren’t any doubts as they followed the scent. It kept growing stronger and when Buffy kicked in the door to the exam room it revealed exactly who they thought it would be. Glory and Dawn.


“Get away from my sister,” Buffy warned.


Dawn scurried over to them and Spike sent her off to a corner to hide.


“Hey, we were just talking about you,” Glory said.


“Conversation’s over, hell-bitch,” Buffy said, swinging the first punch.


Angel and Spike circled around to the sides of the two fighting females. Watching, waiting to offer help when needed but for the moment it seemed equal. Buffy was giving as good as she was taking, slamming Glory into a display case. The slayer went in for another punch but was kicked back. Glory stumbled as she stood again and Spike grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her.


“I thought you said this skank was tough,” Spike said, chuckling.


It was the wrong thing to taunt Glory with because at that moment she broke free and flipped Spike. Angel took his opportunity and punched as Buffy came up on the other side. Between the two they sent Glory rocking between them and their punches. Spike was quick to recover and wanted to add to the fray. The three began to move in synchronicity as they beat Glory. The connection between them flared again sending more power into their punches. Glory was backed into a corner when she found Dawn. She reached down and grabbed Buffy’s little sister by the hair, hauling her up. The trio froze as they watched Glory wrap her hands around Dawn’s throat.


“Back off now,” Glory threatened. “Or little sis won’t have her head.”


The trio looked for an opening, a space that would allow them to get Dawn free from Glory who was inching toward the door. Spike was moving around toward the door when chanting could be heard behind them. It was growing louder and Angel knew that Willow was gaining power. He didn’t know what she was doing but if it would give them what they needed that was all that counted.


Then she yelled one word, “Discede.”


Glory disappeared in a cloud of dust.


“What did you do?” Buffy asked even while she was catching Dawn.


“Teleportation spell,” Willow said, wiping at blood that dripped from her nose. “Still working out the kinks.”


“Where’d she go?” Spike asked.


“I don’t know,” Willow said. “That’s one of the kinks.”


“Well, at least she’s gone for now,” Angel said. “Maybe we had better go find Joyce so she’s not worried.”


The group gathered themselves together to leave when they noticed Tara staring at them oddly.


“What’s the matter?” Spike asked.


“I’m sorry,” Tara said, shyly looking away. “It’s just…” Her fingers plucked at her skirt.


“What is it, baby?” Willow asked. “Do you know something?”


Tara looked back at them. “It’s your energies. Usually they’re really distinct, different colors actually but now they’re…”


“They’re what?” Dawn asked, stepping away from Buffy.


“They’re mixed up,” Tara explained. “It’s like someone cut them into little pieces, mixed them up and passed it out between you. It’s like with Spike, he’s got his own plus pieces of Buffy and Angel’s energies in him.”



to be continued…

Chapter 31
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