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 Chapter 41 - Spiral




Something wasn’t right. Buffy could feel it through to her soul. She looked around making sure that everyone was in position. It wasn’t necessary. They were and had been since the first attack on the perimeter. Angel and she were at the front windows downstairs, Xander and Anya were at the upstairs window, Giles and Jenny were at the back of the house while Tara and Willow were ready to supply weapons or whatever backup was needed.


The protection spell was fading. It would only be a matter of moments before Glory punched her way through and the real battle would begin. Everyone was tense but ready. There was less than twenty-four hours before the time of the ritual. After that it wouldn’t matter. Buffy closed her eyes for a moment as she hoped that Spike was able to get Dawn out of town without incident. Everything hinged on it.


“You okay?” Angel asked.


“No, but I will be,” Buffy said.


It was only seconds but it seemed they shared almost a lifetime of love as they stared into each other’s eyes. Everything they needed to say was given in that one glance. She smiled at her Angel and knew that whatever the outcome, everything had been worth it.


“They’re through,” Xander yelled from upstairs.


“Coming through the back,” Giles shouted from the rear of the house.


Glory’s minions seemed to be appearing from nowhere. Little blobs of brown that flooded across the lawn and straight toward the house. Buffy raised her cross-bow, aimed and let it fly. She hit one and even as it fell to the ground, there were more to take its place. Windows broke as they crawled into the house. She could see the arrows flying from the upstairs window as Xander and Anya tried to stop some.


“Buffy, they’re in the garden,” Willow shouted, grabbing an axe and heading toward the French doors. Tara was right behind her.


Footsteps pounded down the stairs as Xander and Anya came down to help with the invasion of the downstairs. Anya armed with a bat attacked one that was coming in from the kitchen. While Xander rushed out to help Willow and Tara.


“They’re like cockroaches,” Buffy groused as she fought hand to hand with one.


They were everywhere at once. Angel was fighting with two. He snapped one’s neck after he threw one across the room. Jenny came running in from the back with Giles right behind her. Buffy signaled for them to head for the garden. Contain them and they’d have better luck if all of their forces were fighting as one.


Buffy quickly surveyed the area as she burst outside. Tara was hurt but Willow was guarding her. The red head was using her magic to send the enemy flying. The next few minutes were chaotic as they fought against the minions. Everyone gave everything they had. Their standing line besides Buffy was Angel, Xander and Giles. The other women stood behind them offering back up when needed.


Finally the last remaining few were running. Buffy turned to see who was wounded. Tara was standing again but there was a large cut drawn across her forehead. Anya was nursing her arm and Xander was holding onto his side.


“Let’s get inside and get everybody looked at,” Buffy said. She put a hand on Angel’s arm to keep him from following.  “We have something else to worry about.”


“What’s that, Buffy?”


“Where the hell is Glory?”




Spike leaned forward. “Step on it, Faith, I think there’s someone following us.” He turned back around as the van lurched forward. The car speeded up, too. Dawn went to pop her head up and he pushed it back down. “Stay down, niblet, don’t want anyone seeing you.”


Things had been going like clockwork up until now. They had found the exit through the water lines easily enough. From there it hadn’t been hard to find Wesley and Faith waiting for them and to start the ride into Los Angeles. Spike reprimanded himself because he should have known it had been too easy.


“Watch out, Faith,” Wesley said. “The car is coming up beside us.”


Faith swerved the van to avoid the car aimed at their side. She sped up hoping to lose it but the smaller car gained on them again. This time it darted out in front of them forcing Faith into a tailspin. The van was skidding out of control and Spike jumped forward to help.


“I can’t get the wheel to straighten out,” Faith yelped, as she and Spike both tried to get the vehicle back in the right direction. It continued to slide until it bumped over the edge and finally stopped half in a ditch.


“Grab weapons,” Wesley shouted.


“Stay under the blanket,” Spike told Dawn as he covered her with it. “Don’t move unless I tell you to.”


“Okay,” Dawn said.


There were three minions along with a man climbing out of the car. It took Spike a moment to recognize him. It was Ben from the hospital. He furrowed his brow as he wondered why the doctor was with Glory’s minions then suddenly he became Glory. He shook his head as he contemplated if he had gone mad or not. There wasn’t time though as he followed Wesley and Faith out to stand defensively in front of the van. He watched as Glory approached them with apparently no fear of them or the weapons they bore.


“Which one of you is my key?” Glory asked looking first at Faith then to Wesley.


“’Fraid you got the wrong people,” Spike said, stepping out in front of the others. “Don’t know anything about your soddin’ key.”


“Search the van,” Glory instructed one of her minions. “Make sure they haven’t hidden anyone.”


“Don’t think so,” Spike said.


Wesley and Faith moved forward to flank him. He glanced at both of them to make sure they were ready before swinging at Glory. She grabbed his wrist, trying to bring him to his knees but he kicked out to knock her off balance. She teetered for a moment in the boots that were too big for her feet but managed to keep from falling.


“That was a mistake, vampire,” Glory said. She grabbed a handful of his hair, twisting him around. “You are expendable to me because you are nothing.” She flipped him easily with a flick of her wrist, sending Spike down onto the black asphalt with a loud thud.


Spike rolled to his stomach as the blonde god reach for Wesley. The Watcher had been beating one of the minions with an axe handle until Glory grabbed his wrist. The snapping of bone was louder than the repeated thuds of flesh upon flesh. Wesley didn’t cry but only tried to retaliate with his other hand. It was almost watching slaughter as Spike pushed himself back on his feet. Faith was going back and forth against the other two of Glory’s helpers but she was backed against the van.


“Fuck you bitch,” Spike snarled, vamping out and tackling Glory to the ground. He unleashed all his pent up anger on her, raining blows on her repeatedly as he watched her expression turn to one of fury. 


“Spike, watch out,” Wesley called


The blow came to the back of his head before he was able to react. Stunned, he fell on top of the enraged Glory. He was unceremoniously pushed off of her and through blurred vision he watched her stand up.


“You can’t stop me,” Glory said, grabbing Wesley before Spike could move. She smashed his face into the side mirror. This time Wesley did cry out. Blood gushed from the wounds caused by the glass that was still imbedded in his face. Everyone seemed to freeze as Glory pulled the man to her. She licked along his chin, made a face before she spit it back out. “You’re not my key.” Pushing Wesley toward her minion, she headed toward Faith.


Ignoring the blinding pain that was echoing in his skull, Spike jumped up to his feet. He reached the minion before he was able to grab Wesley. Wrapping his hands around the grotesque little thing’s head, he snapped it with one clean twist. He dropped it to the ground as he reached for Wesley.


“Spike, help,” Faith called.


Looking over, he saw that Faith had managed to immobilize one of the minions but the other one had her pinned while Glory pummeled her. Spike quickly put the newly unconscious Wesley on the ground before rushing to the Slayer’s aid. Faith kicked out at Glory but she only laughed as she caught the leg.


“When are you, people, going to learn?” Glory mocked as she brought her knee up into Faith’s. The snap was audible. Unable to stand, Faith slid to the ground. Spike realized he was the last holdout between this god and Dawn. He quickly assessed the situation as he advanced on Glory. She was kneeling beside the fallen Slayer. “This is going to hurt, precious.” A jagged piece of the mirror was jabbed into Faith’s arm then brought up to the blonde’s mouth. “Not you either.” She laughed. “Well, well, it seems there must be somebody hiding. Dreg, search the van like I told you to before.”


“Back off or he dies,” Spike said, grabbing the minion and holding him in front of him.


“Do you really think I care about that little puss filled cavity face?” Glory said. “Kill him. All I want is my key.”


It was then that everything changed. The minion that Faith had previously rendered unconscious had disappeared. Spike looked around when he realized it was missing but it was too late. The axe handle landed on the back of his head again. He let go of Dreg as he tried to defend himself but the blows kept raining down on him. The dizziness was overwhelming and he fell to his knees.


“Spike, help me, please.”


He heard Dawn’s crying for him but she seemed so far away. His head lolling to the side he watched as Glory changed back to Ben as they dragged Dawn away. Faith tried to crawl to help but Ben placed a well aimed kick to her face that sent her sprawling backwards. His last conscious thought was that he had failed…again. He allowed the darkness to overwhelm him as the first rays of the new morning shone on his boots.



to be continued…

Chapter 42
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